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(31016) Resources

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Databases & Article Indexes (2077) E-Journals (22298) Acronyms, Abbreviations & Symbols (19) Almanacs & Factbooks (13) Associations, Organizations & Societies (321)
Biography (39) Book Reviews (36) Case Studies (7) Citation Guides & Style Manuals (18) Companies, Manufacturers & Product Catalogs (23)
Conferences & Proceedings (46) Converters (7) Data Sets & Statistics (421) Dates & Calendars (9) Dictionaries & Thesauri (Languages) (87)
Directories (78) Discussion Lists & Blogs (34) E-Books (1946) Encyclopedias & Subject Dictionaries (269) Government Information (396)
Handbooks, Tables, Properties & Datasheets (92) Images (234) Job Opportunities (23) Libraries, Museums, Catalogs & Archives (397) Maps, Atlases & GIS (110)
Mobile apps & sites (94) Multimedia & Video (208) News Sources (251) Observatories & Labs (34) Patents & Trademarks (14)
Penn Sites (138) Preprints & Working Papers (61) Publishers & Books Sellers (66) Quotations (2) Research Guides (563)
Schools & Research Centers (92) Search Engines & Portals (353) Standards (12) Study & Teaching (85) Technical Reports (35)
Tests & Measurements (8)

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Library Strengths in Official [British] Documents: selected sources for Africa
From Green Library Reference Department, Stanford University. A truly wonderful piece of work describing an hideously complicated documents system. The Penn Library owns much of the material described...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


American Heritage Project
'The American Heritage Virtual Archive Project a collaboration between the University of California, Berkeley, Stanford University, Duke University, and the University of Virginia is funded in part ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Chemical Heritage Foundation
The Chemical Heritage Foundation (CHF) seeks to advance the heritage and public understanding of the chemical and molecular sciences by operating a historical research library; discovering and dissemi...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Zentrale Datenbank Nachlasse
Index to 25,000 (as of Feb. 2005) Nachldsse in Germany and elsewhere, based on Wolfgang Momssen's two-volume printed index (1971-81)....   [more]


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National Archives, Mid-Atlantic Region     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


Philadelphia Archdiocesan Historical Research Center
Unrestricted Access


AGRICOLA - free     [find related records >>>]
A bibliographic database of citations to the agricultural literature created by the National Agricultural Library and its cooperators. Records describe publications and resources encompassing all aspe...   [more]
Holdings: 1979 to the present. Updates daily.
Unrestricted Access


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Johnson Space Center History Archive
The Johnson Space Center History Archive, maintained at the Woodson Research Center of Fondren Library at Rice University from 1981 to 1999, was returned to the Johnson Space Center in April 2000....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Catalogue collectif de France
A rapidly growing database, intended to eventually include a bibliographic record for nearly every book ever published in France. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Bibliographie nationale française
This publication describes books (50,000 new titles annually) and serials (5,000 a year) published or distributed in France and received by the Bibliothèque Nationale de France through legal...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog     [find related records >>>]
Also Known as: Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog
Combined searching of selected German, Austrian and Swiss library catalogs....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Guide to manuscript resources in libraries and archives....   [more]


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Deutsche Dichterhandschriften des Poetischen Realismus
Guide to 19th-century German literary manuscripts....   [more]


Archives in Germany


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Schweizerisches Literaturarchiv - Repertorium


Also Known as: RLG Archival Resources,Archival Resources (via RLIN)
Provide centralized access for searching and retrieval of archival finding aids that have been encoded using SGML and the emerging standard for Encoded Archival Description (EAD). The finding aids are...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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National Bioethics Advisory Commission Digital Archive
Digital archives of the National Bioethics Advisory Commission under President Clinton. Includes reports on cloning humans and stem cell research....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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University of Pennsylvania Library
Other campus Archives and Libraries:...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Architectural Archives
    Archive of Folklore and Folklife
    Center for the Study of the History of Nursing
    Museum Archives
    University Archives and Records Center


Academy of Natural Sciences, Stewart Library
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


