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(341) Resources In 'South Asian Studies'
Databases & Article Indexes (48) E-Journals (160) Biography (1) Book Reviews (4) Data Sets & Statistics (7)
Dictionaries & Thesauri (Languages) (13) E-Books (21) Encyclopedias & Subject Dictionaries (9) Government Information (17) Images (11)
Libraries, Museums, Catalogs & Archives (8) Maps, Atlases & GIS (3) Multimedia & Video (6) News Sources (9) Penn Sites (2)
Preprints & Working Papers (1) Publishers & Books Sellers (3) Research Guides (15) Search Engines & Portals (2) Technical Reports (1)

Primary South Asian Studies Databases & Article Indexes


Bibliography of Asian Studies
All subjects (especially humanities and social sciences) pertaining to East, Southeast, South Asia, and Indian Ocean countries....   [more]
Holdings: 1971 to the present.


ECCO 18th Century Collections Online
Also Known as: ECCO, Eighteenth century collections online
"Nearly 150,000 English-language titles and editions published between 1701 and 1800 will be made available online over the course of the next two years. When complete, the product will allow full-tex...   [more]


Empire online
Manuscript and printed materials pertaining to the history of colonialism, 1492-1962. Primarily British. ...   [more]


Times of India (1838 - 2005), ProQuest Historical Newspapers
Holdings: 1838 - 2005


Important South Asian Studies Databases & Article Indexes


19th Century UK Periodicals, Part 2: Empire: Travel and Anthropology, Economics, Missionary, and Colonia
Also Known as: Empire: Travel and Anthropology, Economics, Missionary & Colonial
- from Gale Primary Sources - Newspapers


ABIA - Index of South and Southeast Asian Art and Archaeology
Also Known as: South and Southeast Asian Art and Archaeology Index, Index of South and Southeast Asian Art and Archaeology
Bibliographic citations for scholarly publications in South Asian and Southeast Asian art and archaeology. Subjects covered include prehistory and protohistory, historical archaeology, ancient art his...   [more]
Supplemental URLs


Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)
Broad collection of fulltext scholarly journals and related periodicals in all scholarly disciplines. Includes bibliographic citations, indexing and abstracting for more than 8,000 periodicals. A comp...   [more]
Holdings: Coverage varies: mostly 1990s to present.


Afghanistan In 1919: The Third Anglo-Afghan War
- from Archives Unbound


British Periodicals
Also Known as: Proquest British Periodicals
British Periodicals tracks the development and growth of the periodical press in Britain from its origins in the seventeenth century through to the Victorian 'age of periodicals' and into the 20th ce...   [more]
Supplemental URLs


CAB Abstracts (complete)
Formerly produced by Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, now Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International, this database comprises international coverage of veterinary medicine, agriculture, fo...   [more]
Holdings: 1910-present.
Supplemental URLs
    CAB Thesaurus


Church Missionary Society Periodicals
Also Known as: CMS I, CMS II


e-corpus is a collective digital library that catalogs and disseminates numerous documents: manuscripts, archives, books, journals, prints, audio recordings, video, etc. This diverse platform present...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Ethnic NewsWatch
Full text, comprehensive archival database providing access to more than 400,000 articles in nearly 200 ethnic, minority and native press newspapers, magazines, and journals. Full text archive of Phi...   [more]
Holdings: Covers 1960 to date. Updated monthly.


Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Daily Reports 1941 - 1996
Also Known as: FBIS
Coverage of Africa, Asia, China, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle/Near East....   [more]


Foreign Office Files: India, Pakistan and Afghanistan
Also Known as: Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan , Foreign Office Files for India Pakistan and Afghanistan
Section I: Independence, Partition and the Nehru Era, 1947-1964
Section II: South Asian conflicts and independence for Bangladesh, 1965-1971
Section III: Afghanistan and the Cold War, Emerge...   [more]
Supplemental URLs


Global Commodities: Trade, Exploration and Cultural Exchange
Supplemental URLs


Historical Abstracts
Historical coverage of the world from 1450 to the present (excluding the United States and Canada)....   [more]
Holdings: ca. 1974- present. Updated three times a year.


