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(1950) Resources

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E-Journals (1883) Conferences & Proceedings (2) E-Books (57) Encyclopedias & Subject Dictionaries (7) Handbooks, Tables, Properties & Datasheets (1)

4OR: Quarterly journal of the Belgian French and Italian operations research societies
Holdings: 2003-


AAPS journal
Holdings: 1999-


AAPS PharmSciTech
Holdings: 2000-


Abdominal Imaging
Holdings: 1997-


Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Hamburgischen Universitat
Holdings: 1997-


Academic Psychiatry
Holdings: 1997-


Academic questions
Holdings: 1997-


Accreditation and quality assurance
Holdings: 1997-


Acoustical physics
Holdings: 2000-


Acta analytica
Holdings: 2002-


Acta applicandae mathematicae
Holdings: 1997-


Acta Biotheoretica
Holdings: 1997-


Acta diabetologica
Holdings: 1997-


Acta endoscopica
Holdings: 1997-


Acta ethologica
Holdings: 1999-


Acta Geophysica
Holdings: 2006-


Acta geotechnica
Holdings: 2006-


Acta Informatica
Holdings: 1997-


Acta Mathematica
Holdings: 1882-


Acta mathematica Hungarica
Holdings: 1997-


Acta mathematica sinica
Holdings: 1997-


Acta mathematicae applicatae Sinica
Holdings: 1997-


Acta Mechanica
Holdings: 1997-


Acta mechanica Sinica
Holdings: 1997-


Acta Neurochirurgica
Holdings: 1997-


Acta Neuropathologica
Holdings: 1997-


Acta parasitologica
Holdings: 2006-


Acta physiologiae plantarum
Holdings: 1997-


ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders
Also Known as: ADHD , Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders
Holdings: 2009-


Administration and policy in mental health
Holdings: 1997-


Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research
Holdings: 1973-


Holdings: 1997-


Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras
Holdings: 1997-


Advances in computational mathematics
Holdings: 1997-


Advances in data analysis and classification
Holdings: 2007-


Advances in Gerontology
Holdings: 2011-


Advances in health sciences education
Holdings: 1997-


Advances in Statistical Analysis
Also Known as: AStA
Continues Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv...   [more]
Holdings: 2007-


Advances in therapy
Holdings: 2000-


Aequationes Mathematicae
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Aesthetic plastic surgery
Holdings: 1997-


African Archaeological Review
Holdings: 1997-


African Journal of Urology
Holdings: 2008-


Holdings: 1997-


Ageing international
Holdings: 1997-


Agriculture and human values
Holdings: 1997-


Agroforestry systems
Holdings: 1997-


AI & society
Holdings: 1997-


AIDS and behavior
Holdings: 1997-


Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health
Also Known as: Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health
Holdings: 2008-


Algebra and logic
Holdings: 1997-


Algebra universalis
Holdings: 1997-


Algebras and Representation Theory
Holdings: 1998-


Holdings: 1997-


Alpine Botany
Also Known as: Botanica Helvetica
Holdings: 2005-


American Journal of Community Psychology
Holdings: 1997-2015


American journal of criminal justice
Holdings: 1997-


American journal of dance therapy
Holdings: 1997-


American journal of potato research
Holdings: 1997-


American Journal of Psychoanalysis
Holdings: 2007-


American Sociologist
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    previous provider - IngentaSelect - 2000-2003


Amino acids
Holdings: 1997-


Analog integrated circuits and signal processing
Holdings: 1997-


Analysis and Mathematical Physics
Holdings: 2011-


Analysis mathematica
Holdings: 1997-


Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry
Holdings: 2002-


Anatomical science international
Holdings: 2002-


Anatomy and Embryology
Continued by Brain Structure and Function ...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-2006


Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Animal Cognition
Holdings: 1998-


Annales des telecommunications
Holdings: 2008-


Annales Geophysicae
Holdings: 1994-2001


Annales Henri Poincare
Holdings: 2000-


Annali dell'Universita di Ferrara. Sezione 7 Scienze matematiche
Holdings: 1997-


Annali di matematica pura ed applicata
Holdings: 1997-


Annals of Behavioral Medicine
Holdings: 1997-


Annals of Biomedical Engineering
Holdings: 1997-


Annals of combinatorics
Holdings: 1997-


Annals of dyslexia
Holdings: 1997-


Annals of finance
Holdings: 2005-


Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry
Holdings: 1997-


Annals of Hematology
Holdings: 1997-


Annals of mathematics and artificial intelligence
Holdings: 1997-


Annals of microbiology
Holdings: 2006-


Annals of nuclear medicine
Holdings: 1997-


Annals of Operations Research
Holdings: 1997-


Annals of Regional Science
Holdings: 1997-


Annals of surgical oncology
Holdings: 1997-


Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
Holdings: 1997-


Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Applicable algebra in engineering communication and computing
Holdings: 1997-


Applications of Mathematics
Holdings: 1997-


Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    Additional provider - OCLC ECO 2001-


Applied biochemistry and microbiology
Holdings: 2000-


Applied categorical structures
Holdings: 1997-


Applied composite materials
Holdings: 1997-


Applied intelligence
Holdings: 1997-


Applied magnetic resonance
Holdings: 1997-


Applied mathematics and mechanics
Holdings: 1997-


Applied mathematics and optimization
Holdings: 1997-


Applied microbiology and biotechnology
Holdings: 1997-


Applied physics. A Materials science & processing
Holdings: 1997-


Applied physics. B Lasers and optics
Holdings: 1997-


Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback
Holdings: 1997-


Applied research in quality of life
Holdings: 2006-


Applied solar energy
Holdings: 2007-


Applied spatial analysis and policy
Holdings: 2008-


Aquaculture international
Holdings: 1997-


Aquatic ecology
Holdings: 1997-


Aquatic geochemistry
Holdings: 1997-


Aquatic sciences
Holdings: 1997-


Arabian Journal of Geosciences
Holdings: 2008-


Archaeologies - Journal of the World Archaeological Congress
Holdings: 2005-


Archiv der Mathematik
Holdings: 1997-


Archival science
Holdings: 2001-


Archive for History of Exact Sciences
Holdings: 1997-


Archive for mathematical logic
Holdings: 1997-


Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis
Holdings: 1997-


Archive of Applied Mechanics
Holdings: 1997-


Archives of computational methods in engineering
Holdings: 1997-


Archives of Dermatological Research
Holdings: 1997-


Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
Holdings: 1997-


Archives of gynecology and obstetrics
Holdings: 1997-


Archives of Microbiology
Holdings: 1997-


Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery
Also Known as: Archives of Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgery
Holdings: 1997-


Archives of Osteoporosis
Holdings: 2006-


Archives of Pharmacal Research
Holdings: 2008-


Archives of Sexual Behavior
Holdings: 1997-


Archives of toxicology
Holdings: 1997-


Archives of Virology
Holdings: 1997-


Archives of women's mental health
Holdings: 1998-


Archivio di ortopedia e reumatologia
Holdings: 2006-


Archivum immunologii et therapiae experimentalis
Holdings: 2006-


ArgoSpine News & Journal
Holdings: 2006-


Holdings: 1997-


Arid Ecosystems
Holdings: 2011-


Arkiv fur matematik
Holdings: 1949-


Arthropod-Plant Interactions
Holdings: 2007-


Holdings: 1997-


Artificial intelligence and law
Holdings: 1997-


Artificial intelligence review
Holdings: 1997-


Artificial life and robotics
Holdings: 1997-


Asia Europe Journal
Holdings: 2003-


Asia Pacific Education Review
Holdings: December 2000-


Asia Pacific journal of management
Holdings: 1997-


Asia-Pacific financial markets
Holdings: 1997-


Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences
Holdings: 2006-


Asian journal of criminology
Holdings: 2006-


AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv
Holdings: 2007-


Astronomy and Astrophysics Review
Holdings: 1997-


Astronomy Letters
Holdings: 2000-
Supplemental URLs
    previous provider - AIP 2000-2005


Astronomy Reports
Holdings: 2000-
Supplemental URLs
    previous provider - AIP 2000-2005


Astrophysical bulletin
Holdings: 2007-


Holdings: 1997-


Astrophysics and space science
Holdings: 1997-


Atlantic economic journal
Holdings: 1997-


Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics
Holdings: 2009-


Atomic energy
Holdings: 2000-


Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics
Also Known as: Attention Perception and Psychophysics
Holdings: 1997-


Autoimmunity Highlights
Holdings: 2010-


Automated software engineering
Holdings: 1997-


Automatic Control and Computer Sciences
Holdings: 2007-


Automatic Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics
Holdings: 2007-


Automation and remote control
Holdings: 2001-


Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems
Holdings: 1998-


Autonomous robots
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 2001-


Basic Research in Cardiology
Holdings: 1997-


Baurechtliche Blatter: bbl
Holdings: 2007-


Behavior Genetics
Holdings: 1997-


Behavior Research Methods
Holdings: 1997-


Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Holdings: 1997-


Beitrage zur Algebra und Geometrie
Also Known as: Contributions to Algebra and Geometry
Holdings: 2011-


Berliner journal fur Soziologie
Holdings: 2005-


Best Practice Onkologie
Holdings: 2006-


BHM Berg- und Huttenmannische Monatshefte
Holdings: 2007-


Bio tribune magazine
Holdings: 2009-


Biochemical Genetics
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 2000-


Biochemistry - Supplemental Series A
Holdings: 2007-


Biochemistry - Supplemental Series B
Holdings: 2007-


Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Biodiversity and conservation
Holdings: 1997-


Bioenergy research
Holdings: 2008-


Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 2000-


Holdings: 2006-


Biologia plantarum
Holdings: 1997-


Biological Cybernetics
Holdings: 1997-


Biological invasions
Holdings: 1999-


Biological Trace Element Research
Holdings: 2000-


Biology & Philosophy
Also Known as: Biology and Philosophy
Holdings: 1997-


Biology and Fertility of Soils
Holdings: 1997-


Biology bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Holdings: 2000-


Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
Holdings: 2011-


Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology
Holdings: 2002-


Biomedical engineering
Holdings: 2000-


Biomedical microdevices
Holdings: 1998-


Holdings: 1997-


Biomolecular NMR Assignments
Holdings: 2007-


Holdings: 2006-


Bioprocess and biosystems engineering
Holdings: 1997-


Bioscience Reports
Holdings: 1997-2007


Holdings: 2008-


Holdings: 2009-


Biotechnology and bioprocess engineering
Holdings: 1997-


Biotechnology letters
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Blatter der DGVFM
Holdings: 1997-


Botanical Review
Holdings: 1997-


Boundary-layer meteorology
Holdings: 1997-


Brain imaging and behavior
Holdings: 2007-


Brain Structure and Function
Continues Anatomy and Embryology ...   [more]
Holdings: 2007-


Brain topography
Holdings: 1988-


Brain tumor pathology
Holdings: 1997-


Breast cancer
Holdings: 2008-


Breast Cancer Research and Treatment
Also Known as: Breast Cancer Research & Treatment
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