Athenaeum of Philadelphia
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


American Philosophical Society
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies Collection at HSP
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


Bryn Mawr College Library
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog, Tripod


Bucks County Community College Library
Unrestricted Access


Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries (PACSL)
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalogs


American Friends Service Committee Archives
Unrestricted Access


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Camden County Library System
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


Chestnut Hill College Library
Unrestricted Access


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Delaware County Library System
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


David Library of the American Revolution
Unrestricted Access


Delaware County Community College Library
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


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Franklin and Marshall College Library
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


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Drexel University, Hagerty Library     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


Free Library of Philadelphia     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog
    Research Collections
    Central Library Departments


German Society of Philadelphia
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


Hagley Museum and Library
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog and Inventories


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Lafayette College Libraries
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


Haverford College Library
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog
    Special Collections


Health Sciences Libraries Consortium
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


Jenkins Law Library
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


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La Salle University, Connelly Library
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


Lehigh University Library & Technology Services
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


Library Company of Philadelphia
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


Lutheran Theological Seminary, Krauth Memorial Library
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog (Eastern Cluster)


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Montgomery County Library & Information Network Consortium
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


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Philadelphia Museum of Art
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Library and Archives
    Online Catalog


Philadelphia City Archives     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Library
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


Philadelphia University, Gutman Library
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


Princeton University Library
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


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Rider University Libraries
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


Rutgers University Libraries
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


Rosemont College, Gertrude Kistler Memorial Library
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


Rowan University Library
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


Rosenbach Museum & Library
Unrestricted Access


Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary, Ryan Memorial Lib.
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


Saint Joseph's University, Francis A. Drexel Library
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog, Jerome


Germantown Historical Society
Unrestricted Access


Swarthmore College Library
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog
    Peace Collection
    Friends Historical Library


Temple University Libraries     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog
    Blockson Afro-American Collection
    Special Collections
    Urban Archives


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University of the Arts, Libraries
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


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Thomas Jefferson University, Scott Memorial Library
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


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University of the Sciences Library
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


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Villanova University, Falvey Memorial Library
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


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Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Philadelphia (JGSGP)
Unrestricted Access


Winterthur Library
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


West Chester University, Green Library
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalog


Presbyterian Historical Society
Unrestricted Access


Bucks County Historical Society
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Spruance Library


Smithsonian Institution - National Museum of Natural History
Site includes the departments of Botany, Entomology and Zoology at the Natural History Museum....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


BorrowDirect+     [find related records >>>]
Also Known as: Borrow Direct EZBorrow
Search BorrowDirect, a combined catalog of the holdings of Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, MIT, Penn, Princeton, the University of Chicago, Yale, and the Center for Resear...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Classic Franklin, the Penn Libraries Catalog
Unrestricted Access


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Latin American Microform Project (LAMP)
Also Known as: LAMP
Composed of 42 institutional members, including Penn, LAMP acquires, films and makes available to its subscribers collections of "unique, scarce, rare and/or bulky and voluminous research materials pe...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


LANE, the Latin America North East Libraries Consortium
LANE is a group of academic and research libraries in the northeastern United States committed to building and maintaining Latin American studies collections. Its website includes a union list of news...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


American Museum of Natural History
Unrestricted Access


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Edit 16: Censimento delle edizioni italiane del XVI secolo
The Census of Italian 16th Century Editions EDIT 16 aims at documenting Italian books printed during the 16th century and at reviewing the countrywide heritage. It includes editions printed in Italy b...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Archives in Italy
Links to Italian archives (annotations in German)....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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British Museum
The British Museum is one of the greatest museums of the world. It was founded by Act of Parliament in 1753 and is now governed under the British Museum Act 1963....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Dumbarton Oaks
Unrestricted Access