History of Afghanistan Online
Also Known as: HAO
- from Brill Online Books and Journals


Index Medicus for South-East Asia Region - IMSEAR
Unrestricted Access


India from Crown Rule to Republic, 1945-1949: Records of the U.S. State Department
- from Archives Unbound


India-Pakistan Conflict: Records of the U.S. State Department, February 1963-1966
- from Archives Unbound


Indian Army and Colonial Warfare on the Frontiers of India, 1914-1920
Also Known as: Indian Army and Colonial Warfare on the Frontiers of India, 1914-1920
- from Archives Unbound


Joint Publications Research Service (JPRS) 1957-1994


Lok Sabha, New Delhi: Online Catalogue (Articles)
Database reflecting contents of Parliamentary Documentation....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


MLA International Bibliography (EBSCO)
Also Known as: Modern Language Association Bibliography, MLAIB
Covers literature, languages, folklore, and linguistics. Includes English and foreign languages. ...   [more]
Holdings: Covers 1963 to the present. New records are added ten times a year.


Pali-English Dictionary
Pali Text Society, London. The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary. Chipstead, 1921-1925....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


ProQuest History Vault: Vietnam War and American Foreign Policy, 1960-1975
Also Known as: ProQuest History Vault (Vietnam War) , Vietnam War
- from ProQuest History Vault


Shahnamah Editions Online
Also Known as: Shahnamah Online, Firdawsī's Shāhnāmah Editions Online


Times Digital Archive (1785-2009)
Also Known as: Times Digital Archive, London Times, Times of London
- from Gale Primary Sources - Newspapers
The archive allows key word searching of articles appearing in the Times of London from 1785-2009. Click on "Home" and then "News Vault" to search all historical newspapers hosted by Gale Cengage and ...   [more]
Holdings: 1785-2009


Web of Science
Also Known as: ISI Citation Indexes, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, SSCI, SCI, AHCI, ISI, WOK, Web of Knowledge
Indexes journals in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities. Allows for cited reference searching. Includes Science Citation Index, the Social Science Citation Index[more]
Holdings: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED)--1945-present, Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)--1956-present, Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI)--1975-present. Updated weekly.
Supplemental URLs
    Web of Science Tutorials
    Cited Reference Searching Tutorial


World Newspaper Archive
Also Known as: World News Archive, Latin American Newspapers, African Newspapers, Slavic & East European Newspapers,South Asian Newspapers
Searchable page image reproductions of pre-1923 newspapers, worldwide. Based largely upon the holdings of the Center for Research Libraries, these newspapers are released in regional collections....   [more]
Supplemental URLs
    African Newspapers (World Newspaper Archive)
    South Asian Newspapers (World Newspaper Archive)
    Latin American Newspapers (World Newspaper Archive)


Related South Asian Studies Databases & Article Indexes


Anthropological Index Online
Content is in Anthropology Plus. Index to current periodicals held in the Centre for Anthropology at the British Museum, London. Covers cultural and social anthropology, archaeology, biological and ph...   [more]
Holdings: 1957-.
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs


ATLA Religion Database
Covers all religious traditions; strongest coverage is for materials dealing with the Judeo-Christian tradition. While about half of the material included is in English. Includes materials published...   [more]
Holdings: 1949 to the present. Updated two times a year.