BT technology journal
Holdings: 1997-2007


Building Simulation
Holdings: 2008-


Bulletin Brazilian Mathematical Society
Holdings: 1997-


Bulletin de la Societe de pathologie exotique et de ses filiales
Holdings: 2009-


Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering
Holdings: 2003-


Bulletin of engineering geology and the environment
Holdings: 1997-


Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology
Holdings: 1997-


Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine
Holdings: 1997-


Bulletin of materials science
Holdings: 1997-


Bulletin of mathematical biology
Holdings: 1997-


Bulletin of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory
Holdings: 2007-


Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute
Holdings: 2007-


Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics
Holdings: 2007-


Bulletin of Volcanology
Holdings: 1997-


Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz
Holdings: 1999-


Business Economics
Holdings: 2005-


Business Economics
Holdings: 2005-2008


Calcified Tissue International
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1998-


Calculus of variations and partial differential equations
Holdings: 1997-


Canadian Journal of Anesthesia
Also Known as: Journal canadien d'anesthesie
Holdings: 1954-


Cancer and Metastasis Reviews
Holdings: 1997-


Cancer causes & control
Holdings: 1997-


Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology
Also Known as: Cancer Chemotherapy & Pharmacology
Holdings: 1997-


Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy
Holdings: 1997-


Cancer Microenvironment
Holdings: 2008-


Cancer Nanotechnology
Holdings: 2010-


Carbonates and evaporites
Holdings: 2009-


CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology
Also Known as: CardioVascular & Interventional Radiology
Holdings: 1997-


Cardiovascular drugs and therapy
Holdings: 1997-


Cardiovascular engineering
Holdings: 2001-


Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology
Holdings: 2010-


Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics
Holdings: 2009-


Cardiovascular Toxicology
Holdings: 2001-


Catalysis Letters
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    previous provider - OCLC ECO, full text from 1997-2005


Catalysis Surveys from Asia
Holdings: 2003-


CEAS Aeronautical Journal
Holdings: 2011-


Celestial mechanics and dynamical astronomy
Holdings: 1997-


Cell and tissue banking
Holdings: 2000-


Cell and tissue biology
Holdings: 2007-


Cell and Tissue Research
Also Known as: Cell & Tissue Research
Holdings: 1997-


Cell biochemistry and biophysics
Holdings: 1997-


Cell biology and toxicology
Holdings: 1997-


Cell stress & chaperones
Holdings: 2008-


Cellular & molecular biology letters
Holdings: 2006-


Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering
Holdings: 2008-


Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
Holdings: 1997-


Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology
Also Known as: Cellular & Molecular Neurobiology
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Central European Journal of Biology
Holdings: 2006-


Central European Journal of Chemistry
Holdings: 2003-


Central European Journal of Mathematics
Holdings: 2003-2014


Central European journal of medicine
Holdings: 2006-


Central european journal of operations research
Holdings: 2006-


Central European Journal of Physics
Holdings: 2003-


Holdings: 2002-


Holdings: 2008-


Chemical and petroleum engineering
Holdings: 1997-


Chemicke zvesti
Holdings: 2006-2014


Chemistry and technology of fuels and oils
Holdings: 1997-


Chemistry of heterocyclic compounds
Holdings: 1997-


Chemistry of natural compounds
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1998-


Chemosensory perception
Holdings: 2008-


Child & youth care forum
Holdings: 1997-


Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal
Also Known as: Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal
Holdings: 1997-


Child and Youth Care Forum
Also Known as: Child & youth care forum
Holdings: 1997-


Child Indicators Research
Holdings: 2008-


Child Psychiatry and Human Development
Also Known as: Child Psychiatry & Human Development
Holdings: 1997-


Child's Nervous System
Holdings: 1997-


Children's Literature in Education
Also Known as: Childrens Literature in Education
Holdings: 1997-


Chinese annals of mathematics. Series B
Also Known as: Chinese annals of mathematics. Ser. B
Holdings: 2000, 2006-


Chinese Journal of Geochemistry
Holdings: 1997-


Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine
Holdings: 2003-


Chinese journal of oceanology and limnology
Holdings: 1997-


Chinese Journal of Polymer Science
Holdings: 2009-


Chinese-German journal of clinical oncology
Holdings: 2002-


Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Chromosome research
Holdings: 1997-


Circuits Systems and Signal Processing
Holdings: 1997-


Clean technologies and environmental policy
Holdings: 1999-


Climate Dynamics
Holdings: 1997-


Climatic Change
Holdings: 1997-


Clinical & experimental metastasis
Holdings: 1997-


Clinical and experimental medicine
Holdings: 2001-


Clinical and experimental nephrology
Holdings: 1997-


Clinical and Translational Oncology
Holdings: 2001-


Clinical autonomic research
Holdings: 1997-


Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review
Holdings: 1998-


Clinical Epigenetics
Holdings: 2010-


Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology
Holdings: 2008-


Clinical Neuroradiology
Holdings: 2009-


Clinical Oral Investigations
Holdings: 1997-


Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research
Also Known as: Clinical Orthopaedics & Related Research, clinical orthopedics and related research, clinical orthopedics & releated research
Holdings: 2008-2017


Clinical Pharmacokinetics
Holdings: 2005-


Clinical Proteomics
Holdings: 2004-2010


Clinical research in cardiology
Holdings: 1998-


Clinical Research in Cardiology Supplements
Holdings: 2006-


Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology
Holdings: 1997-


Clinical reviews in bone and mineral metabolism
Holdings: 2002-


Clinical Rheumatology
Holdings: 1997-


Clinical Social Work Journal
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 2007-


Cluster computing
Holdings: 1998-


Cognition, technology and work
Holdings: 1999-


Cognitive neurodynamics
Holdings: 2007-


Cognitive processing
Holdings: 2004-


Cognitive Therapy and Research
Also Known as: Cognitive Therapy & Research
Holdings: 1997-


Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience
Holdings: 2001-


Coke and Chemistry
Holdings: 2007-


Colloid & Polymer Science
Also Known as: Colloid and Polymer Science
Holdings: 1997-


Colloid journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Also Known as: Colloid Journal
Holdings: 2000-


Colon and Rectum
Holdings: 2007-


Coloproctology deutsche Ausgabe
Also Known as: Coloproctology
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Combustion explosion and shock waves
Holdings: 2000-


Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici
Holdings: 1997-2004


Communications in Mathematical Physics
Holdings: 1997-


Community Mental Health Journal
Holdings: 1997-


Comparative clinical pathology
Holdings: 2002-


Comparative Economic Studies
Holdings: 2004-


Complex analysis and operator theory
Holdings: 2007-


Computational and mathematical organization theory
Holdings: 1997-


Computational complexity
Holdings: 1998-


Computational economics
Holdings: 1997-


Computational geosciences
Holdings: 1997-


Computational management science
Holdings: 2003-


Computational mathematics and mathematical physics
Holdings: 2006-


Computational mathematics and modeling
Holdings: 1997-


Computational Mechanics
Holdings: 1997-


Computational optimization and applications
Holdings: 1997-


Computational statistics
Holdings: 2004-


Computer science
Holdings: 2009-


Computer supported cooperative work
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Computing and visualization in science
Holdings: 1997-


Conservation genetics
Holdings: 2000-


Constitutional political economy
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Constructive Approximation
Holdings: 1997-


Contemporary family therapy
Holdings: 1997-


Contemporary Islam
Holdings: 2007-


Contemporary Jewry
Holdings: 1997-


Contemporary Problems of Ecology
Holdings: 2008-


Continental Philosophy Review
formerly called Man and World...   [more]
Holdings: 1998-


Continuum mechanics and thermodynamics
Holdings: 1997-


Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
Holdings: 1997-


Controlling & Management
Holdings: 1997-


Coral Reefs
Holdings: 1997-


Cosmic research
Holdings: 2000-


Crime Law and Social Change
Also Known as: Crime Law and Social Change
Holdings: 1997-


Crime Prevention and Community Safety
Holdings: 2004-


Criminal Law and Philosophy
Holdings: 2007-


Criminal law forum
Holdings: 1997-


Critical criminology
Holdings: 1997-


Cryptography and Communications
Holdings: 2009-


Crystallography reports
Holdings: 2000-


Cultural Studies of Science Education
Holdings: 2006-


Culture Medicine and Psychiatry
Holdings: 1997-


Current Allergy and Asthma Reports
Holdings: 2001-


Current Atherosclerosis Reports
Holdings: 1999-


Current bladder dysfunction reports
Holdings: 2006-


Current cardiology reports
Holdings: 1999-


Current cardiovascular imaging reports
Holdings: 2009-


Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports
Holdings: 2007-


Current Colorectal Cancer Reports
Holdings: 2005-


Current Diabetes Reports
Holdings: 2001-


Current fungal infection reports
Holdings: 2007-


Current Gastroenterology Reports
Holdings: 1999-


Current Genetics
Holdings: 1997-


Current Heart Failure Reports
Holdings: 2004-


Current Hematologic Malignancy Reports
Holdings: 2006-


Current Hepatitis Reports
Holdings: 2002-


Current HIV/AIDS Reports
Holdings: 2004-


Current Hypertension Reports
Holdings: 1999-


Current Infectious Disease Reports
Holdings: 1999-


Current Microbiology
Holdings: 1997-


Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports
Holdings: 2001-


Current Oncology Reports
Holdings: 1999-


Current Oral Health Reports
Holdings: 2014-


Current Osteoporosis Reports
Holdings: 2003-


Current Pain and Headache Reports
Holdings: 2001-


Current Psychiatry Reports
Holdings: 1999-


Current psychology
Holdings: 1997-


Current Rheumatology Reports
Holdings: 1999-


Current Treatment Options in Cardiovascular Medicine
Holdings: 1999-


Current Treatment Options in Neurology
Holdings: 1999-


Current Treatment Options in Oncology
Holdings: 2000-


Current Urology Reports
Holdings: 2000-


Cybernetics and systems analysis
Holdings: 1997-


Cytology and genetics
Holdings: 2007-


Holdings: 1997-


Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Holdings: 1997-


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Also Known as: Dao : a journal of comparative philosophy
Holdings: 2001-


Data mining and knowledge discovery
Holdings: 1997-


Datenschutz und Datensicherheit
Holdings: 2006-


De Economist
Holdings: 1997-


Decisions in Economics and Finance : A Journal of Applied Mathematics
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Der Anaesthesist
Holdings: 1997-


Der Diabetologe
Holdings: 2005-


Der Internist
Holdings: 1997-


Der Kardiologe
Holdings: 2007-


Der MKG-Chirurg
Holdings: 2008-


Der Onkologe
Holdings: 1997-


Der Ophthalmologe
Holdings: 1997-


Der Orthopade
Holdings: 1997-


Der Pathologe
Holdings: 1997-


Der Pneumologe
Holdings: 2004-


Der Radiologe
Holdings: 1997-


Der Schmerz
Holdings: 1997-


Der Unfallchirurg
Holdings: 1997-


Der Urologe (Ausg. A)
Holdings: 1997-


Design automation for embedded systems
Holdings: 1997-


Designs codes and cryptography
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 2004-


