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(945) Resources In 'Earth & Environmental Studies'
Databases & Article Indexes (49) E-Journals (684) Acronyms, Abbreviations & Symbols (1) Associations, Organizations & Societies (19) Book Reviews (2)
Conferences & Proceedings (3) Converters (1) Data Sets & Statistics (21) Directories (3) Discussion Lists & Blogs (3)
E-Books (21) Encyclopedias & Subject Dictionaries (6) Government Information (40) Handbooks, Tables, Properties & Datasheets (1) Job Opportunities (1)
Libraries, Museums, Catalogs & Archives (9) Maps, Atlases & GIS (8) Multimedia & Video (1) News Sources (7) Observatories & Labs (1)
Penn Sites (3) Preprints & Working Papers (3) Publishers & Books Sellers (1) Research Guides (19) Schools & Research Centers (5)
Search Engines & Portals (20) Study & Teaching (6) Technical Reports (7)

Primary Earth & Environmental Studies Databases & Article Indexes


Environment Abstracts
Also Known as: Proquest Environment Abstracts, Environmental Abstracts , lexisnexis environmental, lexis nexis environmental, sustainability science abstracts
Database collection for environmental studies. Environment Abstracts is the principal bibliographic abstracting service for the scholarly, professional, and policy literatures on the environment. Topi...   [more]


The principal tool for identifying the worldwide literature in geology and the geosciences....   [more]
Holdings: 1785 to the present (North American); 1933 to the present (entire world.) Updated bi-monthly.


GreenFILE offers well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on the enviro...   [more]


GREENR (Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources) is a portal to reference resources on sustainability and the environment. It provides a multidisciplinary overview of emergi...   [more]


Indexes most peer reviewed journals in science, technology, and medicine, and many in the social sciences, arts, and humanities. Scopus also includes a number of trade publications and conference pap...   [more]
Holdings: 1823-present, although most records are from 1996 or later.
Supplemental URLs
    Mobile Site
    Scopus Tutorials
    Scopus support center
    Scopus tutorials


Web of Science
Also Known as: ISI Citation Indexes, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, SSCI, SCI, AHCI, ISI, WOK, Web of Knowledge
Indexes journals in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities. Allows for cited reference searching. Includes Science Citation Index, the Social Science Citation Index[more]
Holdings: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED)--1945-present, Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)--1956-present, Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI)--1975-present. Updated weekly.
Supplemental URLs
    Web of Science Tutorials
    Cited Reference Searching Tutorial


Important Earth & Environmental Studies Databases & Article Indexes


Abstracts with programs - Geological Society of America
- from Geological Society of America
Search annual meeting and section meetings from the Geological Society of America. From 2001 onwards the full text of the abstract can be searched, from 1997 - 2000 only the author and title are searc...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)
Broad collection of fulltext scholarly journals and related periodicals in all scholarly disciplines. Includes bibliographic citations, indexing and abstracting for more than 8,000 periodicals. A comp...   [more]
Holdings: Coverage varies: mostly 1990s to present.


The topics covered in this USDA database include: agriculture, agronomy, animal science, biology, biotechnology, botany, breeding, chemistry, conservation, crop management, dairy science, ecology, ent...   [more]
Holdings: 1979 to present. Updates monthly.
Supplemental URLs
    AGRICOLA Subject Category Codes


BIOSIS Previews (1993-2012)
The world's most comprehensive reference database in the life sciences. It covers original research reports and reviews in biological and biomedical areas. Coverage includes traditional areas of biolo...   [more]
Holdings: 1993-


BuildingGreen Suite
Also Known as: Building Green Suite
About BuildingGreen, LLC: We are an independent company committed to providing accurate, unbiased, and timely information designed to help building-industry professionals and policy makers improve the...   [more]


CAB Abstracts
Formerly produced by Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, now Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International, this database comprises international coverage of veterinary medicine, agriculture, fo...   [more]
Holdings: 1910 to the present. Updated monthly.
Supplemental URLs
    CAB Thesaurus


CAB Abstracts (complete)
Formerly produced by Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, now Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International, this database comprises international coverage of veterinary medicine, agriculture, fo...   [more]
Holdings: 1910-present.
Supplemental URLs
    CAB Thesaurus


Also Known as: Engineering Index , Ei Compendex , ei village , engineering village
The broad subject areas of engineering and applied science are comprehensively represented. Coverage includes nuclear technology, bioengineering, transportation, chemical and process engineering, ligh...   [more]
Holdings: 1884 - present. Updated weekly.
Supplemental URLs
    Penn Inspec and Compendex Guide


E&E Library Online Collections Database
Also Known as: E & E Library Online Collections Database
Environment & Energy Daily (E&E Daily), Greenwire, Land Letter, and E&ENews PM...   [more]
Supplemental URLs


General, multidisciplinary periodical database, covering all scholarly disciplines, with many general and popular magazines, and news sources. Includes bibliographic citations with indexing and abstra...   [more]
Holdings: Coverage varies: mostly 1990s to present.