CAB Abstracts
Formerly produced by Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, now Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International, this database comprises international coverage of veterinary medicine, agriculture, fo...   [more]
Holdings: 1910 to the present. Updated monthly.
Supplemental URLs
    CAB Thesaurus


CINAHL - Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature
The Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health (CINAHL) database provides authoritative coverage of the literature related to nursing and allied health. Topics covered include: cardiopulmonary techn...   [more]
Holdings: 1982 to the present. Updated monthly.
Supplemental URLs
    mobile access to CINAHL
    CINAHL systematic review-focused interface
    CINAHL quick search interface
    advanced search


General, multidisciplinary periodical database, covering all scholarly disciplines, with many general and popular magazines, and news sources. Includes bibliographic citations with indexing and abstra...   [more]
Holdings: Coverage varies: mostly 1990s to present.


eHRAF World Cultures
Also Known as: eHRAF Collection of Ethnography
The Collection of Ethnography, established 1949, currently contains nearly one million pages of information on over 360 cultures of the world, past and present. Each culture case contains a variet...   [more]
Holdings: Updated in annual installments.
Supplemental URLs
    eHRAF User Guides
    Outline of Cultural Materials (OCM): Topics and Subjects
    Culture List for All Formats (Outline of World Cultures - OWC)
    Basic Guide to Cross-Cultural Research
    Overview and User Tips (obsolete)


EIU Country Commerce
- from EIU - Economist Intelligence Unit
Guide to regulations, operating conditions, and corporate practices in more than 60 countries....   [more]
Holdings: 1996 - Present


FBIS: Foreign Broadcast Information Service Electronic Index (1975-1996)
Contemporary coverage of political, economic, scientific, and cultural issues and events worldwide, relying upon international and local language news sources. The FBIS Electronic Index provides acces...   [more]


Film Index International
Index of films and film personalities that is an unmatched reference work for entertainment films and biographical information about directors, producers, actors and more. in collaboration with the Br...   [more]


Global Books in Print
Holdings: Updated weekly.
Supplemental URLs


Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)
Abstracts and indexes the international literature in linguistics and related disciplines in the language sciences Covers all aspects of the study of language including linguistics, language acquisi...   [more]
Holdings: 1973 to present.
Supplemental URLs
    Serials List
    Search Guide
    LLBA Classification Codes


Periodicals Index Online
Also Known as: PIO,PCI,Periodical Contents Index,Chadwyck PCI,Periodicals Contents Index
Humanities and social sciences. The scope is international, including journals in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and other Western languages. ...   [more]


Philosopher's Index
Also Known as: Philosophers Index
Provides indexing and abstracts from books and journals of philosophy and related fields. It covers the areas of ethics, aesthetics, social philosophy, political philosophy, epistemology, metaphysics,...   [more]


Population Index
Covers fields of interest to demographers, including fertility, mortality, population size and growth, migration, nuptiality and the family, research methodology, projections and predictions, historic...   [more]
Holdings: 1986 to 2000.
Unrestricted Access


Proquest Dissertations and Theses Fulltext (formerly Dissertation Abstracts)
Also Known as: Digital Dissertations, Dissertation Abstracts, UMI, DAI, ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (PQDT), Proquest Dissertations and Theses Fulltext
Indexing (since 1861) and abstracting (since 1980) for doctoral-level dissertations completed at North American universities. Page images or fulltext of all available dissertations - including Penn d...   [more]
Holdings: Indexing 1861-present, abstracts 1980-present, page-image or fulltext PDF for available dissertations dissertations from 1997 to the present.
Supplemental URLs


Sociological Abstracts
Also Known as: SocAbs soc abs
- from CSA Databases
Covers sociology, case work, demographics, policy studies, political science, family studies, feminist studies, and social security programs....   [more]
Holdings: 1963 to the present. Updated bimonthly.
Supplemental URLs
    Serials List
    Classification Codes (ProQuest LibGuide)


U.S. Declassified Documents Online - DDRS Online
Also Known as: Declassified Documents Reference System
Primary sources, fulltext and image for declassified United States government documents from the second half of the twentieth century to the present. The collection provides coverage for domestic an...   [more]
Holdings: Declassified documents issued from 1941 through the 1990s. Documents have been declassified since 1974.
Supplemental URLs
    Old URL, as DDRS