Development Genes and Evolution
Also Known as: Development Genes & Evolution
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Diabetology International
Holdings: 2010-


Dialectical anthropology
Holdings: 1997-


Die Naturwissenschaften
Also Known as: Science of Nature
Holdings: 1997-


Differential Equations
Holdings: 2000-


Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
Holdings: 2008-


Digestive Diseases and Sciences
Holdings: 1997-


Discrete & Computational Geometry
Also Known as: Discrete and Computational Geometry
Holdings: 1997-


Discrete Event Dynamic Systems
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    Kluwer previous provider


Distributed Computing
Tables of contents and abstracts only....   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Documenta ophthalmologica
Holdings: 1997-


Doklady biochemistry and biophysics
Holdings: 2000-


Doklady mathematics
Holdings: 2006-


Doklady physical chemistry
Holdings: 2000-


Doklady Physics
moved from AIP to Springer in 2006...   [more]
Holdings: 2000-


Doklady. Biological sciences
Holdings: 2000-


Doklady. Chemistry
Holdings: 2000-


Douleur et analgesie
Holdings: 2006-


Drug Delivery and Translational Research
Holdings: 2011-


Holdings: 2005-


Dynamic Games and Applications
Holdings: 2011-


Holdings: 1997-


Early Childhood Education Journal
Holdings: 1997-


Earth moon and planets
Holdings: 1997-


Earth science informatics
Holdings: 2008-


Holdings: 2006-


Earthquake Science
Holdings: 2009-


East Asia
Holdings: 1998-
Supplemental URLs
    previous provider - IngentaSelect - 1999-2002


East Asian Science Technology and Society: An International Journal
Holdings: 2007-2010


Eastern Economic Journal
Holdings: 2007-


Holdings: 2004-


Ecological research
Holdings: 1997-


Economic botany
Holdings: 1997-


Economic Bulletin
Deutsches Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung / German Institute for Economic Research....   [more]
Holdings: 1997-2004


Economic Change and Restructuring
Continues Economics of Planning...   [more]
Holdings: 2004-


Economic Theory
Holdings: 1997-


Economics of governance
Holdings: 2000-


Holdings: 1998-


Holdings: 1997-


Education and information technologies
Holdings: 1997-


Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability
Also Known as: Educational Assessment Evaluation and Accountability
Continues Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education...   [more]
Holdings: 2009-


Educational Psychology Review
Holdings: 1997-


Educational research for policy and practice
Holdings: 2002-


Educational Studies in Mathematics
Holdings: 1997-


Educational Technology Research & Development
Also Known as: Educational Technology Research and Development
Holdings: 1997-


Electrical engineering
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 2010-


Electronic commerce research
Holdings: 2001-


Electronic Markets
Holdings: 2009-


Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Holdings: 2006-


Emergency radiology
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Empirical Economics
Holdings: 1997-


Empirical software engineering
Holdings: 1997-


Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Endocrine pathology
Holdings: 1997-


Energy Efficiency
Holdings: 2008-


Energy Systems
Holdings: 2010-


Engineering with computers
Holdings: 1997-


Entomological review
Holdings: 2006-


Environment development and sustainability
Holdings: 1999-


Environmental & resource economics
Holdings: 1997-


Environmental and Ecological Statistics
Holdings: 1997-


Environmental biology of fishes
Holdings: 1997-


Environmental chemistry letters
Holdings: 2003-


Environmental Earth Sciences
Holdings: 2009-


Environmental Economics and Policy Studies
Holdings: 1997-


Environmental fluid mechanics
Holdings: 2001-


Environmental geochemistry and health
Holdings: 1997-


Environmental Geology
Holdings: 1997-2009


Environmental health and preventive medicine
Holdings: 2001-


Environmental Management
Holdings: 1997-


Environmental modeling & assessment
Holdings: 1997-


Environmental monitoring and assessment
Holdings: 1997-


Environmental science and pollution research international
Holdings: 1994-


Also Known as: Environment Systems and Decisions
Holdings: 1997-


EPMA Journal
Holdings: 2010-


ERA Forum
Holdings: 2000-


Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 2004-


Holdings: 2003-


Estuaries and coasts
Holdings: 1997-


Ethical theory and moral practice
Holdings: 1998-


Ethics and information technology
Holdings: 1999-


Ethik in der Medizin
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Eurasian soil science
Holdings: 2006-


Europaisches Journal fur Minderheitenfragen
Holdings: 2008-


European Actuarial Journal
Holdings: 2011-


European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology
Holdings: 1997-


European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience
Holdings: 1998-


European Biophysics Journal
Holdings: 1997-


European child & adolescent psychiatry
Holdings: 1997-


European Journal for Philosophy of Science
Holdings: 2011-


European journal of ageing
Holdings: 2004-


European Journal of Applied Physiology
continues European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology ...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology
continued by European Journal of Applied Physiology (2000-)...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-1999


European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases
Also Known as: European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Holdings: 1997-


European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
Holdings: 1997-


European journal of epidemiology
Holdings: 1997-


European journal of forest research
Holdings: 2004-


European journal of health economics
Holdings: 2001-


European journal of law and economics
Holdings: 1997-


European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging
Holdings: 1997-


European journal of nutrition
Holdings: 1999-


European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology
Holdings: 1997-


European Journal of Pediatrics
Holdings: 1997-


European journal of plant pathology
Holdings: 1997-


European journal of plastic surgery
Holdings: 1997-


European journal of population
Holdings: 1997-


European journal of psychology of education
Holdings: 1997-


European journal of trauma and emergency surgery
Continues European Journal of Trauma ...   [more]
Holdings: 2007-


European journal of wildlife research
Holdings: 2004-


European Journal of Wood and Wood Products
Holdings: 1997-


European journal on criminal policy and research
Holdings: 1997-


European Orthopaedics and Traumatology
Holdings: 2010-


European Physical Journal - Special Topics
Holdings: 2007-


European physical journal A Hadrons and nuclei
Holdings: 1998-


European Physical Journal B
Holdings: 1998-


European physical journal C Particles and fields
Holdings: 1998-


European Physical Journal D
Holdings: 1998-


European Physical Journal E
Holdings: 2000-


European Radiology
Holdings: 1997-


European review of aging and physical activity
Holdings: 2006-


European spine journal
Holdings: 1997-


European surgery
Holdings: 1997-


European View
Holdings: 2007-


Evolution: Education and Outreach
Holdings: 2008-


Evolutionary biology
Holdings: 2007-


Evolutionary Ecology
Holdings: 1997-


Evolutionary Intelligence
Holdings: 2008-


Evolving Systems
Holdings: 2010-


Experimental and applied acarology
Holdings: 1997-


Experimental astronomy
Holdings: 1997-


Experimental Biology Online
Holdings: 1999-2001


Experimental Brain Research
Holdings: 1997-


Experimental Economics
Holdings: 1998-
Supplemental URLs
    Previous provider OCLC ECO


Experimental Mechanics
Holdings: 1997-


Experiments in Fluids
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1998-


Holdings: 1997-


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Holdings: 1997-


Familial cancer
Holdings: 2001-


Feminist legal studies
Holdings: 1997-


Feminist Review
Holdings: 2004-


Few-body systems
Holdings: 1997-


Fibers and polymers
Holdings: 2000-


Fibre chemistry
Holdings: 1997-


Finance and Stochastics
Tables of contents and abstracts only. Full text not available....   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Financial Markets and Portfolio Management
Holdings: 2001-


Fire technology
Holdings: 1997-


Fish physiology and biochemistry
Holdings: 1997-


Fisheries science
Holdings: 2008-


Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal
Holdings: 2008-


Flow turbulence and combustion
Holdings: 1998-


Fluid dynamics
Holdings: 1997-


Focus NeuroGeriatrie
Holdings: 2007-


Folia geobotanica
Holdings: 1997-


Folia microbiologica
Holdings: 1997-


Food analytical methods
Holdings: 2008-


Food and Bioprocess Technology
Holdings: 2008-


Food Biophysics
Holdings: 2006-


Food Digestion
Holdings: 2010-


Food Security
Holdings: 2009-


Forensic science medicine and pathology
Holdings: 2005-


Forensic Toxicology
Holdings: 2006-


Forensische Psychiatrie Psychologie Kriminologie
Holdings: 2007-


Formal aspects of computing
Holdings: 1997-


Formal methods in system design
Holdings: 1997-


Forschung im Ingenieurwesen
Holdings: 1997-


Forum der Psychoanalyse
Holdings: 1997-


Forum for social economics
Holdings: 1997-


Foundations of chemistry
Holdings: 1999-


Foundations of computational mathematics
Holdings: 2001-


Foundations of Physics
Holdings: 1997-


Foundations of science
Holdings: 1997-


Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry
Also Known as: Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry
Continued by Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry ...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-2001


Frontiers of agriculture in China
Holdings: 2007-


Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China
Holdings: 2007-2011


Frontiers of business research in China
Holdings: 2007-


Frontiers of chemical engineering in China
Holdings: 2007-


Frontiers of Chemistry in China
Holdings: 2006-


Frontiers of Computer Science
Also Known as: Frontiers of computer science in China
Holdings: 2007-


Frontiers of earth science in China
Holdings: 2007-


Frontiers of Economics in China
Holdings: 2006-


Frontiers of Education in China
Holdings: 2006-


Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Holdings: 2012-


Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in China
Holdings: 2006-2011


Frontiers of energy and power engineering in China
Holdings: 2007-


Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
Holdings: 2012-


Frontiers of environmental science & engineering in China
Holdings: 2007-


Frontiers of Forestry in China
Holdings: 2006-2009


Frontiers of History in China
Holdings: 2006-


Frontiers of law in China
Holdings: 2006-


Frontiers of literary studies in China
Holdings: 2007-


Frontiers of materials science in China
Holdings: 2007-


Frontiers of Mathematics in China
Holdings: 2006-


Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering in China
Holdings: 2006-


Frontiers of medicine in China
Holdings: 2007-


Frontiers of Optoelectronics
Holdings: 2012-


Frontiers of Optoelectronics in China
Holdings: 2008-2011


Frontiers of Philosopy in China
Holdings: 2006-


Frontiers of Physics in China
Holdings: 2006-


Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering
Holdings: 2012-


Functional & integrative genomics
Holdings: 2000-


Functional Analysis and Its Applications
Holdings: 1997-


Functional Analysis and Other Mathematics
Holdings: 2006-


Fungal diversity
Holdings: 1997-


Fuzzy optimization and decision making
Holdings: 2002-


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Gastric cancer
Holdings: 1998-


