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(1975) Resources In 'History'
Databases & Article Indexes (362) E-Journals (757) Almanacs & Factbooks (2) Associations, Organizations & Societies (4) Biography (11)
Book Reviews (11) Companies, Manufacturers & Product Catalogs (1) Converters (1) Data Sets & Statistics (22) Dictionaries & Thesauri (Languages) (1)
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Primary History News Sources


Accessible Archives
Accessible Archives offers five separate web-based resources, four of which are collections of historic American Newspapers and one of which is a genealogical source. ...   [more]
Supplemental URLs
    Search interface


American Periodicals Series Online 1740-1900
Also Known as: APS Online
Includes digitized images of the pages of 1,100 American magazines and journals published from colonial days to the dawn of the 20th century. Titles range from Benjamin Franklin's General Magazine...   [more]
Holdings: 1740-1900


Center for Research Libraries
The Penn Library participates in CRL's area studies programs. A consortium of North American universities, colleges, and independent research libraries. The consortium acquires and preserves tradition...   [more]
Supplemental URLs
    CRL Catalog
    CRL Quick Search Page / General Overview
    CRL Area Studies Programs - CAMP, LAMP, MEMP, SAMP
    CRL Catalog: Newspapers search
    South Asia Microform Project - SAMP


Chicago Defender
- from Black Studies Center
Fulltext backfile of the Chicago Defender online, 1910-1975. The Chicago Defender was one of the most important African-American newspapers of the 20th century, having national readership and ...   [more]
Holdings: 1910-1975


Early American Newspapers, 1690-1900
Based primarily on the listings in Clarence Brigham's History and Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690-1820 and Winifred Gregory's Union list of serials in libraries of the United State...   [more]
Supplemental URLs


Los Angeles Times (1881-1985), ProQuest Historical Newspapers
Also Known as: LA TImes, ProQuest Historical Newspapers Los Angeles Times (1881 - 1985)
- from Proquest Historical Newspapers
Full-text of LA Times from 1881-1986....   [more]
Holdings: 1881-1986


New York Times (1851-2012), ProQuest Historical Newspapers
- from Proquest Historical Newspapers
Full-text of the New York Times. News, editorials, letters to the editor, obituaries, birth and marriage announcements, historical photos, stock photos, and advertisements are all searchable and avail...   [more]
Holdings: 1851-2011


Pennsylvania Historical Newspapers
Also Known as: PA Historical Newspapers


Wall Street Journal (1889-2001), ProQuest Historical Newspapers
Also Known as: wsj, ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Wall Street Journal
- from Proquest Historical Newspapers

Full-text of the Wall Street Journal. News, editorials, letters to the editor, obituaries, financial quotes, and advertisements are all searchable and available for viewing and printin...   [more]
Holdings: 1889-1999


Important History News Sources


17th-18th Century Burney Collection
- from Gale Primary Sources - Newspapers
Newspapers, pamphlets, and books gathered by the Reverend Charles Burney (1757-1817) and held by the British Library digitized and made available online. This represents the largest and most comprehen...   [more]


19th Century British Library Newspapers Parts 1 & 2
- from Gale Primary Sources - Newspapers
Supplemental URLs


American Archive of Public Broadcasting
Unrestricted Access


American Periodicals from the Center for Research Libraries
Also Known as: APCRL


ANNO: Austrian Newspapers Online
Historical newspapers of Austria, digitized by the Austrian National Library....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


BBC Monitoring: International Reports (via LexisNexis Academic)
Fulltext searchable coverage, 1979-present...   [more]


Black Studies Center
Resource combining the Chicago Defender online (1910-1975), the International Index to Black Periodicals, the Black Literature Index (1827-1940) and a variety of multimedia resources exploring ...   [more]


British Pathe
Enables preview of items from the entire 3500 hour British Pathe Film Archive, covering news, sport, social history and entertainment from 1896 to 1970. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Caribbean Newspapers, Series 1, 1718-1876: From the American Antiquarian Society
Supplemental URLs


Christian Science Monitor (1908-1999), ProQuest Historical Newspapers
- from Proquest Historical Newspapers
Holdings: 1908-1999


Chronicling America: Historical American Newspapers, 1880-1922
Also Known as: Washington Bee
Digitized versions of selected newspapers covering the period from 1900-1910, including the African American newspaper the Washington Bee....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Current Digest of the Russian Press Archive (1949-2013)
Also Known as: Current Digest of the Soviet Press , Current Digest of the Post-Soviet Press
- from East View Resources
Holdings: 1949-2013


Densho Digital Archive of the Japanese American Experience
The Densho Digital Archive holds a wealth of visual history interviews and other materials that broadly document the Japanese American experience. These unique primary sources cover a span of history ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Also Known as: Dow Jones Factiva, Factiva Dow Jones
Provides access to sources of national and international news, business and general information. News sources include newspapers, magazines, media transcripts, wire services, pictures and web sites. I...   [more]
Holdings: Dates vary. Most publications begin in the late 1980's or early 1990's
Supplemental URLs
    home page