Envirofacts Data Warehouse
A single point of access to select U.S. EPA environmental data. This website provides access to several EPA databases providing information about environmental activities that may affect air, water, ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


FAO Corporate Document Repository
Also Known as: Food and Agriculture Organization Document Repository
Fulltext electronic library of FAO publications and meeting documents and related publications from non-FAO sources. Topics covered include agriculture, economics and nutrition, fisheries, forestry, s...   [more]
Holdings: Dates vary. Mostly 1986-present.
Unrestricted Access


FirstGov for Science
Also Known as: science.gov
Science.gov is a gateway to authoritative selected science information provided by U.S. Government agencies, including research and development results. Two major types of information are included - ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


GlobalData Power
GlobalData Power (formerly titled Alternative Energy eTrack) offers comprehensive coverage on clean technologies and alternative energy industry sectors worldwide. It contains detailed information on ...   [more]


Google Scholar
Access to Google Scholar with Penn-only links to full-text articles. Once authenticated through Penn's proxy, full-text articles to which Penn Libraries subscribe will become available within the Goo...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Access Google Scholar without authenticating as a Penn user
    proxied Google Scholar connection


MEDLINE (complete file)
The premier database for bibliographic coverage of biomedical literature. MEDLINE encompasses information from Index Medicus, Index to Dental Literature, and International Nursing Index, as well as ot...   [more]
Supplemental URLs
    MEDLINE (latest years)


Middle East Water Collection (formerly IES Water Database Bibliography)
Also Known as: IES Water Database Bibliography
The IES Water Database is a bibliography of over 10,000 items related to middle eastern water studies. The current range of sources in the database encompassing such topics as hydrology, geography, s...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


NSCEP / NEPIS - US EPA Publications Gateway Home
The US EPA's documents and reports catalog, providing fulltext in NEPIS, National Environmental Publications Internet Site, and citations to print documents available from NSCEP, National Service Cent...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


NTIS National Technical Reports Library - NTRL
Also Known as: National Technical Information Service
The National Technical Information Service (NTIS) serves the USA as the largest central resource for government-funded scientific, technical, engineering, and business related information available to...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    NTRL Access Information


OVID Multi-Database Searching
This OVID interface allows users to search multiple databases simultaneously. Deduping allows one to remove duplicates from the resulting search before viewing, saving, or printing the set....   [more]


PAIS International
Also Known as: Public Affairs Information Service, PAIS Archive
- from CSA Databases
Bibliographic citations (1915-) with indexing on contemporary public affairs and policy issues worldwide related to a wide range of topics: agriculture, banking, finance, business, demographics, educa...   [more]
Holdings: 1915-
Supplemental URLs
    Journal List (OCLC PAIS via Internet Archive)
    Broad Topics Classification (OCLC PAIS via Internet Archive)


Peerj and Peerj Computer Science Institutional Plan
The Penn Libraries have established an institutional membership with PeerJ, and will pay the cost of a basic membership for each Penn author (identified via their use of an email address in the @upenn...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Proquest Dissertations and Theses Fulltext (formerly Dissertation Abstracts)
Also Known as: Digital Dissertations, Dissertation Abstracts, UMI, DAI, ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (PQDT), Proquest Dissertations and Theses Fulltext
Indexing (since 1861) and abstracting (since 1980) for doctoral-level dissertations completed at North American universities. Page images or fulltext of all available dissertations - including Penn d...   [more]
Holdings: Indexing 1861-present, abstracts 1980-present, page-image or fulltext PDF for available dissertations dissertations from 1997 to the present.
Supplemental URLs


Sage Urban Studies Abstracts
- from OCLC FirstSearch ECO
Bibliographic citations with abstracts describing scholarly literature in all aspects of urban studies. Topics include trends in urbanization, urban history, architecture and urban design, housing and...   [more]
Holdings: 1998-2004


SciFinder (Chemical Abstracts)
Also Known as: Chemical Abstracts
Chemical information: bibliographic, compound and reaction information. Accessed via a Mac or Windows client (SciFinder Scholar) which can be downloaded to any campus workstation. The database can on...   [more]
Holdings: 1907-present. Abstracts updated daily; compound registry and indexing updated weekly
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    SciFinder Scholar Resources from the CAS Learning Center