Holdings: 2006-


Holdings: 1997-


Gender issues
Holdings: 1997-


General Relativity and Gravitation
Holdings: 1997-


General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Holdings: 2007-


Genes & Nutrition
Holdings: 2006-


Genetic programming and evolvable machines
Holdings: 2000-


Genetic resources and crop evolution
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice
Holdings: 2004-
Supplemental URLs
    previous provider - OCLC ECO - 1999-2002
    Additional provider - Business Source Premier EBSCO


GENEVA Risk and Insurance Review
Continues The GENEVA Papers on Risk and Insurance - Theory ...   [more]
Holdings: 2005-2007


Geneva Risk and Insurance Review
Holdings: 2008-


Genomic medicine
Holdings: 2007-2008


Geo-Marine Letters
Holdings: 1997-


Geo-spatial Information Science
Holdings: 1999-


Geochemistry international
Holdings: 2006-


Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Geology of ore deposits
Holdings: 2006-


Geomagnetism and aeronomy
Holdings: 2006-


Geometriae Dedicata
Holdings: 1997-


Geometric and Functional Analysis
Holdings: 1997-


Geosciences journal
Holdings: 1997-


Geotechnical and geological engineering
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 2006-


Gesunde Pflanzen
Holdings: 2002-


Glass and ceramics
Holdings: 1997-


Glass physics and chemistry
Holdings: 2000-


Glycoconjugate Journal
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    previous provider - OCLC ECO


GPS solutions
Holdings: 1998-


Graefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology
Holdings: 1997-


Granular matter
Holdings: 1998-


Graphs and combinatorics
Holdings: 1997-


Gravitation and cosmology
Holdings: 2008-


Group decision and negotiation
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Gruppendynamik und Organisationsberatung
Holdings: 2000-


Holdings: 1997-


Gynakologische Endokrinologie
Holdings: 2002-


Gynecological surgery
Holdings: 2004-


Gyroscopy and Navigation
Holdings: 2010-


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Holdings: 2006-


Holdings: 1997-


Head and Neck Pathology
Holdings: 2007-


Health and Technology
Holdings: 2011-


Health care analysis
Holdings: 1997-


Health Care Management Science
Holdings: 1998-


Health services and outcomes research methodology
Holdings: 2000-


Heart and vessels
Holdings: 1997-


Heart failure reviews
Holdings: 1997-


Heat and Mass Transfer
Holdings: 1997-


HEC Forum
Also Known as: HealthCare Ethics Committee Forum
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 2008-


Helgoland marine research
Holdings: 1999-


Holdings: 2006-


Hepatology International
Holdings: 2007-


Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Holdings: 2006-


Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Herzschrittmachertherapie & Elektrophysiologie
Holdings: 1998-


High energy chemistry
Holdings: 2000-


High temperature
Holdings: 2000-


Higher Education
Holdings: 1997-


Higher Education Policy
Holdings: 1996-


Higher Education Policy
Holdings: 2004-


Higher-order and symbolic computation
Holdings: 1998-


Histochemistry and Cell Biology
Holdings: 1997-


History & Philosophy of the Life Sciences
Also Known as: History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
Holdings: 2014-


Holdings: 1997-


Hormones and Cancer
Holdings: 2010-


HSS Journal
Holdings: 2005-


HUGO Journal
Holdings: 1997-


Human Ecology
Holdings: 1997-


Human Genetics
Holdings: 1997-


Human Nature
Holdings: 1997-


Human physiology
Holdings: 2000-


Human rights review
Holdings: 1999-


Human studies
Holdings: 1997-


Husserl studies
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Hydrogeology journal
Holdings: 1997-


Hyperfine interactions
Holdings: 1997-


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Ichthyological research
Holdings: 1997-


IMF Economic Review
Holdings: 2007-


Holdings: 1997-


Immunologic Research
Holdings: 1997-


In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Animal
Holdings: 1997-


In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant
Holdings: 1997-


In vitro cellular & developmental biology. Plant
Holdings: 1997-


Indian journal of clinical biochemistry
Holdings: 1997-


Indian journal of gastroenterology
Holdings: 2009-


Indian journal of hematology & blood transfusion
Holdings: 2007-


Indian journal of microbiology
Holdings: 2007-


Indian journal of otolaryngology and head and neck surgery
Holdings: 1997-


Indian journal of pediatrics
Holdings: 1997-


Indian journal of physics and proceedings of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
Holdings: 2009-


Indian journal of surgery
Holdings: 2007-


Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology
Holdings: 2010-


Indian journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery
Holdings: 2000-


Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Inflammation Research
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung
Holdings: 1997-2008


Holdings: 1997-


Information retrieval journal
Holdings: 1999-


Information systems and e-business management
Holdings: 2003-


Information systems frontiers
Holdings: 1999-


Information technology & management
Holdings: 2000-


Inland Water Biology
Holdings: 2008-


Innovations in systems and software engineering; a NASA journal
Holdings: 2005-


Innovative higher education
Holdings: 1997-


Inorganic materials
Holdings: 2000-


Inorganic Materials: Applied Research
Holdings: 2010-


Insectes sociaux
Holdings: 1997-


Instructional Science
Holdings: 1997-


Instruments and experimental techniques
Holdings: 2000-


Integral Equations and Operator Theory
Holdings: 1997-


Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science
Also Known as: Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science
Holdings: 1997-2005
Supplemental URLs
    alternate connection to search page


Intelligent service robotics
Holdings: 2008-


Intensive Care Medicine
Holdings: 1997-


Intensivmedizin + Notfallmedizin
Holdings: 1997-


Interactive Surgery
Holdings: 2006-2008


Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Internal and emergency medicine
Holdings: 2006-


International advances in economic research
Holdings: 1997-


International applied mechanics
Holdings: 1997-


International archives of occupational and environmental health
Holdings: 1997-


International Commerce Review
Holdings: 2007-


International economics and economic policy
Holdings: 2004-


International entrepreneurship and management journal
Holdings: 2005-


International environmental agreements
Holdings: 2001-


International journal for educational and vocational guidance
Holdings: 2001-


International Journal for Interactive Design and Manufacturing
Holdings: 2007-


International journal for ion mobility spectrometry
Holdings: 2008-


International Journal for Philosophy of Religion
Holdings: 1997-


International journal for the advancement of counselling
Holdings: 1998-


International journal for the semiotics of law
Holdings: 1997-


International journal of advanced manufacturing technology
Holdings: 1997-


International Journal of Angiology
Holdings: 1997-2006


International journal of anthropology
Holdings: 1997-2006


International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology
Holdings: 2017-


International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
Holdings: 2013-


International journal of automation and computing
Holdings: 2004-


International journal of automotive technology
Holdings: 2008-


International journal of behavioral medicine
Holdings: 2008-


International journal of biometeorology
Holdings: 1997-


international journal of cardiovascular imaging
Holdings: 2001-


International journal of clinical oncology
Holdings: 1997-


International journal of colorectal disease
Holdings: 1997-


International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery
Holdings: 2006-


International Journal of Computer Vision
Holdings: 1997-


International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
Holdings: 2006-


International journal of computers for mathematical learning
Holdings: 1997-


International journal of control automation and systems
Holdings: 2009-


International Journal of Early Childhood
Holdings: 1997-


International Journal of Earth Sciences
Also Known as: Geologische Rundschau
Title changed from Geologische Rundschau in 1999...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


International Journal of Fracture
Holdings: 1997-


International Journal of Game Theory
Holdings: 1997-


International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics
Holdings: 2001-
Supplemental URLs
    Previous provider OCLC ECO 2002-2003


International journal of hematology
Holdings: 2001-


International Journal of Hindu Studies
Holdings: 1997-


International Journal of Historical Archaeology
Holdings: 1997-


International journal of information security
Holdings: 2001-


International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research
Holdings: 1997-


International journal of legal medicine
Holdings: 1997-


international journal of life cycle assessment
Holdings: 1997-


International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics
Holdings: 2010-


International Journal of Material Forming
Holdings: 2008-


International journal of mechanics and materials in design
Holdings: 2004-


International journal of mental health and addiction
Holdings: 2006-


International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials
Holdings: 2010-


International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Also Known as: International Journal of Occupational Medicine & Environmental Health
Holdings: 2011-


International journal of parallel programming
Holdings: 1997-


International journal of peptide research and therapeutics
Holdings: 1997-


International Journal of Plastics Technology
Holdings: 2009-


International journal of politics culture and society
Holdings: 1987-


International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing
Holdings: 2009-


International Journal of Primatology
Holdings: 1997-


International Journal of Public Health
Holdings: 2007-


International journal of science and mathematics education
Holdings: 2003-


International journal of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis
Holdings: 2007-


International journal of speech technology
Holdings: 1997-


International Journal of Stomatology & Occlusion Medicine
Holdings: 2008-


International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management
Holdings: 2010-


International journal of technology and design education
Holdings: 1997-


International journal of the classical tradition
Holdings: 1997-


International journal of theoretical physics
Holdings: 1997-


International Journal of Thermophysics
Holdings: 1997-


International journal of wireless information networks
Holdings: 1997-


International Journal on Digital Libraries
Holdings: 1997-


International journal on document analysis and recognition
Holdings: 1998-


International journal on software tools for technology transfer
Holdings: 1997-


International ophthalmology
Holdings: 1997-


International orthopaedics
Holdings: 1997-


International Review of Economics
Holdings: 2007-


International Review of Education
Holdings: 1997-


International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing
Holdings: 2004-


International tax and public finance
Holdings: 1997-


International urogynecology journal and pelvic floor dysfunction
Holdings: 1997-


International urology and nephrology
Holdings: 1997-


Inventiones Mathematicae
Holdings: 1997-


Invertebrate neuroscience
Holdings: 1997-


Investigational new drugs
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Irish journal of medical science
Holdings: 1997-


Irrigation and drainage systems
Holdings: 1997-


Irrigation Science
table of contents and abstracts only...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Israel journal of mathematics
Holdings: 1997-


Izvestiya Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics of the solid earth
Holdings: 2006-


Izvestiya. Atmospheric and oceanic physics
Holdings: 2006-


Jahrbuch fur Regionalwissenschaft
Holdings: 2006-


JAOCS Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society
Holdings: 1997-


Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Holdings: 1997-


Japanese journal of mathematics
Holdings: 2006-


Japanese journal of ophthalmology
Holdings: 2004-


Japanese Journal of Radiology
Holdings: 2009-


JCT research
Holdings: 2004-


JETP Letters
Also Known as: Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters
An English translation of the journal, Pis'ma v Zhurnal Eksperimental' noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki....   [more]
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    backfile access via Scitation/AIP 1996-2005


Jewish History
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    Previous provider OCLC ECO


Holdings: 1997-


JOM Journal of the Minerals Metals and Materials Society
Holdings: 2007-


Journal d'Analyse Mathematique
Holdings: 1997-


Journal for General Philosophy of Science
Holdings: 1997-


Journal for Labour Market Research
Holdings: 2012-


Journal fur Asthetische Chirurgie
Holdings: 2008-


Journal fur Rechtspolitik
Holdings: 2007-


Journal fur Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit
Holdings: 2006-