FBIS: Foreign Broadcast Information Service Electronic Index (1975-1996)
Contemporary coverage of political, economic, scientific, and cultural issues and events worldwide, relying upon international and local language news sources. The FBIS Electronic Index provides acces...   [more]
Supplemental URLs


Financial Times
Also Known as: Fiancial Times London
- from Newsbank Access World News
Online from Newsbank, 1998-. See record in Franklin for additional online access through Factiva, Lexis-Nexis, and other platforms: http://franklin.library.upenn.edu/record.html?id=FRANKLIN_4193081...   [more]
Holdings: 1998-


Financial Times Archive 1888 - 2021
Also Known as: Financial Times Historical Archive
- from Gale Primary Sources - Newspapers
Holdings: 1888 - 2021
Supplemental URLs


Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Daily Reports 1941 - 1996
Also Known as: FBIS
Coverage of Africa, Asia, China, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle/Near East....   [more]


Gale Primary Sources - Newspapers
Also Known as: Gale NewsVault
Cross searches all Gale newspaper archives including 17th & 18th Century Burney Collection, 19th Century British Library Newspapers, 19th Century UK Periodicals, Economist Historical Archives, Times ...   [more]


Georgian Newspaper Project
Searchable index to copies of historic Bath newspapers held by the Local Studies section of Bath Library. 1770 to 1800. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Harper's Magazine Digital Archive
Also Known as: harpers
- from publisher website
NOTE: 1 concurrent user...   [more]
Holdings: 1850-


Harper's Weekly from 1857-1912. Excellent interface for searching and retrieval....   [more]


ICON Database of International Newspapers
Also Known as: International Coalition on Newspapers Database
Database of information on newspapers published outside of the United States. It includes bibliographic descriptions of titles as well as specific information on institutions holdings of the same. Th...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


ICON International Coalition on Newspapers: Newspaper digitization projects
"...highlights and links to past, present, and prospective digitization projects of historic newspapers. The focus is primarily on digital conversion efforts, not full-text collections of current news...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Independent Voices
Open access collection of the alternative press of the 60s, 70s and 80s, over 1000 titles from the special collections of over a dozen libraries. ...   [more]


Keesing's World News Archive
Also Known as: Keesing's Contemporary Archives, Keesing's Record of World Events
Provides analysis and synthesis of daily news from around the world in the form of monthly series articles. "These [articles] constitute a concise, accurate and unbiased account of important developme...   [more]
Holdings: 1987-
Supplemental URLs


Le Monde diplomatique
- from publisher website
Holdings: 1954-
Supplemental URLs
    English edition


Nation Digital Archive
Also Known as: The Nation Digital Archive , Nation
Page images (PDF) and searchable text (OCR) for all issues of The Nation....   [more]
Holdings: 1865-
Embargo: 1 month embargo on full-text


New York Amsterdam News (1922-1993), ProQuest Historical Newspapers
- from Proquest Historical Newspapers
Holdings: 1922-1993


Newsbank Access World News
Also Known as: NewsBank National Newspapers , America's Newspapers , Access World News , News Bank
Searchable fulltext of international and U.S. national, regional, and local newspapers. Coverage for current issues (i.e., yesterday in most cases) with extensive backfiles. Business and Management, ...   [more]
Holdings: Varies with title, 1970s or more recent to present.
    NewsBank U.S. Newspapers


Newspapers on Microform and Philadelphia Newspapers
This database provides holding and location information for over 800 newspapers on microfilm owned by Van Pelt Library. It also includes those newspapers published in Philadelphia in all formats. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Pacifica Radio Archives
Pacifica Radio Archives is considered by historians and scholars to be one of the oldest and most important audio collections in the world. Chronicling the political, cultural and artistic movement...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Paper of Record
A newspaper database of over 21 million (as of May 2007) digitized images from more than 200 newspapers. Developed in Canada, Paper of Record's largest representation comes from Canadian and Mexican n...   [more]


Pittsburgh Courier (1911-2002), ProQuest Historical Newspapers
- from Proquest Historical Newspapers
At its height in the 1940s the Pittsburgh Courier was one of the most important african american newspapers in the country, had a national circulation of over 350,000 and was as widely read as the Chi...   [more]
Holdings: 1911-2002


Proquest Historical Newspapers
- from Proquest Historical Newspapers
Multi-database search interface that allows for simultaneous searching of the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Defender, Pittsbugh Courier and Wall Street Journal...   [more]
Supplemental URLs


ProQuest News and Newspapers


Slavery and Anti-Slavery: A Transnational Archive. Parts 1-4
Documents on the arguments for and against slavery during the 17th-19th centuries, the worldwide Abolitionist movement and its internal debates, perspectives on colonization, slavery and the US Consti...   [more]


