Ovid Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Journal Definitive Archive |
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AACN clinical issues
AACN clinical issues in critical care nursing
Academic medicine
ACSM's health & fitness journal
Addictive disorders & their treatment
Advances in anatomic pathology
Advances in nursing science
Advances in Skin & Wound Care
Advances in wound care
Adverse drug reaction bulletin
Alzheimer disease and associated disorders
Alzheimer's care quarterly
American journal of clinical oncology: cancer clinical trials
American journal of dermatopathology
American journal of forensic medicine and pathology
American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
American journal of nursing
American journal of optometry
American journal of optometry and archives of American Academy of Optometry
American journal of optometry and physiological optics
American journal of otology
American journal of pediatric hematology/oncology
American journal of physical medicine
American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation
American journal of surgical pathology
American journal of the medical sciences
American journal of therapeutics
Anesthesia & analgesia
Annals of plastic surgery
Annals of surgery
Anti-cancer drugs
Applied immunohistochemistry
Applied immunohistochemistry
Applied immunohistochemistry & molecular morphology
Archives of Occupational Therapy
Arteriosclerosis and thrombosis
Arteriosclerosis thrombosis and vascular biology
ASA refresher courses in anesthesiology
ASAIO journal
ASAIO transactions
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Behavioural pharmacology
Biomedical safety & standards
Biomedical safety & standards
Blood coagulation & fibrinolysis
Blood pressure monitoring
Bulletin of the Association of American Medical Colleges
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Cancer clinical trials
Cancer nursing
Cardiology in review
Chicago journal of nervous and mental disease
Circulation research
CLAO journal
Clinical dysmorphology
Clinical journal of pain
Clinical journal of sport medicine
Clinical neuropharmacology
Clinical nuclear medicine
Clinical nurse specialist
Clinical obstetrics and gynecology
Clinical orthopaedics
Clinical orthopaedics and related research
Clinical pulmonary medicine
Cognitive and behavioral neurology
Computers in nursing
Computers informatics nursing
Contact and intraocular lens medical journal
Contemporary diagnostic radiology
Contemporary neurosurgery
Convulsive therapy
Coronary artery disease
Critical care medicine
Critical care nursing quarterly
Critical care quarterly
Critical pathways in cardiology
Current opinion in allergy and clinical immunology
Current opinion in anaesthesiology
Current opinion in cardiology
Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care
Current opinion in critical care
Current opinion in endocrinology & diabetes
Current opinion in gastroenterology
Current opinion in hematology
Current opinion in infectious diseases
Current opinion in lipidology
Current opinion in nephrology and hypertension
Current opinion in neurology
Current opinion in neurology and neurosurgery
Current opinion in obstetrics and gynecology
Current opinion in oncology
Current opinion in ophthalmology
Current opinion in organ transplantation
Current opinion in orthopaedics
Current opinion in otolaryngology & head and neck surgery
Current opinion in pediatrics
Current opinion in psychiatry
Current opinion in pulmonary medicine
Current opinion in rheumatology
Current opinion in urology
Current researches in anesthesia & analgesia
Diagnostic molecular pathology
Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing; DCCN
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Ear and hearing
ET journal
European journal of cancer prevention
European journal of cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation
European journal of emergency medicine
European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology
Evidence-based eye care
Evidence-based gastroenterology
Exercise and sport sciences reviews
Eye & contact lens
Family & community health
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Gastroenterology nursing
Genetics in medicine
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Health care food & nutrition focus
Health care management review
Health care manager
Health care supervisor
Heart disease
Holistic nursing practice
Home healthcare nurse
Hospital food & nutrition focus
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Implant dentistry
Infants and young children
Infectious diseases in clinical practice
Inside case management
International anesthesiology clinics
International clinical psychopharmacology
International drug therapy newsletter
International journal of gynecological pathology
International journal of rehabilitation research
International ophthalmology clinics
Investigative radiology
Joint letter
JONA'S healthcare law ethics and regulation
Journal for nurses in staff development
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes & human retrovirology
Journal of ambulatory care management
Journal of biological response modifiers
Journal of bronchology
Journal of burn care & rehabilitation