Journal in Computer Virology
Holdings: 2005-


Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of academic ethics
Holdings: 2003-


Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science
Holdings: 2003-


Journal of Adult Development
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of African American Men
Continued by Journal of African American Studies...   [more]
Holdings: 2001-2002


Journal of African American Studies
Also Known as: Journal of African American Men
Previous title: Journal of African American Men...   [more]
Holdings: 2003-


Journal of agricultural & environmental ethics
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of algebraic combinatorics
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
Holdings: 2010-


Journal of analytical chemistry
Holdings: 2000-


Journal of anesthesia
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics
Holdings: 2007-


Journal of applied electrochemistry
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of applied mechanics and technical physics
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of applied phycology
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of applied spectroscopy
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Archaeological Research
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of artificial organs
Holdings: 1998-


Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of atmospheric chemistry
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Automated Reasoning
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of behavioral education
Holdings: 1997-


journal of behavioral health services & research
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Behavioral Medicine
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of bioeconomics
Holdings: 1999-


Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Bioethical Inquiry
Holdings: 2004-


Journal of biological inorganic chemistry
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of biological physics
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Biomedical Science
Holdings: 1997-2008


Journal of Biomolecular NMR
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Biorheology
Holdings: 2009-


Journal of biosciences
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Business and Psychology
Holdings: 2007-


Journal of Business Ethics
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    Previous provider OCLC ECO


Journal of Business Market Management
Holdings: 2007-


Journal of Cancer Education
Holdings: 2007-


Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Cancer Survivorship
Holdings: 2007-


Journal of cardiovascular translational research
Holdings: 2008-


Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling
Holdings: 2007-


Journal of Chemical Biology
Holdings: 2008-


Journal of chemical crystallography
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of chemical ecology
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Chemical Sciences
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of child and family studies
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of children's orthopaedics
Holdings: 2007-


Journal of Chinese political science
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring
Holdings: 2011-


Journal of Classification
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Clinical Immunology
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of clinical monitoring and computing
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of clinical psychology in medical settings
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of cluster science
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)
Holdings: 2008-


Journal of Coastal Conservation
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of combinatorial optimization
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of communications technology & electronics
Holdings: 2006-


Journal of Community Genetics
Holdings: 2010-


Journal of Community Health
Holdings: 1997-


journal of comparative Germanic linguistics
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical Systemic and Environmental Physiology
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of computational electronics
Holdings: 2002-


Journal of computational neuroscience
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of computer and systems sciences international
Holdings: 2006-


Journal of computer science and technology
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of computing in higher education
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of consumer policy
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis (Armenian Academy of Sciences)
Holdings: 2007-


Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences)
Holdings: 2007-


Journal of contemporary psychotherapy
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of crop science and biotechnology (Seoul)
Holdings: 2009-


Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Cryptographic Engineering
Holdings: 2011-


Journal of cryptology
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of cultural economics
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
Also Known as: Journal of Developmental & Physical Disabilities
...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Digital Imaging
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of dynamical and control systems
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of dynamics and differential equations
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Earth Science
Holdings: 2009-


Journal of East Asian Linguistics
...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Echocardiography
Holdings: 2009-


Journal of Economic Growth
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    Previous provider OCLC ECO


Journal of economic inequality
Holdings: 2003-


Journal of economic interaction and coordination
Holdings: 2006-


Journal of Economics
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of economics and finance
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of educational change
Holdings: 2000-


Journal of Elasticity
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of electroceramics
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Electronic Materials
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of electronic testing
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Endocrinological Investigation
Holdings: 2008-


Journal of engineering mathematics
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Engineering Thermophysics
Holdings: 2007-


Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences
Holdings: 2011-


journal of ethics
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of ethology
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of evolution equations
Holdings: 2001-


Journal of evolutionary biochemistry and physiology
Holdings: 2000-


Journal of evolutionary economics
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
Also Known as: JEPT
An English translation of the journal, Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki....   [more]
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    previous provider - AIP 2000-2005


Journal of Experimental Criminology
Holdings: 2005-


Journal of failure analysis and prevention
Holdings: 2001-


Journal of family and economic issues
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Family Violence
...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Financial Services Research
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    Previous provider OCLC ECO


Journal of fixed point theory and applications
Holdings: 2007-


Journal of fluorescence
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of forest research
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Forestry Research
Holdings: 1997-


journal of fourier analysis and applications
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Friction and Wear
Holdings: 2007-


Journal of fusion energy
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of gambling studies
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of gastroenterology
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer
Holdings: 2007-


Journal of gastrointestinal surgery
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of General Internal Medicine
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of general plant pathology : JGPP
Holdings: 2000-


Journal of genetic counseling
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of genetics
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of geodesy
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of geographical systems
Holdings: 1999-


Journal of geometric analysis
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of geometry
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Global Optimization
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    Additional provider OCLC ECO 2001-2004


Journal of Grid Computing
Holdings: 2003-


Journal of Happiness Studies
Holdings: 2000-


Journal of Headache and Pain
Holdings: 2000-


Journal of Hematopathology
Holdings: 2008-


Journal of hepato-biliary-pancreatic surgery
Holdings: 1997-2013


Journal of heuristics
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of High Energy Physics
Holdings: 2010-


Journal of housing and the built environment
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Medical Sciences
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Human Genetics
Holdings: 1997-2008


Journal of ichthyology
Holdings: 2006-


Journal of immigrant and minority health
Holdings: 2006-


Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Indian Philosophy
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    additional provider - OCLC ECO - back issues


Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of industrial microbiology & biotechnology
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of industry competition and trade
Holdings: 2001-


Journal of infection and chemotherapy
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz Waves
Holdings: 2008-


Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of inorganic and organometallic polymers and materials
Holdings: 2005-


Journal of Insect Behavior
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of insect conservation
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of intelligent & robotic systems
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of intelligent information systems
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of intelligent manufacturing
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of International Business Studies
Holdings: 2005-


Journal of International Entrepreneurship
Holdings: 2003-


Journal of International Migration and Integration
Holdings: 2000-


Journal of Internet Services and Applications
Holdings: 2011-


Journal of interventional cardiac electrophysiology
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of labor research
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Logic Language & Information
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    previous provider - OCLC ECO


Journal of Low Temperature Physics
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of machinery manufacture and reliability
Holdings: 2007-


Journal of mammalian evolution
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of management and governance
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Marine Science and Application
Holdings: 2004-


Journal of marine science and technology
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of maritime archaeology
Holdings: 2006-


Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management
Holdings: 1999-


Journal of materials engineering and performance
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Materials Science
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Materials Science Letters
2003 only; absorbed by Journal of Materials Science as of 2004...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-2003


Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Mathematical Biology
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Mathematical Chemistry
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of mathematical fluid mechanics
Holdings: 1999-


Journal of mathematical imaging and vision
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of mathematical modelling and algorithms
Holdings: 2002-


Journal of mathematical sciences
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education
Holdings: 1998-


Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery
Holdings: 2009-


Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
Holdings: 2005-


Journal of medical humanities
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Medical Systems
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Medical Toxicology
Holdings: 2005-


Journal of medical ultrasonics
Holdings: 2001-


Journal of Medicine and the Person
Holdings: 2009-


Journal of Membrane Biology
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Micro - Nano Mechatronics
Also Known as: Journal of Micro-Nano-Bio Robotics
Holdings: 2008-2011


journal of microbiology
Holdings: 2008-


Journal of mining science
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Molecular Evolution
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of molecular histology
continues The Histochemical Journal. ...   [more]
Holdings: 2004-


Journal of molecular medicine
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Molecular Modeling
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of molecular neuroscience
Holdings: 2006-


Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of nanoparticle research
Holdings: 1999-


Journal of natural medicines
Holdings: 2006-


Journal of network and systems management
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Neural Transmission
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Neuro-Oncology
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Holdings: 2008-


Journal of neuroimmune pharmacology
Holdings: 2006-


Journal of Neurology
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Neurovirology
Holdings: 2001-


Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation
...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Nonlinear Science
was Nonlinear Science Today...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of nonverbal behavior
Holdings: 1976-


Journal of Nuclear Cardiology
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Nutrition Health & Aging
Holdings: 2008-


Journal of occupational rehabilitation
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Ocean University of China
Holdings: 2002-


Journal of oceanography
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Ocular Biology, Diseases, and Informatics
Holdings: 2008-


Journal of Optical and Fiber Communications Research
Holdings: 2004-


Journal of Optics
Holdings: 2009-


Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of ornithology
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of orofacial orthopedics
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of orthopaedic science
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of paleolimnology
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education
Continued by Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-2007


Journal of pest science
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation
Holdings: 2006-


Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of phase equilibria and diffusion
Holdings: 1998-


Journal of Philosophical Logic
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    additional provider - OCLC ECO - back issues


Journal of Physiological Sciences
Holdings: 2001-


Journal of physiology and biochemistry
Holdings: 2009-


Journal of Plant Biology
Holdings: 2001-


Journal of plant growth regulation
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of plant research
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of police and criminal psychology
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of polymer research
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of polymers and the environment
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Population Ageing
Holdings: 2008-


Journal of Population Economics
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Population Research
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of porous materials
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of primary prevention
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Productivity Analysis
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    Previous provider OCLC ECO


Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications
Holdings: 2010-


Journal of Psycholinguistic Research
...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Public Health
Holdings: 1993-


Journal of Public Health Policy
Holdings: 2004-


Journal of Quantitative Criminology
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of rational-emotive and cognitive-behavior therapy
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    Previous provider OCLC ECO


Journal of real-time image processing
Holdings: 2006-


Journal of Regulatory Economics
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    Previous provider OCLC ECO


Journal of religion and health
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Revenue & Pricing Management
Holdings: 2004-


Journal of Risk and Uncertainty
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    Previous provider OCLC ECO


Journal of robotic surgery
Holdings: 2007-


Journal of Russian laser research
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of scheduling
Holdings: 2003-


Journal of Science Education and Technology
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Science Education and Technology
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of science teacher education
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of scientific computing
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of seismology
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Signal Processing Systems
Holdings: 2008-


Journal of signal processing systems for signal image and video technology
Holdings: 2008-


Journal of soils and sediments
Holdings: 2005-


Journal of sol-gel science and technology
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of solid state electrochemistry
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Solution Chemistry
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Statistical Physics
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of structural and functional genomics
Holdings: 2000-


Journal of structural chemistry
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Supercomputing
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Superhard Materials
Holdings: 2007-


Journal of surfactants and detergents
Holdings: 1998-


Journal of systems science and complexity
Holdings: 2006-


Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering
Holdings: 2003-


Journal of technology transfer
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology
Holdings: 2000-


Journal of the Geological Society of India
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of the History of Biology
...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of the Knowledge Economy
Holdings: 2010-