Fowler Museum of Cultural History --UCLA
The UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History explores art and material culture primarily from Africa, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas, past and present. The Fowler seeks to enhance understanding and app...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Hudson's Bay Company Digital Collection
Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature. A digital collection of aboriginal, European and Canadian artifacts ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Kelsey Museum of Archaeology -- University of Michigan
The Kelsey Museum houses a collection of nearly 100,000 objects from the civilizations of the Mediterranean. A selection of these artifacts are featured in two permanent galleries: Egypt and the Ancie...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Oriental Institute -- University of Chicago
The Oriental Institute Museum is a showcase of the history, art and archaeology of the ancient Near East. An integral part of the University of Chicago's Oriental Institute, which has supported resear...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Peabody Museum of Natural History - Yale University
The more than eleven million specimens in the Museums collections are cared for under the supervision of curators in ten divisions: Anthropology, Botany, Entomology, Invertebrate Zoology, Invertebrat...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Peabody Museum of Archaeology--Harvard University
Founded in 1866, the Peabody Museum is one of the oldest museums in the world devoted to anthropology and houses one of the most comprehensive records of human cultural history in the Western Hemisphe...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Royal Ontario Museum
The Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) was created by the signing of the ROM Act in the Ontario Legislature on April 16, 1912. The Museum actually opened its doors to the public at 3 pm on March 19, 1914, whe...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology
The Museum of Anthropology is one of the major archaeological research and teaching facilities in the United States. The Museum does not maintain exhibit space and its collections are usually not avai...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, through its research, collections, exhibitions, and educational programming, advances understanding of the world's cultural herit...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Archaeological Data Archive -- Center for the Study of Architecture
The Archaeological Data Archive includes materials of two kinds - Web documents with archaeological data that may be viewed online and files that may be downloaded from the CSA server for inspection o...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Oriental Institute Research Archives
Archives of the Oritental Institute, University of Chicago online catalog ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


ArchNet : WWW Virtual Library of Archaeology
Archaeological Research Institute at Arizona State University. ArchNet serves as the World Wide Web Virtual Library for Archaeology...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Demography Library - Population Studies Center     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    EOS - Demography Library Catalog


Also Known as: Association for Population/Family Planning Libraries and Information Centers-International
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Publications (including POPLIN-APLIC Electronic Resource Guides)


National Agricultural Library
Unrestricted Access


ADS Historical Literature Project
A joint project between the ADS and the Library at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics to digitize microfilms from selected historical publications in astronomy, including observatory repo...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Linus Pauling's Papers
Linus Pauling utilized bound notebooks to keep track of the details of his research as it unfolded. A testament to the remarkable length and diversity of Dr. Pauling's career, the Pauling Papers hol...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Cornell University Library Historical Mathematics Monographs
The Cornell University Library Historical Mathematics Monographs is a collection of over 575 monographs with expired copyrights chosen from the mathematics field. The books were scanned from the orig...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


University of Michigan Historical Mathematics Collection
A growing library of books selected from the University of Michigan mathematics collection that have been digitized to improve access and to preserve the content of these books. All of the books in th...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Neils Bohr Archive
The Niels Bohr Archive (NBA) is a repository of primary material for the history of modern physics, pertaining in particular to the early development of quantum mechanics and the life and career of Ni...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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University of California, Berkeley Museum of Paleontology
This site provides broad coverage of Palontology. Includeds links to online exhibits, museum catalogs, and links to other paleontology resources. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Manuscripta mediaevalia
A database of medieval manuscripts in Germany, with a selection of manuscript catalogs from important non-German libraries....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Schlesinger Library
The library holds letters and diaries, photographs, books and periodicals, ephemera, oral histories, and audiovisual materials that document the history of women, families, and organizations, primaril...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Archives & Special Collections on Women in Medicine and Homeopathy - Drexel University College of Medicine
The Archives is the repository for the records and heritage of Drexel University College of Medicine and its predecessor institutions, including the Female Medical College of Pennsylvania, 1850-1867, ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Also Known as: Philadelphia City Archives
Archival record group descriptions for Philadelphia Department of Records's City Archives. Useful for determining the genealogy of current Philadelphia government agencies and for identifying historic...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Dead link to source site