Journal of cardiac rehabilitation
Journal of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation
Journal of cardiovascular nursing
Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology
Journal of cardiovascular risk
Journal of clinical engineering
Journal of clinical gastroenterology
Journal of clinical neuro-ophthalmology
Journal of clinical neuromuscular disease
Journal of clinical neurophysiology
Journal of clinical psychopharmacology
Journal of clinical rheumatology
Journal of computer assisted tomography
Journal of craniofacial surgery
Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics
Journal of ECT
Journal of enterostomal therapy
Journal of ET nursing
Journal of glaucoma
Journal of head trauma rehabilitation
Journal of hospice and palliative nursing
Journal of human virology
Journal of hypertension
Journal of hypertension. Supplement
Journal of immunotherapy
Journal of immunotherapy with emphasis on tumor immunology
Journal of infusion nursing
Journal of intravenous nursing
Journal of lower genital tract disease
Journal of medical education
Journal of nervous and mental disease
Journal of neuro-ophthalmology
Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology
Journal of neurosurgical anesthesiology
Journal of nursing administration
Journal of nursing care quality
Journal of nursing quality assurance
Journal of nursing staff development
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine
Journal of occupational medicine
Journal of orthopaedic trauma
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition
Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology
Journal of pediatric orthopedics
Journal of pediatric orthopedics. Part B
Journal of pelvic medicine and surgery
Journal of pelvic surgery
Journal of perinatal & neonatal nursing
Journal of practical psychiatry and behavioral health
Journal of prosthetics and orthotics
Journal of psychiatric practice
Journal of public health management and practice
Journal of spinal disorders
Journal of spinal disorders & techniques
Journal of the American Audiology Society
Journal of the American Venereal Disease Association
Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges
Journal of thoracic imaging
Journal of trauma
Journal of Trauma Nursing
Journal of women's imaging
Journal of wound ostomy and continence nursing
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Lippincott's case management
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MCN the American journal of maternal child nursing
Medical care
Medical education
Medicine and science in sports
Medicine and science in sports and exercise
Melanoma research
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Neuropsychiatry neuropsychology and behavioral neurology
Neurosurgery quarterly
Northwest Journal of Optometry
Nuclear medicine communications
Nurse Educator
Nurse Practitioner
Nursing administration quarterly
Nursing case management
Nursing made incredibly easy!
Nursing Management
Nursing research
Nutrition & the M.D
Nutrition today
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Obstetric anesthesia digest
Obstetrical & gynecological survey
Obstetrics and gynecology
Occupational Therapy & Rehabilitation
Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery
Optometry and vision science
Orthopaedic Nursing
Otology & neurotology
Outcomes management
Outcomes management for nursing practice
Pathology case reviews
Pediatric case reviews
Pediatric critical care medicine
Pediatric emergency care
Pediatric infectious disease
Pediatric infectious disease journal
Pediatric physical therapy
Pediatric research
Physician assistant
Plastic & reconstructive surgery
Plastic and reconstructive surgery
Plastic and reconstructive surgery and the transplantation bulletin
Plastic Surgical Nursing
Point of care
Postgraduate obstetrics & gynecology
Primary care case reviews
Psychiatric genetics
Psychosomatic medicine
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Quality management in health care
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Real living with multiple sclerosis
Reviews in medical microbiology
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Sexually transmitted diseases
Soil science
Southern medical journal
Sports medicine and arthroscopy review
Supervisor nurse
Surgical laparoscopy & endoscopy
Surgical laparoscopy endoscopy & percutaneous techniques
Survey of anesthesiology
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Techniques in foot & ankle surgery
Techniques in hand & upper extremity surgery
Techniques in knee surgery
Techniques in neurosurgery
Techniques in ophthalmology
Techniques in orthopaedics
Techniques in shoulder & elbow surgery
Therapeutic drug monitoring
Topics in clinical nutrition
Topics in emergency medicine
Topics in geriatric rehabilitation
Topics in language disorders
Topics in magnetic resonance imaging
Topics in pain management
Transactions - American Society for Artificial Internal Organs
Transactions of the meeting of the American Surgical Association
Transactions of the Southern Surgical Association
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Ultrasound quarterly
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