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(325) Resources In 'Business & Management (General)'

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Databases & Article Indexes (89) E-Journals (131) Associations, Organizations & Societies (1) Book Reviews (1) Case Studies (2)
Data Sets & Statistics (31) Directories (6) E-Books (13) Government Information (16) News Sources (8)
Patents & Trademarks (1) Preprints & Working Papers (3) Research Guides (21) Search Engines & Portals (1) Study & Teaching (1)

Primary Business & Management (General) E-Journals


ABI/Inform - Proquest
Provides in-depth coverage of business conditions, trends, corporate strategies and tactics, management techniques, marketing, and product development, including complete runs of key business and mana...   [see all resources in this collection]


Africa Confidential
- from OCLC FirstSearch ECO
1999-2002...   [more]
Holdings: 1999-2002


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BD Week
Also Known as: Broker Dealer Week, bdweekly
Holdings: 1998-


Business and Economic History On-Line
Also Known as: BEH Online, Business & Economic History Online
access to both the online version (2003- ) and electronic version of the print journal (1975-1999)...   [more]
Holdings: 2003-


Business Source Complete
Also Known as: BSC
Citations, summaries and full text of articles from business-focused academic journals, magazines and trade publications, as well as access to company, industry and market research. ...   [see all resources in this collection]
Supplemental URLs


Holdings: 1999-


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Economist Historical Archive, 1843-2020
- from Gale Primary Sources - Newspapers
Holdings: 1843-2020
Supplemental URLs


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Monthly Revenue Report. Pennsylvania Department of Revenue
Unrestricted Access


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Newsbank Access World News
Also Known as: NewsBank National Newspapers , America's Newspapers , Access World News , News Bank
Searchable fulltext of international and U.S. national, regional, and local newspapers. Coverage for current issues (i.e., yesterday in most cases) with extensive backfiles. Business and Management, ...   [see all resources in this collection]
Holdings: Varies with title, 1970s or more recent to present.
    NewsBank U.S. Newspapers


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OECD iLibrary
Also Known as: Source OECD, SourceOECD
Publications and statistical information from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) covering agriculture and food, education and skills, emerging economies and transition e...   [see all resources in this collection]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs


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PE Week ( Private Equity Week )
Also Known as: PEW
- from publisher website
Holdings: 1999-


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Venture Capital Journal (VC Journal)
Also Known as: vcj
- from publisher website
Holdings: 1999-


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Wall Street Journal (1889-2001), ProQuest Historical Newspapers
Also Known as: wsj, ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Wall Street Journal
- from Proquest Historical Newspapers

Full-text of the Wall Street Journal. News, editorials, letters to the editor, obituaries, financial quotes, and advertisements are all searchable and available for viewing and printin...   [more]
Holdings: 1889-1999


Wall Street Journal (Eastern Edition) (Proquest Recent Newspapers)
- from ProQuest Digital Microfilm
Holdings: 2008-
Embargo: 2 month embargo on full-text


Important Business & Management (General) E-Journals


Accounting Management and Information Technologies
- from ScienceDirect
Backfiles only...   [more]
Holdings: 1991-2000


Also Known as: Ad Critic
Full text available at Annenberg Library only.
Latest news and information about the advertising industry. In conjunction with Creativity magazine, AdCritic offers a growin...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


American Bankruptcy Review: The Monthly Magazine for Lawyers, Bankers, and Business Men
- from HeinOnline
Holdings: 1924-1937


Annales des Mines - Réalités industrielles
Also Known as: Annales des Mines - Realites industrielles
- from CAIRN Bouquet General
Holdings: 2008-2014


Annales des Mines - Responsabilité et environnement
Also Known as: Annales des Mines - Responsabilite et environnement
- from CAIRN Bouquet General
Holdings: 2008-2014


Arabian Journals of Business and Management Review
Issues 7 and 8, 2012 from the American University of Kuwait Chapter: issues 8 and 9, 2012 from Sohar University, Oman Chapter. In English and Arabic....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation
- from Sage Publications
Holdings: 2005-


Asper Review of International Business and Trade Law
- from HeinOnline
Holdings: 2001-2005


Australian Journal of Career Development
- from Sage Publications
Holdings: 1992-


Automotive News and Data Center
Also Known as: auto news
Includes sales, production and dealership information. Available in Lippincott Library only. Ask at the Lippincott Information Desk for assistance logging on. ...   [more]
Supplemental URLs
    Automotive News login
    Automotive News Data Center login