Journal of the Operational Research Society
Holdings: 2004-


Journal of theoretical probability
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Thermal Science
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of thermal spray technology
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of transportation security
Holdings: 2008-


Journal of Traumatic Stress
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Urban Health
Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine...   [more]
Holdings: 1998-


Journal of Value Inquiry
...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of visualization
Holdings: 2009-


Journal of Water Chemistry and Technology
Holdings: 2007-


Journal of wood science
Holdings: 1998-


Journal of World Prehistory
...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Wuhan University of Technology
Holdings: 2002-


Journal of Youth and Adolescence
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of youth and adolescence
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Zhejiang University - Science C
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Zhejiang University. Science B
Holdings: 2005-


Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces
Holdings: 2007-


Juristische Blatter
Holdings: 2007-


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Kew bulletin
Holdings: 2008-


Holdings: 2008-


Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies
Holdings: 2007-


Kinetics and catalysis
Holdings: 2000-


Klinische Neuroradiologie
Holdings: 1997-


Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy
Holdings: 1997-


Knowledge and information systems
Holdings: 2000-


Knowledge in society
Holdings: 1997-


Knowledge Management Research & Practice
Holdings: 2004-


Kolner Zeitschrift fur Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie
Holdings: 2000-


Korean journal of chemical engineering
Holdings: 1997-


KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering
Holdings: 1997-


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

La Lettre de medecine physique et de readaptation
Holdings: 2006-


Landscape and ecological engineering
Holdings: 2005-


Landscape ecology
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 2004-


Langenbeck's archives of surgery
Holdings: 1997-


Language Policy
Holdings: 2002-


Language Resources and Evaluation
Holdings: 2005-


Laser physics
Holdings: 2006-2012


Lasers in medical science
Holdings: 1997-


Latino Studies
Holdings: 2004-


Law and critique
Holdings: 1997-


Law and Human Behavior
Holdings: 1997-


Law and Philosophy
Holdings: 1997-


Learning & Behavior
Also Known as: Learning and Behavior
Holdings: 1997-


Learning environments research
Holdings: 1998-


Learning Inquiry
Holdings: 2007-2009


Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Also Known as: LNCS , Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
The series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, including its subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, has established itself as a medium for the reporting of new developments i...   [see all resources in this collection]
Holdings: 1997-


Letters in Mathematical Physics
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    Previous provider OCLC ECO


Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences
Holdings: 2008-


Holdings: 2000-


Lifetime data analysis
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 2000-


Linguistics and Philosophy
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Lithology and mineral resources
Holdings: 2000-


Lithuanian mathematical journal
Holdings: 1997-


Liverpool law review
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 2007-


Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics
Holdings: 2010-


Logica universalis
Holdings: 2007-


Logistics Research
Holdings: 2009-


Holdings: 1997-


Machine learning
Holdings: 1997-


Machine translation
Holdings: 1997-


Machine vision and applications
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Mammalian Genome
Holdings: 1997-


Management international review
Holdings: 2006-


Manuelle Medizin
Holdings: 1997-


Manuscripta Mathematica
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 2008-


Marine Biodiversity
Holdings: 2009-


Marine Biology
Holdings: 1997-


Marine Biotechnology
Holdings: 1999-


Marine geophysical researches
Holdings: 1997-


Marketing Letters
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    Previous provider OCLC ECO


Marketing Review St. Gallen
Holdings: 2008-2009


Holdings: 1997-


Materials and structures
Holdings: 1997-


Materials science
Holdings: 1997-


Maternal and Child Health Journal
Holdings: 1997-


Mathematica Slovaca
Holdings: 2007-


Mathematical geosciences
Holdings: 2008-


Mathematical Intelligencer
Holdings: 1997-


Mathematical Methods of Operations Research
Holdings: 1997-


Mathematical methods of statistics
Holdings: 2007-


Mathematical Notes
Holdings: 1997-


Mathematical notes of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR
Holdings: 1997-


Mathematical physics analysis and geometry
Holdings: 1998-


Mathematical Programming
Holdings: 1997-


Mathematics and Financial Economics
Holdings: 2007-


Mathematics in computer science
Holdings: 2007-


Mathematics of Control Signals and Systems
Holdings: 1997-


Mathematische Annalen
Holdings: 1997-


Mathematische Semesterberichte
Holdings: 1997-


Mathematische Zeitschrift
Holdings: 1997-


Measurement techniques
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Mechanics of composite materials
Holdings: 1997-


Mechanics of Solids
Holdings: 2007-


Mechanics of time-dependent materials
Holdings: 1997-


Medecine et chirurgie du pied
Holdings: 2004-


Medical & biological engineering & computing
Holdings: 1997-


Medical & surgical dermatology
Holdings: 2007-2009


Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing
Also Known as: Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing
Holdings: 1997-


Medical microbiology and immunology
Holdings: 1997-


Medical molecular morphology
Holdings: 2005-


Medical Oncology
Holdings: 2001-


Medicinal chemistry research
Holdings: 2004-


Medicine health care and philosophy
Holdings: 1998-


Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics
Holdings: 2004-


Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism
Holdings: 2008-2013


Medizinische Genetik
Holdings: 2007-


Medizinische Klinik
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1998-


memo - Magazine of European Medical Oncology
Holdings: 2008-


Memory & Cognition
Holdings: 1997-


Metabolic brain disease
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 2005-


Metacognition and Learning
Holdings: 2006-


Metal science and heat treatment
Holdings: 1997-


Metallurgical and materials transactions
Holdings: 1997-


Metallurgical and Materials Transactions; A; Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Metals and Materials International
Holdings: 1997-


Metaphysica zeitschrift fuer ontologie und metaphysik
Holdings: 2007-


Holdings: 1997-


Meteorology and atmospheric physics
Holdings: 1997-


Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability
Holdings: 1999-


Holdings: 1998-


Microbial ecology
Holdings: 1974-


Holdings: 2000-


Microfluidics and nanofluidics
Holdings: 2004-


Microgravity science and technology
Holdings: 2001-


Microsystem technologies
Holdings: 1997-


Mikrochimica acta
Holdings: 1997-


Milan journal of mathematics
Holdings: 1997-


Mind & Society
Holdings: 2000-


Holdings: 2010-


Minds and machines
Holdings: 1997-


Mine water and the environment
Holdings: 1998-


Mineralium Deposita
Holdings: 1997-


Mineralogy and petrology
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change
Holdings: 1997-


Mobile networks and applications
Holdings: 1997-


Modern rheumatology
Holdings: 1997-


Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
Holdings: 1997-


Molecular and General Genetics MGG
followed in 2001 by Molecular Genetics and Genomics...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Molecular Biology Reports
Holdings: 1997-


Molecular Biotechnology
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    Additional provider - OCLC ECO 2001-


Molecular breeding
Holdings: 1997-


Molecular Diagnosis & Therapy
Also Known as: Molecular Diagnosis and Therapy
Holdings: 2006-2012


Molecular diversity
Holdings: 1997-


Molecular Genetics and Genomics
follows Molecular and General Genetics MGG...   [more]
Holdings: 2001-


Molecular genetics microbiology and virology
Holdings: 2007-


Molecular imaging and biology
Holdings: 2005-


Molecular Neurobiology
Holdings: 1997-


Molecules and cells
Holdings: 2000-2001; 2009-


Monatshefte für Chemie/Chemical Monthly
Also Known as: Monatshefte fur Chemie , Chemical Monthly
Holdings: 1997-


Monatshefte fur Mathematik
Holdings: 1997-


Monatsschrift fur Kinderheilkunde
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 2006-


Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin
Holdings: 2007-


Moscow University chemistry bulletin
Holdings: 2007-


Moscow University Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics
Holdings: 2007-


Moscow University geology bulletin
Holdings: 2007-


Moscow University mathematics bulletin
Holdings: 2007-


Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin
Holdings: 2007-


Moscow University Physics Bulletin
Holdings: 2007-


Moscow University Soil Science Bulletin
Holdings: 2007-


Motivation and Emotion
Holdings: 1997-


Multibody system dynamics
Holdings: 1997-


Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing
Holdings: 1997-


Multimedia Systems
Holdings: 1997-


Multimedia Tools and Applications
Access to current year only ...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Musculoskeletal Surgery
Holdings: 2009-


Mycological progress
Holdings: 2002-


Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Mycotoxin research
Holdings: 1997-


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Nano Research
Holdings: 2008-


Holdings: 2005-


Holdings: 2007-


Nanoscale Research Letters
Holdings: 2006-


Nanotechnologies in Russia
Holdings: 2008-


Natur und Recht
Holdings: 2004-


Natural computing
Holdings: 2002-


Natural hazards
Holdings: 1997-


Natural Language & Linguistic Theory
Also Known as: Natural Language and Linguistic Theory
...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Natural Language Semantics
...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Natural resources research
Holdings: 1997-


Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Forderung der Wissenschaften, Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Arzte, and Hermann von Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 2006-


Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1999-


Networks and Spatial Economics
...   [more]
Holdings: 2001-


Neural computing & applications
Holdings: 1997-


Neural processing letters
Holdings: 1997-


Neurochemical journal
Holdings: 2007-


Neurochemical Research
Holdings: 1997-


Neurocritical care
Holdings: 2004-


Holdings: 2008-


Holdings: 2008-


Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 2006-


Neurological sciences
Holdings: 2000-


NeuroMolecular Medicine
Holdings: 2002-


Holdings: 1997-


Neuropsychology review
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Neuroscience and behavioral physiology
Holdings: 1997-


Neurosurgical review
Holdings: 1997-


Neurotoxicity Research
Holdings: 1999-


New forests
Holdings: 1997-


New generation computing
Holdings: 1997-


Nexus network journal
Holdings: 1999-


Nonlinear differential equations and applications
Holdings: 1997-


Nonlinear dynamics
Holdings: 1997-


Nonlinear oscillations
Holdings: 2002-


Notfall & Rettungsmedizin
Holdings: 1997-


Also Known as: NTM Zeitschrift fur Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin
Holdings: 1997-


NTM International Journal of History & Ethics of Natural Sciences Technology & Medicine (NTM Zeitschrift fur Geschichte der Wissenschaften Technik und Medizin)
Also Known as: NTM, NTM International Journal of History and Ethics of Natural Sciences, Technology and Medicine
Holdings: 1997-


Numerical algorithms
Holdings: 1997-


Numerical Analysis and Applications
Holdings: 2008-


Numerische Mathematik
Holdings: 1997-


Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems
Holdings: 1997-


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Obere Extremitat
Holdings: 2006-


Holdings: 2006-


Obesity Surgery
Holdings: 1997-


Ocean dynamics
Holdings: 1997-


Ocean Science Journal
Holdings: 2005-


Holdings: 2006-


Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 2007-


Holdings: 2004-


Oncology Reviews
Holdings: 2007-


Holdings: 2007-


Holdings: 2008-


Open Economies Review
...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Open systems & information dynamics
Also Known as: Open systems and information dynamics
Holdings: 1997-2007