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Northwestern University Transportation Library
Transportation Library of Northwestern University is one of the largest transportation information centers in the world, encompassing information on all transportation modalities, including: air, rail...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Urban Transportation


Einstein Archives Online
Also Known as: Albert Einstein Archives
The Einstein Archives Online Website provides the first online access to Albert Einstein's scientific and non-scientific manuscripts held by the Albert Einstein Archives at the Hebrew University of Je...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Arizona State Museum
Unrestricted Access


Archives de France
Unrestricted Access


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Bishop Museum
Bishop Museum was founded in 1889 by Charles Reed Bishop in honor of his late wife, Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop, the last descendant of the royal Kamehameha family. The Museum was established to...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


General Interest Libraries, Museums, Catalogs & Archives


RLIN (RLG Union Catalog)     [find related records >>>]
Union catalog of the Research Libraries Group Members....   [more]
Supplemental URLs
    direct URL
    RLG Member List


Worldcat - OCLC Firstsearch Union Catalog     [find related records >>>]
Books and other materials held by OCLC Member Libraries. **8 SIMULTANEOUS USER LIMIT*...   [more]


All Other Libraries, Museums, Catalogs & Archives


Access to Archives
"Contains catalogues describing archives held throughout England and dating from the 900s to the present day."...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Repertorium Alborum Amicorum
A searchable listing of "autograph albums" held by over 400 libraries and archives in 21 countries. The interface is in German....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Mundus Gateway to Missionary Collections in the UK
Describes collections holding overseas missionary materials, including archives of British missionary societies, collections of personal papers, printed matter, photographs, other visual materials and...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Archives Hub
A national gateway to descriptions of archives in UK universities and colleges. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


"Manuscripts And Letters Via Integrated Networks In Europe. ... An online search service for post-medieval manuscripts hosted by the Berlin State Library and maintained by a European consortium of lib...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Latin Manuscript Books before 1600
Also Known as: Kristeller
Unrestricted Access


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National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature
Maintained by the Kennedy Institute of Bioethics, provides access to the databases ETHX and Genetics & Ethics and other resources....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Also Known as: World Health Organization Library and Information Networks for Knowledge, WHOLIS
Library and information services from the World Health Organization Library, Geneva. Includes WHOLIS, the WHO Library Catalog (WHO publications, 1948-present; articles in WHO journals, 1985-present; h...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    WHOLIS (WHO Library Catalog, inc. article indexing)
    WHO IRIS (Fulltext WHO documents and publications)


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Philadelphia Jewish Archives Center
Unrestricted Access


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Vilna Gaon Jewish State Museum
Also Known as: Valstybinis Vilniaus Gaono ~ydx muziejus
Jewish Museum of Lithuania...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienen Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts (VD 16)     [find related records >>>]
Includes over 115,000 16th century imprints. Requires downloading of a plug-in (link from the VD 16 site)....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


African Studies Companion
Also Known as: Hans Zell, African Research Online
- from Brill Online Books and Journals
5th Ed. Contains updated entries including URL changes. ...   [more]


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Chopin early editions (University of Chicago)
View digital images of the University's rare Chopin holdings....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Archive of Maori and Pacific Music (University of Auckland, NZ)
Home of the world's largest collection of field recordings of music of the Pacific....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


