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(381) Resources In 'Science & Engineering (General)'
Databases & Article Indexes (51) E-Journals (85) Almanacs & Factbooks (1) Associations, Organizations & Societies (8) Biography (2)
Book Reviews (3) Citation Guides & Style Manuals (3) Companies, Manufacturers & Product Catalogs (3) Conferences & Proceedings (12) Converters (3)
Data Sets & Statistics (7) Directories (5) Discussion Lists & Blogs (3) E-Books (46) Encyclopedias & Subject Dictionaries (10)
Government Information (15) Handbooks, Tables, Properties & Datasheets (8) Images (1) Job Opportunities (3) Libraries, Museums, Catalogs & Archives (7)
Maps, Atlases & GIS (2) News Sources (15) Observatories & Labs (2) Patents & Trademarks (7) Penn Sites (5)
Preprints & Working Papers (6) Publishers & Books Sellers (1) Research Guides (34) Schools & Research Centers (2) Search Engines & Portals (14)
Standards (3) Study & Teaching (6) Technical Reports (8)

Primary Science & Engineering (General) E-Books


CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
Also Known as: Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
Online version of the 91st edition of the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics containing frequently used data in science including the periodic table of elements, basic constants and units, thermody...   [more]
Holdings: 2001-
Supplemental URLs


Important Science & Engineering (General) E-Books


ADS Historical Literature Project
A joint project between the ADS and the Library at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics to digitize microfilms from selected historical publications in astronomy, including observatory repo...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- from Annual Reviews
Holdings: 1963-


Annual Review of Biochemistry
- from Annual Reviews
Holdings: 1932-


Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering
- from Annual Reviews
Holdings: 1999-


Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure
Also Known as: Annual Review of Biophysics & Biomolecular Structure
- from Annual Reviews
Continued by Annual Review of Biophysics...   [more]
Holdings: 1972-2007


Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- from Annual Reviews
Holdings: 1973-


Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics
- from Annual Reviews
Continued by Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics....   [more]
Holdings: 1970-2003


Annual Review of Energy and the Environment
- from Annual Reviews
continued by Annual Review of Environment and Resources....   [more]
Holdings: 1991-2002


Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics
- from Annual Reviews
Holdings: 1969-


Annual Review of Materials Research
- from Annual Reviews
Holdings: 1971-


Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science
- from Annual Reviews
Holdings: 1952-


Annual Review of Physical Chemistry
- from Annual Reviews
Holdings: 1950-


Basics of NMR
Textbook with examples...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates
The Indexed Published Literature of Vertebrate Paleontology, 1509 - 1993 ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Burger's Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery
Also Known as: Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery , Medicinal Chemistry , Burgers
- from Wiley Online Library
Burger's offers easy access to broad coverage of medicinal chemistry and drug discovery for new or experienced medicinal chemists, biologists, pharmacologists and molecular biologists. This includes a...   [more]


Also Known as: MIT Cognet, CogNet (Library Edition)
A "central repository for the most current and topical electronic resources" in cognitive science and its six core areas: philosophy of mind, computational intelligence, cognitive psychology, linguist...   [more]


Cornell University Library Historical Mathematics Monographs
The Cornell University Library Historical Mathematics Monographs is a collection of over 575 monographs with expired copyrights chosen from the mathematics field. The books were scanned from the orig...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Distributed Digital Library of Mathematical Monographs
The university libraries of Cornell, Gvttingen, and Michigan have made available a significant body of mathematical monographs via this website. The virtual collection, comprising more than 2,000 volu...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


e-EROS : Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis
Also Known as: Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis , EROS
- from Wiley Online Library
This work is the definitive reference source for reagents used in organic synthesis, and utilizes the full potential benefits of the web by allowing chemical structure, substructure and reaction searc...   [more]


Electronic Library of Mathematics
The Electronic Library of Mathematics contains online journals, article collections, and monographs in the field of mathematics including issues of Annals of Mathematics. All material is in electronic...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Mathematical Journals
    Monographs and Lecture Notes


Eurekah Bioscience Collection
- from PubMed Central
A collection of book chapters from over 100 bioscience and biomedicine books published by Landes Bioscience. The database is searchable by keyword and can be browsed by topic...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Handbook of Space Astronomy and Astrophysics
Published by Cambridge University Press, this handbook is a reference for space astronomy and astrophysics....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Also Known as: Houben Weyl , Science of Synthesis
Use Internet Explorer to view documents. Houben-Weyl is the acclaimed reference series for preparative methods in organic chemistry, in which all methods are organized according to the class of compo...   [more]
Supplemental URLs


Knovel Engineering & Scientific Online Reference Books
Also Known as: Knovel
- from Knovel Engineering & Scientific Online Reference Books
Online fulltext access to nearly 800 leading Science and Engineering Reference works....   [more]


Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Also Known as: LNCS , Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
- from SpringerLINK
The series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, including its subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, has established itself as a medium for the reporting of new developments i...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Lecture Notes in Mathematics
Also Known as: LNM
- from SpringerLINK
This series reports on new developments in all areas of mathematics and their applications--quickly, informally and at a high level. Material includes research monographs, lectures on a new field or ...   [more]
Holdings: 1964-


Molecular Biology of the Cell
- from PubMed Central
PubMed Bookshelf. 4th edition, 2002....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Molecular Cell Biology
- from PubMed Central
PubMed Bookshelf. 4th edition, 1999....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


National Academies Press Books
Also Known as: NAP Books, Joseph Henry Press Books
Fulltext books published for the US National Academies. Topics include agriculture, behavioral science, biology, computer science, chemistry, earth science, education, energy, engineering, environment...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


NCBI Handbook
- from PubMed Central
PubMed Bookshelf. 2002....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Numerical Recipes
Online fulltext computer science books from the Numerical Recipes series, freely provided by Cambridge University Press....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


O'Reilly for HIgher Education
Also Known as: Safari , informIT , Safari Tech Books Online
...   [more]
Supplemental URLs
    Vendor complete title list


Online Books Page
Also Known as: Online Books
The Online Books Page is a website that facilitates access to books that are freely readable over the Internet. It also aims to encourage the development of such online books, for the benefit and edi...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Organic Syntheses
Based on the staple book series, Organic Syntheses presents to the organic chemistry community detailed experimental methods in a standard format for the synthesis of organic compounds. It is searcha...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Science and Engineering Indicators
Provides a broad base of quantitative information about U.S. science, engineering, and technology....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


University of Michigan Historical Mathematics Collection
A growing library of books selected from the University of Michigan mathematics collection that have been digitized to improve access and to preserve the content of these books. All of the books in th...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Related Science & Engineering (General) E-Books


Also Known as: csic consejo superior investigaciones cientificas
Digital.CSIC contains documents (articles, working papers, etc.) resulting from the research of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) of Madrid. They cover all areas of the...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Directory of Open Access Books
Also Known as: DOAB
Searchable index to peer-reviewed, open-access monographs and edited volumes with links to the full texts of the publications at the publishers website or repository....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


OECD Factbook
- from OECD iLibrary
OECD's statistical annual showing a wide range of key statistics for its member countries and major additional countries. For each indicator presented, there is explanatory text including a definition...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