Operational Research
Holdings: 2001-


Operations management research
Holdings: 2008-


Operative Orthopadie und Traumatologie
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 2009-


Optical and Quantum Electronics
Holdings: 1997-


Optical memory & neural networks
Holdings: 2007-


Holdings: 1997-


Optics and spectroscopy
Holdings: 2000-


Optimization and engineering
Holdings: 2000-


Optimization letters
Holdings: 2007-


Opto-electronics review
Holdings: 2006-


Optoelectronics Instrumentation and Data Processing
Holdings: 2007-


OR Spektrum
Holdings: 1997-


Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Holdings: 2003-


Oral radiology
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Organic Agriculture
Holdings: 2011-


Organisationsberatung Supervision Coaching
Holdings: 2000-


Organisms diversity & evolution
Holdings: 1997-


Origins of life and evolution of the biosphere
Holdings: 1997-


Osteoporosis International
Holdings: 1997-


Oxidation of Metals
Holdings: 1997-


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Holdings: 1998-


Paddy and water environment
Holdings: 2003-


Padiatrie und Padologie
Holdings: 2007-


Holdings: 2010-


Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments
Holdings: 2009-


Palaontologische Zeitschrift
Holdings: 1997-


Paleontological journal
Holdings: 2006-


Parasitology Research
Holdings: 1997-


Pastoral psychology
Holdings: 1997-


Pathology oncology research
Holdings: 1997-


Pattern recognition and image analysis
Holdings: 2006-


Pediatric Cardiology
Holdings: 1997-


Pediatric nephrology
Holdings: 1997-


Pediatric radiology
Holdings: 1997-


Pediatric surgery international
Holdings: 1997-


Peer-to-peer networking and applications
Holdings: 2008-


Holdings: 2006-


Periodica mathematica Hungarica
Holdings: 1997-


Personal and ubiquitous computing
Holdings: 1997-


Petroleum chemistry
Holdings: 2006-


Holdings: 2006-


Pflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology
Holdings: 1997-


Pharmaceutical chemistry journal
Holdings: 1997-


Pharmaceutical research
Holdings: 1997-


Pharmacy world & science
Holdings: 1997-


Phenomenology and cognitive sciences
Holdings: 2002-


Holdings: 1997-


Philosophical Studies
...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Photonic network communications
Holdings: 1999-


Photonic Sensors
Holdings: 2011-


Also Known as: Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing
Holdings: 1997-


Photosynthesis research
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Physical oceanography
Holdings: 1997-


Physics and Chemistry of Minerals
Holdings: 1997-


Physics in perspective
Holdings: 1999-


Physics of atomic nuclei
Holdings: 2000-


Physics of metals and metallography
Holdings: 2006-


Physics of particles and nuclei
Holdings: 2006-


Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters
Holdings: 2006-


Physics of the Solid State
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    previous provider - AIP 2000-2005


Physics of Wave Phenomena
Holdings: 2007-


Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants
Holdings: 2008-


Phytochemistry reviews
Holdings: 2002-


Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 2004-


Holdings: 1998-


Plant and Soil
Holdings: 1997-


Plant Biotechnology Reports
Holdings: 2007-


Plant cell reports
Holdings: 1997-


Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture
Holdings: 1997-


Plant Ecology
Holdings: 1997-


Plant foods for human nutrition
Holdings: 1997-


Plant growth regulation
Holdings: 1997-


Plant Molecular Biology
Holdings: 1997-


Plant molecular biology reporter
Holdings: 1997-


Plant Systematics and Evolution
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Plasma chemistry and plasma processing
Holdings: 1997-


Plasma physics reports
Holdings: 2000-


Holdings: 2006-


Poiesis & praxis
Holdings: 2001-


Polar biology
Holdings: 1997-


Policy Sciences
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    Previous provider OCLC ECO


Political Behavior
...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Politische Vierteljahresschrift
Holdings: 2000-


Holdings: 2005-2016


Polymer bulletin
Holdings: 1997-


Polymer Science Series A
Holdings: 2006-


Polymer Science Series B
Holdings: 2006-


Polymer Science Series D
Holdings: 2008-


Polymer science. Series C
Holdings: 2006-


Population & Environment
Also Known as: Population and Environment
Holdings: 1997-


Population ecology
Holdings: 2000-


Population research and policy review
Holdings: 1997-


Portuguese economic journal
Holdings: 2002-


Holdings: 1997-


Postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies
Also Known as: Postmedieval
Holdings: 2010-


Potato research
Holdings: 1997-


Potential analysis
Holdings: 1997-


Powder metallurgy and metal ceramics
Holdings: 1997-


Power technology and engineering
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Pravention und Gesundheitsforderung
Holdings: 2006-


Precision agriculture
Holdings: 1999-


Prevention science
Holdings: 2000-


Holdings: 1997-


Probability theory and related fields
Holdings: 1997-


Problems of information transmission
Holdings: 2001-


ProCare (Wien)
Holdings: 2008-


Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Earth and planetary sciences
Holdings: 1997-


Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical sciences
Also Known as: Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences Mathematical sciences
Holdings: 1934-


Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics
Holdings: 2006-


Proceedings of the Zoological Society
Holdings: 2009-


Proceedings. Mathematical sciences
Holdings: 1997-


Production Engineering
Holdings: 2007-


Programming and computer software
Holdings: 2000-


ProMed Komplementar
Holdings: 2009-


Holdings: 1997-


Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces
Holdings: 2009-


Protein Journal
Holdings: 2004-


Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 2007-2011


Psychiatric Quarterly
Holdings: 1997-


Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Holdings: 2005-2011


Holdings: 2007-


Psychoanalysis Culture and Society
Continues Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society...   [more]
Holdings: 2004-


Psychological Injury and Law
Holdings: 2008-


Psychological Research
Holdings: 1997-


Psychological studies
Holdings: 2009-


Holdings: 1997-


Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 2008-


Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 2008-


Public Choice
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    Previous provider OCLC ECO


Public organization review
Holdings: 2001-


Public Transport
Holdings: 2009-


Publications mathematiques de l'IHES
Holdings: 1959-


Publishing Research Quarterly
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 2000-


Pure and Applied Geophysics
Also Known as: Pure & Applied Geophysics
Holdings: 1997-


Purinergic signalling
Holdings: 2004-


Qualitative Sociology
Holdings: 1997-


Qualitative theory of dynamical systems
Holdings: 1999-


Quality and Quantity
Holdings: 1997-


Quality of Life Research
Holdings: 1997-


Quantitative Marketing and Economics
Holdings: 2003-


Quantum information processing
Holdings: 2002-


Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics
Holdings: 1998-


Queueing Systems
Holdings: 1997-


Radiation and Environmental Biophysics
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 2001-


Radioelectronics and communications systems
Holdings: 2007-


Radiologia medica
Holdings: 2006-


Radiological Physics and Technology
Holdings: 2008-


Radiophysics and quantum electronics
Holdings: 1997-


Ramanujan journal
Holdings: 1997-


Rare Metals
Holdings: 2009-


Raumforschung und Raumordnung
Holdings: 1998-


Reaction kinetics and catalysis letters
Continued by Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis ...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-2009


Reaction Kinetics Mechanisms and Catalysis
Holdings: 2010-


Reading and Writing
Holdings: 1997-


Real-Time Systems
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Refractories and industrial ceramics
Holdings: 1997-


Regional environmental change natural and social aspects
Holdings: 1999-


Regional Research of Russia
Holdings: 2011-


Regular & chaotic dynamics
Holdings: 2007-


Reliable Computing
Holdings: 1997-2007


Rendiconti del Circolo matematico di Palermo
Holdings: 1997-


Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze fisiche e naturali
Holdings: 1997-


Reproductive medicine and biology
Also Known as: Reproductive medicine & biology
Holdings: 2002-


Requirements engineering
Holdings: 1997-


Res publica
Holdings: 1997-


Research in engineering design
Holdings: 1997-


Research in Experimental Medicine
1997-2001 only. This publication was discontinued in 2002. ...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Research in Higher Education
...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Research in Nondestructive Evaluation
Holdings: 1997-2002


Research in Science Education
Holdings: 1997-


Research on chemical intermediates
Holdings: 1997-


Research on Language and Computation
Holdings: 2003-


Resonance journal of science education
Holdings: 1997-


Results in Mathematics
Holdings: 2006-


Review Journal of Chemistry
Holdings: 2011-


Review of Accounting Studies
Holdings: 1997-


Review of Austrian Economics
Holdings: 1997-


Review of Black Political Economy
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    previous provider - IngentaSelect - 1998-2002


Review of derivatives research
Holdings: 1998-


Review of economic design
Holdings: 1997-


Review of economics of the household
Holdings: 2003-


Review of Finance
continues European Finance Review....   [more]
Holdings: 2004-2006


Review of industrial organization
Holdings: 1997-


Review of International Organizations
Holdings: 2006-


Review of Managerial Science
Holdings: 2007-


Review of Philosophy and Psychology
Holdings: 2010-


Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    Previous provider OCLC ECO


Review of Socionetwork Strategies
Holdings: 2007-


Review of world economics
Holdings: 1997-


Reviews in endocrine and metabolic disorders
Holdings: 2000-


Reviews in environmental science and bio-technology
Holdings: 2002-


Reviews in fish biology and fisheries
Holdings: 1997-


Revista matematica complutense
Holdings: 2010-


Revue de synthese
Holdings: 1997-


Rheologica Acta
Holdings: 1997-


Rheumatology international
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 2008-


Ricerche di matematica
Holdings: 2006-


Rock mechanics and rock engineering
Holdings: 1997-


Russian Aeronautics
Holdings: 2007-


Russian agricultural sciences
Holdings: 2007-


Russian chemical bulletin
Holdings: 1997-


Russian Electrical Engineering
Holdings: 2007-


Russian Engineering Research
Holdings: 2007-


Russian journal of applied chemistry
Holdings: 2001-


Russian Journal of Biological Invasions
Holdings: 2010-


Russian journal of bioorganic chemistry
Holdings: 2000-


Russian journal of coordination chemistry
Holdings: 2000-


Russian journal of developmental biology
Holdings: 2000-


Russian journal of ecology
Holdings: 2000-


Russian journal of electrochemistry
Holdings: 2000-


Russian journal of general chemistry
Holdings: 2001-


Russian journal of genetics
Holdings: 2000-


Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research
Holdings: 2011-


Russian journal of inorganic chemistry
Holdings: 2006-


Russian journal of marine biology
Holdings: 2000-


Russian journal of mathematical physics
Holdings: 2006-


Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals
Holdings: 2007-


Russian journal of nondestructive testing
Holdings: 2000-


Russian journal of organic chemistry
Holdings: 2001-


Russian Journal of Pacific Geology
Holdings: 2007-


Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A Focus on Chemistry
Holdings: 2006-


Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Focus on Physics
Holdings: 2007-