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Big Data and Society
- from Sage Publications
Holdings: 2015-


Bloomberg Businessweek Archive
Also Known as: Businessweek, Business Week, Business week archive, bloomberg businessweek digital archive
Holdings: 1929-2000
Supplemental URLs


Business & Professional Ethics Journal
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1981-


Business and Professional Communication Quarterly
- from Sage Publications
Holdings: 1969-


Business Economics
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1965-
Moving Wall: 5.00 year moving wall


Business Information Review
- from Sage Publications
Holdings: 1984-


Business Law International
- from HeinOnline
Holdings: 1999-2003


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Columbia Business Law Review
- from HeinOnline
1986-...   [more]


Communication & Language at Work
Unrestricted Access


Comptabilité - Contrôle - Audit
Also Known as: Comptabilite - Controle - Audit
- from CAIRN Bouquet General
Holdings: 1995-2014


Corporate Governance eJournal
- from HeinOnline
Holdings: 2005-


Corporate Reorganizations, Combined with American Bankruptcy Review
- from HeinOnline
Holdings: 1937-1947


Corporate Reorganizations: A Monthly Magazine Devoted to the Law of Corporate Reorganizations, Railroad Reorganizations and Municipal Relief
- from HeinOnline
Holdings: 1934-1937


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- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1933-
Moving Wall: 2.00 year moving wall


European State Aid Law Quarterly
- from HeinOnline
Holdings: 2002-


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Financial Times Archive 1888 - 2021
Also Known as: Financial Times Historical Archive
- from Gale Primary Sources - Newspapers
Holdings: 1888 - 2021
Supplemental URLs


Foreign Trade Review
- from Sage Publications
Holdings: 2013-


Frontiers of business research in China
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 2007-


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Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1976-1989


Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1990-2004


Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance. Issues and Practice
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1990-
Moving Wall: 5.00 year moving wall


Geneva Risk and Insurance Review
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 2005-
Moving Wall: 5.00 year moving wall


Global Business Review
- from Sage Publications
Holdings: 2000-


Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies
- from Sage Publications
Holdings: 2009-


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Hastings Business Law Journal
- from HeinOnline
Holdings: Vol. 1 (2005)


Human Organization
- from Metapress
Holdings: 1941-


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ILR Review
- from Sage Publications
Holdings: 1947-


Also Known as: Industrial & Labor Relations Review , Industrial and Labor Relations Review , ILR Review
- from Sage Publications
Holdings: 1947-


Information Visualization
- from Sage Publications
Holdings: 2002-


International Business Law Journal
- from HeinOnline
Holdings: 1985-


International Business Lawyer
- from HeinOnline
Holdings: 1973-2001


International Journal of Arts Management
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1998-
Moving Wall: 3.00 year moving wall


International Journal of Business Communication
- from Sage Publications
Holdings: 1963-


International Law & Management Review
- from HeinOnline
Holdings: 2005


International Union Rights
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1992-
Moving Wall: 5.00 year moving wall


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Jindal Journal of Business Research
- from Sage Publications
Holdings: 2012-2012


Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance
Also Known as: Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance
- from Sage Publications
Holdings: 1986-


Journal of Accounting Literature
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 2013-


Journal of African Business
- from Taylor & Francis Online
Holdings: 2000-


Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making
- from Sage Publications
Holdings: 2007-


Journal of Competition Law and Economics
- from HeinOnline
Holdings: 2005-


Journal of Cultural Economics
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1977-
Moving Wall: 3.00 year moving wall


Journal of entrepreneurship
- from Sage Publications
Holdings: 1992-


Journal of European Competition Law & Practice
- from Oxford University Press Journals
Holdings: 2010-


Journal of Insurance Issues
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1991-


Journal of Insurance Issues and Practices
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1977-1990


Journal of International Business and Law
- from HeinOnline
Holdings: 2002-


Journal of Leisure Research
- from publisher website
Holdings: 1995-


Journal of Productivity Analysis
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1989-
Moving Wall: 3.00 year moving wall


Journal of Risk and Uncertainty
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1988-
Moving Wall: 3.00 year moving wall


Journal of Service Management
- from Emerald
Holdings: 2009-


Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Also Known as: Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship
- from Taylor & Francis Online
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation
- from Sage Publications
Holdings: 2015-


Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
- from Sage Publications
Holdings: 1973-2006


Journal of world intellectual property
Also Known as: The Journal of world intellectual property
- from Wiley Online Library
Holdings: 1998-