Sunday Times Historical Archive (1822-2006) (London, UK)
Also Known as: The Sunday Times Digital Archive
- from Gale Primary Sources - Newspapers
The archive allows key word searching of articles appearing in the Times of London from 1785-2008. Click on "Home" and then "News Vault" to search all historical newspapers hosted by Gale Cengage and ...   [more]
Supplemental URLs


The Annotated Newspapers of Harbottle Dorr, Jr.
Beginning in 1765, and continuing over a dozen years, Harbottle Dorr, Jr., a merchant and a member of the Sons of Liberty, collected, annotated, and indexed newspapers and pamphlets. He wrote that he ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


The Palestine Post, 1932-1950
Unrestricted Access


The Word on the Street
The National Library of Scotland's online collection of nearly 1,800 broadsides printed in Scotland between 1650 and 1910....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Time Magazine Archives, 1923-present
20thcenturymagazines...   [more]
Holdings: 1923-
Supplemental URLs


Times Digital Archive (1785-2009)
Also Known as: Times Digital Archive, London Times, Times of London
- from Gale Primary Sources - Newspapers
The archive allows key word searching of articles appearing in the Times of London from 1785-2009. Click on "Home" and then "News Vault" to search all historical newspapers hosted by Gale Cengage and ...   [more]
Holdings: 1785-2009


Times of India (1838 - 2005), ProQuest Historical Newspapers
Holdings: 1838 - 2005


Universal Newsreels
In the pre-TV era, people saw the news every week in their neighborhood movie theaters. Newsreels were shown before every feature film and in dedicated newsreel theaters located in large cities. Unive...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


A digital library of newspapers and periodicals from the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Iceland from the years 1773 to 2001...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Washington Post (1877-2004), ProQuest Historical Newspapers
Also Known as: Washington Post
- from Proquest Historical Newspapers
Holdings: 1877-2004


World News Connection
Also Known as: WNC
English translations of non-U.S. media sources....   [more]
Supplemental URLs


World Newspaper Archive
Also Known as: World News Archive, Latin American Newspapers, African Newspapers, Slavic & East European Newspapers,South Asian Newspapers
Searchable page image reproductions of pre-1923 newspapers, worldwide. Based largely upon the holdings of the Center for Research Libraries, these newspapers are released in regional collections....   [more]
Supplemental URLs
    African Newspapers (World Newspaper Archive)
    South Asian Newspapers (World Newspaper Archive)
    Latin American Newspapers (World Newspaper Archive)


Also Known as: ZDB
The worlds largest specialized database for serial titles (journals, annuals, newspapers etc., incl. e-journals), managed by the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. The ZDB contains more than 1.6 million bib...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Also Known as: ZEFYS
Historical newspapers digitized by the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, including the Amtspresse Preussens and DDR-Presse....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Related History News Sources


Alt-Press Watch
Also Known as: AltPress Watch, Philadelphia City Paper, Philadelphia Weekly. Alt-Press Watch (APW)
Provides fulltext for U.S. alternative and independent newspapers, weeklies, magazines, and journals. Topics include the arts, media and popular culture, business and labor, literature and criticism, ...   [more]
Holdings: Coverage varies, from 1990.


Alternative Press Index
Also Known as: Altpress Index
Indexes over 250 alternative, radical and left periodicals, newspapers and magazines. Includes selected abstracts from research journals. ...   [more]
Holdings: 1991 to present


Socialist newspaper (Vienna). 1945-1989 fully digitized and searchable....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Contemporary Women's Issues
This full-text database provides international coverage of current issues such as employment and the workplace, social & political issues, violence and exploitation, development and human rights, heal...   [more]
Holdings: 1992 to the present, (selected reports back to 1990).
Supplemental URLs
    old interface


Ethnic NewsWatch
Full text, comprehensive archival database providing access to more than 400,000 articles in nearly 200 ethnic, minority and native press newspapers, magazines, and journals. Full text archive of Phi...   [more]
Holdings: Covers 1960 to date. Updated monthly.


Facts on File
Also Known as: World News Digest @ Facts.com , World News Digest
Full-text of the Facts on File World News Digest from 1980 forward. World News Archive from 1940-79 and Reuters News for the last two weeks. facts.com...   [more]
Holdings: January 1980-present. Weekly updates. Hourly newsfeeds.
Supplemental URLs
    Alternate URL


Nexis Uni (formerly LexisNexis Academic) (NYT & much more)
Also Known as: lexis/nexis, Lexis-Nexis, Lexis Nexis, LN Academic, LexisNexis Academic, Lexis Nexis Academic
Access to full-text national and international newspapers , including the New York Times, and the Times of London business and accounting information, biographical data, and some selected legal mat...   [more]
Supplemental URLs


Vanderbilt Television News Archive
Also Known as: VTNA TV-NewsSearch CNN
Searchable abstracting service for national television network news broadcasts. CNN broadcasts available as RealMedia video streams, 1998-present. VTNA lends videotapes of broadcasts or item compilati...   [more]
Holdings: 1968-present.