Russian journal of plant physiology
Holdings: 2000-


Russian linguistics
Holdings: 1997-


Russian Mathematics
Holdings: 2007-


Russian metallurgy
Holdings: 2006-


Russian Meteorology and Hydrology
Holdings: 2007-


Russian microelectronics
Holdings: 2000-


Russian physics journal
Holdings: 1997-


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Holdings: 1997-


Science & education
Holdings: 1997-


Science and engineering ethics
Holdings: 1997-


Science Bulletin
Also Known as: Chinese Science Bulletin
Holdings: 1997-


Scientific and Technical Information Processing
Holdings: 2007-


Holdings: 1997-


Securitas Vialis
Holdings: 2008-


Seismic instruments
Holdings: 2007-


Selecta mathematica
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    previous provider - AIP 2000-2005


Semigroup forum
Holdings: 1997-


Seminars in immunopathology
Holdings: 2007-


Sensing and Imaging: An International Journal
Holdings: 2005-


Sensing and Instrumentation for Food Quality and Safety
Holdings: 2007-2011


Service Business
Holdings: 2007-


Service Oriented Computing and Applications
Holdings: 2007-


Set-Valued and Variational Analysis
Also Known as: Set Valued and Variational Analysis
Holdings: 2009-


Sex Roles
...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Sexual abuse
Holdings: 1988-2007


Sexual plant reproduction
Holdings: 1997-


Sexuality & culture
Holdings: 2000-


Sexuality and Disability
Holdings: 1997-


Sexuality Research Social Policy
Holdings: 2004-


Shock waves
Holdings: 1997-


Siberian advances in mathematics
Holdings: 2007-


Siberian mathematical journal
Holdings: 1997-


Signal Image and Video Processing
Holdings: 2007-


Skeletal Radiology
Holdings: 1997-


Sleep & breathing
Holdings: 1999-


Small Business Economics
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    Previous provider OCLC ECO


Small-scale forestry
Holdings: 2002-


Social Choice and Welfare
Holdings: 1997-


Social Indicators Research
...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Social justice research
Holdings: 1997-


Social Network Analysis and Mining
Holdings: 2011-


Social Network Analysis and Mining
Holdings: 2011-


Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
Holdings: 1997-


Social Psychology of Education
Holdings: 1997-


Social Theory & Health
Holdings: 2004-


Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    previous provider - IngentaSelect - 1998-2003


Sociological Forum
Holdings: 1997-2006


Soft computing a fusion of foundations methodologies and applications
Holdings: 1997-


Software and systems modeling
Holdings: 2002-


Software quality journal
Holdings: 1997-


Soil mechanics and foundation engineering
Holdings: 1997-


Solar physics
Holdings: 1997-


Solar system research
Holdings: 2000-


Solid Fuel Chemistry
Holdings: 2007-


Holdings: 1997-


Sophia (Parkville)
Holdings: 1997-


Sozial extra
Holdings: 2004-


Holdings: 2005-2007


Space science reviews
Holdings: 1997-


Spanish economic review
Holdings: 1999-2009


Spektrum der Augenheilkunde
Holdings: 1997-


Sport sciences for health
Holdings: 2004-


Sport- und Praventivmedizin
Holdings: 2009-


Sports engineering
Holdings: 2003-


Sports Medicine
Holdings: 2006-


Holdings: 1997-


Springer Seminars in Immunopathology
Holdings: 1997-2006


Springer Tracts in Modern Physics
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Statistical inference for stochastic processes
Holdings: 1998-


Statistical Methods & Applications
Holdings: 2001-


Statistical Papers
Holdings: 1997-


Statistics and Computing
Holdings: 1997-


Steel in Translation
Holdings: 2007-


Stem Cell Reviews
Holdings: 2005-


Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment
Holdings: 1999-


Holdings: 2007-


Strahlentherapie und Onkologie
Holdings: 1997-


Stratigraphy and geological correlation
Holdings: 2006-


Strength of materials
Holdings: 1997-


Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
Holdings: 1997-


Structural Chemistry
Holdings: 1997-


Structure & Bonding
Also Known as: Structure and Bonding
Holdings: 1997-


Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica
Holdings: 1997-


Studia logica
Holdings: 1997-


Studies in comparative international development
Holdings: 1997-


Studies in Comparative International Development (SCID)
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    previous provider - IngentaSelect - 1998-2003


Studies in East European Thought
Holdings: 1997-


Studies in philosophy and education
Holdings: 1997-


Studies on Russian economic development
Holdings: 2006-


Holdings: 2008-


Sugar tech
Holdings: 1999-


Supportive care in cancer
Holdings: 1997-


Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry
Holdings: 2007-


Surface investigation x-ray synchrotron and neutron techniques
Holdings: 2007-


Surgery today the japanese journal of surgery
Holdings: 1997-


Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy
Holdings: 1997-


Surgical Endoscopy
Holdings: 1997-


Surveys in geophysics
Holdings: 1997-


Sustainability Science
Holdings: 2006-


Swarm intelligence
Holdings: 2007-


Swiss journal of geosciences
Holdings: 2007-


Symbiosis (Rehovot)
Holdings: 2009-


Holdings: 1997-


Systematic parasitology
Holdings: 1997-


Systemic practice and action research
Holdings: 1997-


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Targeted oncology
Holdings: 2006-


Technical physics
Holdings: 1997-


Technical physics letters
Holdings: 1997-


Techniques in coloproctology
Holdings: 1999-


Holdings: 1997-


Telecommunication Systems
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    previous provider - OCLC ECO 1999-2005


Theoretical and applied climatology
Holdings: 1997-


Theoretical and Applied Genetics TAG
Holdings: 1997-


Theoretical and computational fluid dynamics
Holdings: 1997-


Theoretical and experimental chemistry
Holdings: 1997-


Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
Holdings: 1997-


Theoretical Chemistry Accounts
Holdings: 1997-


Theoretical Ecology
Holdings: 2008-


Theoretical foundations of chemical engineering
Holdings: 2000-


Theoretical medicine and bioethics
Holdings: 1997-


Theory and decision
Holdings: 1997-


Theory and Society
...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Theory in biosciences
Holdings: 2000-


Theory of Computing Systems
Formerly Mathematical Systems Theory...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Thermal engineering
Holdings: 2006-


Thermophysics and aeromechanics
Holdings: 2006-


Holdings: 1997-


Topics in Catalysis
Holdings: 1997-


Topics in Current Chemistry
Holdings: 1997-2010


...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals
Holdings: 2009-


Transformation Groups
Holdings: 1997-


Transgenic research
Holdings: 1997-


Transition metal chemistry
Holdings: 1997-


Transition studies review
Holdings: 2004-


Translational Behavioral Medicine
Holdings: 2011-


Translational Stroke Research
Holdings: 2010-


Transport in porous media
Holdings: 1997-


...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Trauma und Berufskrankheit
Holdings: 1998-


Tree genetics & genomes
Holdings: 2005-


Holdings: 1997-


Trees - Structure and Function
Holdings: 1997-


Trends in organized crime
Holdings: 1997-


Tribology Letters
Holdings: 1997-


Tropical Animal Health and Production
Holdings: 1997-


Tropical plant biology
Holdings: 2008-


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Ukrainian mathematical journal
Holdings: 1997-


Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung
Holdings: 1997-


Universal access in the information society
Holdings: 2001-


Urban Design International
Holdings: 2004-


Urban ecosystems
Holdings: 1997-


Urban forum
Holdings: 1997-


Urban Review
Holdings: 1997-


Urological research
Holdings: 1997-


User modeling and user-adapted interaction
Holdings: 1997-


UWF - UmweltWirtschaftsForum
Holdings: 2007-


Vegetation History and Archaeobotany
Holdings: 1997-


Vestnik St. Petersburg University. Mathematics
Holdings: 2007-


Veterinary Research Communications
Holdings: 1997-


Virchows Archiv
Holdings: 1997-


Virologica Sinica
Holdings: 2007-


Virtual Reality
Holdings: 1998-


Virus Genes
Holdings: 1997-


Visual Computer
Holdings: 1997-


VLDB journal
Holdings: 1997-


Vocations and Learning
Holdings: 2008-


Volcanology and seismology
Holdings: 2007-


Holdings: 1997-


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Waste and Biomass Valorization
Holdings: 2010-


Water air & soil pollution. Focus
Holdings: 2001-2009


Water air and soil pollution
Holdings: 1997-


Water Quality, Exposure and Health
Holdings: 2009-


Water resources
Holdings: 2000-


Water resources management
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 1997-


Wetlands ecology and management
Holdings: 1997-


Wiener klinische Wochenschrift
Holdings: 2003-


Wiener klinische Wochenschrift Education
Holdings: 2006-


Wiener klinische Wochenschrift Magazin
Holdings: 2009-


Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift
Holdings: 2003-


Wireless networks
Holdings: 1997-


Wireless personal communications
Holdings: 1997-


Holdings: 2005-


Holdings: 2006-


Wohnrechtliche Blatter
Holdings: 2007-


Wood science and technology
Holdings: 1997-


World journal of microbiology & biotechnology
Holdings: 1997-


World journal of pediatrics
Holdings: 2008-


World Journal of Surgery
Holdings: 1997-


World Journal of Urology
Holdings: 1997-


World wide web
Holdings: 1998-


Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences
Holdings: 1997-


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Holdings: 1997-


Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik
Holdings: 1997-


Zeitschrift fur Arbeitsmarktforschung
Holdings: 2009-2011


Zeitschrift fur Aussen- und Sicherheitspolitik
Holdings: 2008-


Zeitschrift fur betriebswirtschaft
Holdings: 2006-


Zeitschrift fur Bevolkerungswissenschaft
Holdings: 2008-2009


Zeitschrift fur Bildungsforschung
Holdings: 2011-


Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Versicherungs-Wissenschaft
Holdings: 1997-


Zeitschrift fur Energiewirtschaft
Holdings: 2008-


Zeitschrift fur Epileptologie
Holdings: 2003-


Zeitschrift fur Erziehungswissenschaft
Holdings: 2000-


Zeitschrift fur Gerontologie und Geriatrie
Holdings: 1998-


Zeitschrift fur Herz- Thorax- und Gefasschirurgie
Holdings: 1998-


Holdings: 2007-


Zeitschrift fur Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -Forschung. A European food research and technology
Holdings: 1999-


Zeitschrift fur Management
Holdings: 2006-


Zeitschrift fur offentliches Recht
Holdings: 2007-


Zeitschrift fur Physik A: Hadrons and Nuclei
Holdings: 1997


Zeitschrift fur Physik B: Condensed Matter
Holdings: 1997


Zeitschrift fur Physik C: Particles and Fields
Holdings: 1997


Zeitschrift fur Physik D: Atoms Molecules and Clusters
Holdings: 1997


Zeitschrift fur Planung & Unternehmenssteuerung
Holdings: 2005-


Zeitschrift fur Politikberatung
Holdings: 2008-


Zeitschrift fur PsychoDrama und Soziometrie
Holdings: 2005-


Holdings: 1997-