Juta's Business Law
- from HeinOnline
Holdings: 1993-


Juta's Business Review
- from Sabinet African Journals
Holdings: 2003-


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- from Wiley Online Library
Holdings: 1997-


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Management and Organization Review
- from Wiley Online Library
Holdings: 2005-


Management International
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1961-1966


Management International Review
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1966-1989


Management Research Review
- from Emerald
Holdings: 2010-


Management Revue
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1990-
Moving Wall: 1.00 year moving wall


Margin - The Journal of Applied Economic Research
- from Sage Publications
Holdings: 2007-


Marketing Letters
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1989-
Moving Wall: 3.00 year moving wall


Markets and Sectors


- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


Metapress - American Real Estate Society Journals
Also Known as: American Real Estate Society Journals
[see all resources in this collection]


MIR: Management International Review
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1990-
Moving Wall: 3.00 year moving wall


MIT Sloan management review
Also Known as: Sloan management review
- from publisher website
Holdings: 1989-


Monthly Labor Review
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1918-


Monthly Review of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1915-1918


Multinational Business Review
- from Emerald
Holdings: 2003-


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National Tax Journal
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1948-
Moving Wall: 2.00 year moving wall


- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1999-


New directions for program evaluation
- from Wiley Online Library
Holdings: 1999-


North American Actuarial Journal
- from Taylor & Francis Online
Holdings: 1997-


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Pacific economic review
- from Wiley Online Library
Holdings: 1997-


Perspectives on Work
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1997-
Moving Wall: 3.00 year moving wall


Public Relations Inquiry
- from Sage Publications
Holdings: 2012-


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R & D management
- from Wiley Online Library
Holdings: 1997-


Records Management Journal
- from Emerald
Holdings: 1998-


Relations Industrielles / Industrial Relations
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1950-
Moving Wall: 2.00 year moving wall


Research-Technology Management
Also Known as: Research Technology Management
- from Taylor & Francis Online
Holdings: 1997-


Review of Corporate Finance Studies
- from Oxford University Press Journals
Holdings: 2012-


Review of industrial organization
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


Review of international economics
- from Wiley Online Library
Holdings: 1997-


Review of Market Integration
- from Sage Publications
Holdings: 2009-2013


Review of Network Economics
- from De Gruyter ResearchNOW
Holdings: 2002-


Review of Socionetwork Strategies
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 2007-


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SA Mercantile Law Journal
- from Sabinet African Journals
Holdings: 2003-


Service Business
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 2007-


Small Business Economics
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1989-
Moving Wall: 3.00 year moving wall


Special Issues
Unrestricted Access


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Tradition: Zeitschrift fur Firmengeschichte und Unternehmerbiographie
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1956-1976


Transactions of the Centre for Business Law
- from Sabinet African Journals
Holdings: 2000-


Tydskrif vir die Suid Afrikaanse reg
- from Sabinet African Journals
Holdings: 2003-


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UC Davis Business Law Journal
- from HeinOnline
Holdings: 2001-


Universia Knowledge@Wharton
Universia Knowledge@Wharton, published in Spanish and Portuguese, is the result of an agreement between Knowledge@Wharton and Universia.net to distribute business and education content from the Wharto...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


University of Denver Sports and Entertainment Law Journal
- from HeinOnline
Holdings: 2005-


Urban Land Institute
Also Known as: Urban Land Institute, ULI, Urban Land Archive
More than 1,200 useful real estate web sites by category or by market assembled by ULI Information Services. Access to *some* parts of the site is unrestricted. For full-text of Urban Land magazine ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
     Click for the journal: Urban Land Archive
    Development Case Studies


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Working USA
- from Wiley Online Library
Holdings: 1999-


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Zeitschrift fur Arbeitsmarktforschung
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 2009-2011


Zeitschrift fur offentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen: ZogU / Journal for Public and Nonprofit Services
Also Known as: ZogU , Journal for Public and Nonprofit Services
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1978-
Moving Wall: 5.00 year moving wall


Zeitschrift fur Personalforschung / German Journal of Research in Human Resource Management
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1987-
Moving Wall: 1.00 year moving wall


Zeitschrift fur Unternehmensgeschichte / Journal of Business History
Also Known as: Journal of Business History
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1977-
Moving Wall: 5.00 year moving wall


Related Business & Management (General) E-Journals


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Federal Register and Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1981-
Tthe full text of the Federal Register. Coverage goes back to July 1, 1980. The file is updated daily, so each day's Federal Register is available online the same day as the printed version. ...   [more]