African Music Archive (Johannes-Gutenberg Universitat)
Repository of mainly sub-Saharan African popular and modern music. Includes recordings, video and print sources. (In German)...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Archives of Traditional Music (Indiana University)
The largest university-based collection of ethnological sound recordings. Includes commercial and field recordings, oral histories, videos, and print materials....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Experience Music Project
Homepage of the interactive music museum in Seattle, WA....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Recorded Sound Reference Center (Library of Congress)
One of the largest collections of recorded sound in all media in the world....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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UCLA Ethnomusicology Archive
One of the largest collections of ethnological recordings in the country....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Center for Popular Music
Maintains an archive of sheet music, periodicals, playbills and programs, recordings, and photographs....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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World Music Archive (Wesleyan University)
Contains, among other things, the largest collection of Navajo recordings in the world....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Ira F. Brilliant Center for Beethoven Studies (San Jose State University)
Search the largest collection of Beethoven materials outside of Europe....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Charles Ives Society
An organization devoted to scholarly work on the music of Ives....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Kurt Weill Foundation
An organization devoted to the study and performance of Kurt Weill's music....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Institute of Jazz Studies (Rutgers University)
The nation's premier archive of jazz materials, including recordings, books, periodicals, and photographs....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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William Ransom Hogan Archive of New Orleans Jazz (Tulane University)
An extensive collection of oral histories, photographs, press clippings, and general jazz reference material....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Latin American Music Center (Indiana University)
A society dedicated to the promotion of art music by Latin American composers....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Archive of World Music (Harvard University)
A collection of archival field recordings, chiefly of Asian and Middle Eastern musics....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Jazz-institut Darmstadt
Contains general jazz information as well as information on jazz in Germany. (In German)...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
The home page of the museum....   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs


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Morgan Library (NYC)
Home to one of the largest collections of music manuscripts in the U.S....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


American Memory Collection (Library of Congress)
Offers access to a large array of digitized materials, many of which are related to music (African-American Sheet Music 1850-1920; Aaron Copland Collection 1900-1990; etc.)...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Filodiffusione (audio; Italy)
Access to the audio archives of the RAI....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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World-wide ethno radio (requires RealPlayer)...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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NPR: National Public Radio
Search the audio archives of NPR....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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BBC Radio 3
Listen live or search the audio archives of BBC Radio 3. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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WNYC: New York Public Radio
Listen live or search the audio archives of one of New York City's public radio station....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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KEXP (Seattle)
Maintains a two-week archive of a wide variety of programming....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations
Electronic theses and dissertations from approximately 200 international member universities and institutions....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Jüdische Museum München
Unrestricted Access


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Library and Archival Exhibitions on the Web
Unrestricted Access


Women Working
"This is the prototype of the Open Collections Program Women Working project. This site will provide access to digitized books (over 2000), manuscripts (10,000 pages) and images (1,000) from the colle...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago Research Archives


U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
Finding aids, catalogs, research guides, and digitized documents for curricular use from NARA....   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    ARC - Archival Research Catalog
    Microfilm Publications Catalog
    Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States
    Digital Classroom


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Links to exhibits in the Austrian provinces on a wide range of cultural topics ....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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National Public Broadcasting Archives
The National Public Broadcasting Archives (NPBA) brings together the archival record of the major entities of non-commercial broadcasting in the United States....   [more]


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Also Known as: EZBorrow, EZ Borrow, Easy Borrow
Search a combined catalog of the 60+ members of the Pennsylvania Academic Library Consortium, Inc. and directly request books not currently available at Penn. Books appear on your library account and...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Hill Monastic Manuscript Library
The website for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library which includes their online catalogue containing more than 79,000 of the 90,000 inventory records in the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library (HMML) co...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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British Library - Manuscripts Catalogue
From the "About" page: "This On-line Catalogue is designed to offer a single means of access to the mainstream catalogues of the Department of Manuscripts covering accessions from 1753 to the presen...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Judaica in the Collections of the Hoover Institution Archives
As one of the largest repositories of primary sources relating to twentieth and twenty-first century European and Russian history, the Hoover Institution Archives has numerous documents concerning Jew...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


American Jewish Historical Society - Library and Archives
Unrestricted Access


American Jewish Archives
The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives is committed to preserving a documentary heritage of the religious, organizational, economic, cultural, personal, social and family life o...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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The Asher Library - Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies
Unrestricted Access