SciTech Connect
Also Known as: energy citations database
SciTech Connect is a consolidation of the Energy Citations Database developed by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) Information Bridge t...   [more]
Holdings: 1948 - present
Unrestricted Access


Sociological Abstracts
Also Known as: SocAbs soc abs
- from CSA Databases
Covers sociology, case work, demographics, policy studies, political science, family studies, feminist studies, and social security programs....   [more]
Holdings: 1963 to the present. Updated bimonthly.
Supplemental URLs
    Serials List
    Classification Codes (ProQuest LibGuide)


TRANweb - Northwestern University Transportation Library Collections
Also Known as: Transportation Article File
Bibliographic information on magazine articles, conference papers, and other materials on transportation and law enforcement....   [more]
Holdings: 1976-present.
Unrestricted Access


Urban Studies Abstracts
Also Known as: Sage Urban Studies Abstracts
Bibliographic citations with abstracts describing scholarly literature in all aspects of urban studies. Topics include trends in urbanization, urban history, architecture and urban design, housing and...   [more]
Holdings: 1973-present.


World Bank Documents & Reports
Also Known as: World Development Sources, WDS
Page-image fulltext of more than 14,000 World Bank documents. Covers World Bank activities and interests worldwide in agriculture, economic policy, education and social protection, electrical power, o...   [more]
Holdings: 1960-present. Updated weekly.
Unrestricted Access


World Development Indicators
Also Known as: World Bank WDI Online
The World Bank's principal data source on the global economy. More than 550 time series, 1960-present, on more than 200 countries and 18 country groups, covering demographic, social, economic, financi...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    old interface url
    old interface url


Related Earth & Environmental Studies Databases & Article Indexes


ABI/Inform - Proquest
Provides in-depth coverage of business conditions, trends, corporate strategies and tactics, management techniques, marketing, and product development, including complete runs of key business and mana...   [more]


Alternative Press Index
Also Known as: Altpress Index
Indexes over 250 alternative, radical and left periodicals, newspapers and magazines. Includes selected abstracts from research journals. ...   [more]
Holdings: 1991 to present


Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
- from CSA Databases
Covers architecture, architectural design, archeology, furniture and decoration, historic preservation, the history of architecture, interior design, landscape architecture, urban planning....   [more]
Holdings: 1930s to the present; selective coverage dating back to the 1860s, updated daily


DoPP - Directory of Published Papers
This database can be used to locate future events such as conferences, congresses, meetings, and symposia. Results are sorted by year, dates, location, and name of event. If you locate a listing, cl...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Also Known as: Econ Lit CSA
- from CSA Databases
Covers accounting, consumer economics, monetary policy, labor, demographics, modeling, economic theory, and planning. Primarily English language, some foreign language publications included. ...   [more]
Holdings: 1969 to the present. Book reviews (1994- ), Dissertations (1987- ), Abstracts of Working Papers in Economics (1984- ).Updated monthly.
Supplemental URLs
    Journal List (AEA)
    JEL Classification Codes Guide (AEA)


Hispanic American Periodicals Index
Also Known as: HAPI
Subjects covered include anthropology, archaeology, anthropology, banking and finance, business, commerce, drama, drug trade, economic development, environmental issues, ethnography, folklore, geogr...   [more]
Holdings: 1970 to the present. Updated weekly.


Incites Journal Citation Reports (JCR)
Also Known as: ISI JCR
Journal Citation Reports provides journal comparison by accumulating and tabulating citation and article counts. It includes the JCR Science edition,and the JCR Social Sciences edition...   [more]


Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations
Electronic theses and dissertations from approximately 200 international member universities and institutions....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Nexis Uni (formerly LexisNexis Academic) (NYT & much more)
Also Known as: lexis/nexis, Lexis-Nexis, Lexis Nexis, LN Academic, LexisNexis Academic, Lexis Nexis Academic
Access to full-text national and international newspapers , including the New York Times, and the Times of London business and accounting information, biographical data, and some selected legal mat...   [more]
Supplemental URLs


OECD iLibrary
Also Known as: Source OECD, SourceOECD
Publications and statistical information from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) covering agriculture and food, education and skills, emerging economies and transition e...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs


Proquest Statistical Insight
Also Known as: Statistical Universe, lexisnexis statistical
Statistical Universe indexes statistical data published in federal, state, and selected privately published titles, at the table level. In some cases the fulltext of the document is also available....   [more]


Professional network for researchers and scientists. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