Aviezer Yellin Archives of Jewish Education in Israel and the Diaspora
Aviezer Yellin Archives of Jewish Education in Israel and the Diaspora , Tel Aviv University...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies - Guide to Jewish Manuscript and Microfilm Collections
Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana, University of Amsterdam
The core of the important and extensive collection of Hebraica and Judaica of the University of Amsterdam is the library of Leeser Rosenthal (1794-1868) from Hanover. In 1880 this library, which consi...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Bibliotheque Medem
La Bibliothèque Medem est la plus grande médiathèque dédiée à la culture yiddish en Europe. 18, passage Saint-Pierre Amelot 75011 PARIS...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Bibliotheque Nationale de France
Bn-Opal plus -- Catalog of the holdings of the Bibliothhque nationale....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Bloom Southwest Jewish Archives at the University of Arizona Library
The United States Southwest, encompassing West Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Southern California, reflects the heritage of diverse groups of peoples. From native-born inhabitants to those who chose ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Bodleian Library, University of Oxford
The Bodleian Library is the main research library of the University of Oxford. It is also a copyright deposit library and its collections are used by scholars from around the world. The buildings w...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Bodleian Library, University of Oxford. Oriental Institute Library.
The General Collection contains works of general reference and general orientalia and is classified by a scheme devised for the library at its inception (also used for the Minor and South Asian collec...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Brandeis Libraries Special Collections Department
The rare book collection includes incunabula, books published in the 16th-18th centuries on such subjects as history, Englishand American literature, philosophy, and Judaica; first and limited edition...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Cambridge University Library
Unrestricted Access


Cambridge University Library. Department of Manuscripts and University Archives. Oriental Manuscripts
Near Eastern manuscripts: Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, Syriac, Turkish; Taylor-Schechter Cairo Genizah, Judaeo-Arabic; Armenian, Georgian, Ethiopic. Southeast Asian manuscripts: Sanskrit, Prakrit, Sin...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Canadian Jewish Congress - National Archives and Reference Centre
(Service des archives du Congrhs juif canadien) The Canadian Jewish Congress began collecting archival material immediately after its founding in 1919. The general mandate of the Canadian Jewish Cong...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People (CAHJP)
Established formally in 1969, the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People (CAHJP) were founded in 1938 as the Jewish Historical General Archives. Their aim is the reconstruction of an un...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Central Zionist Archives, World Zionist Organization
The Central Zionist Archives is the official historical archives of the World Zionist Organization, the Jewish Agency, the Jewish National Fund, Keren Hayesod and the World Jewish Congress. It also ho...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive
The Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive was founded in the late 1960s by Prof. Moshe Davis and other historians at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The first director was the late Dr. Geoffrey Wig...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine
37, rue de Turenne - 75003 Paris - France...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Fondazione Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea
Also Known as: CDEC
Unrestricted Access


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Chabad - Lubavitch Library
The Library is one of the most distinguished Judaic libraries, containing approximately 250,000 books, the majority of which are aged and rare. Around 200,000 of these are printed in the languages of ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Daniel J. Cohen Bibliothek im Steinheim-Institut
Unrestricted Access


Daniel Elazar On-Line Library. Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs
Professor Daniel J. Elazar (1934-1999) was a leading political scientist and specialist in the study of federalism, political culture, the Jewish political tradition, Israel and the world Jewish commu...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Molly S. Fraiberg Judaica Collections. Florida Atlantic University Special Collections and Archives
The Molly S. Fraiberg Judaica Collections encompasses several principle collections that includes over 80,000 books housed in both the general circulating collection and Special Collections. This coll...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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I. Edward Kiev Collection. Gelman Library, George Washington University
The I. Edward Kiev Collection is rich in primary sources for research in Bible, rabbinics, Jewish philosophy, liturgy, and Hebrew literature. The collection includes printed books, journals, manuscrip...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Germania Judaica: Kölner Bibliothek zur Geschichte des deutschen Judentums. StadtBibliothek Köln
Die GERMANIA JUDAICA wurde 1959 auf Initiative einiger namhafter Kölner Bürger, darunter auch der Schriftsteller Heinrich Böll, als privater Verein gegründet. Mit einem Bes...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Ghetto Fighters' House: Holocaust and Jewish Resistance Heritage Museum, Library and Archives
Unrestricted Access


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Rae and Joseph Gann Library. Hebrew College (Newton Centre, MA)
The Rae and Joseph Gann Library, the library of Hebrew College, is one of the finest Judaica libraries in New England. It is open to the public six days a week. The Gann Library houses some 125,000...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Saul Silber Memorial Library. Hebrew Theological College (Skokie, IL)
Unrestricted Access


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Jewish National and University Library (JNUL). Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Jewish National and University Library serves a threefold purpose: it is the National Library of the State of Israel, the National Library of the Jewish People, and the Central Library of the Hebr...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Association of Jewish Libraries - AJL
The Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL) promotes Jewish literacy through enhancement of libraries and library resources and through leadership for the profession and practitioners of Judaica librari...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Hebrew University of Jerusalem Libraries
Listing of all libraries: The National Library Jewish National and University Library Science Harman Science Library National Medical Library JRA Jerusalem Research Authority The Archaeo...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Ancient Maps of Jerusalem, The Eran Laor Cartographic Collection
This site is a joint project of the Jewish National and University Library and the Department of Geography, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The site contains maps of Jerusalem, and basic informati...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Ketubbot Project, JNUL Ketubbah Collection
The ketubbot digitization project aims to create a worldwide registry of ketubbot in public and private collections throughout the world. Based on the collection of the Jewish National and University ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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National Sound Archives, Jewish National and University Library, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Online Heritage: The David and Fela Shapell Digitization Project. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Online Heritage - The David and Fela Shapell Digitization Project. The Jewish National and University Library
This project is part of a larger plan to produce a hybrid collection of printed material and electronic resources, which will serve educational and research needs in Israel and the rest of the world. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Short Title Catalogue Flanders
The Short-Title Catalogue Flanders (STCV) is an online bibliography of books printed in 17th-century Flanders. The initial phase of the project, which is being realised with support from the Max-Wild...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Turing Digital Archive
This digital archive contains mainly unpublished personal papers and photographs of Alan Turing from 1923-1972. The originals are in the Turing archive in King's College Cambridge. It contains letter...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Early Hebrew Newspapers Project
Jewish National and University Library, David and Fela Shapell Family Digitization Project . The aim of this site is to provide open access to images of the major titles of the early Hebrew press (...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    English Page
    Ḥavatselet (1863-1911)
    Ha-levanon (1863-1886)
    Ha-magid (1856-1903)
    Ha-tsefirah (1862-1931)


VCat - Video Catalog     [find related records >>>]
The Penn Library Video Collection Catalog...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza [IMSS]/ Institute and Museum of the History of Science
The Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza [IMSS] was founded in 1927 at the initiative of the University of Florence under the name of Istituto di Storia delle Scienze. According to its Statute, it...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


General Interest Libraries, Museums, Catalogs & Archives


LibDex The Library Index
Worldwide directory of library homepages....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


LIBWEB Library Servers via WWW
Also Known as: lib-web
Worldwide directory of library homepages....   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    U.S. Academic Libraries


All Other Libraries, Museums, Catalogs & Archives


Jewish Women's Archive
Learn about Jewish women through exhibits and features. Use resources to celebrate 350 years of Jewish life in America. Start an oral history project in your community. Research Jewish women through V...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


CAJS Archival Collections and Finding Aids
Archival collections at Penn's Center for Advanced Judaic Studies Libraries....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Robert and Molly Freedman Jewish Sound Archive
Also Known as: Robert and Molly Freedman Jewish Music Archive
Located in the Rare Book and Manuscript Library of the University of Pennsylvania, The Robert and Molly Freedman Jewish Music Archive currently contains over 1800 recordings, primarily in Yiddish and ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    About the Robert and Molly Freedman Jewish Music Archive


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Ira Nowinski - The Photographer As Witness
Curated by Zachary Baker, Reinhard Family Curator of Judaica and Hebraica Collections, Stanford University Libraries. "Nowinski has been a fixture on San Francisco's artistic and cultural scene for...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Also Known as: Prelinger Archives ; Wayback Machine
The Internet Archive is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, a...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Incunabula at the Center for Advanced Judaic Studies Library
Unrestricted Access


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Toronto's First Synagogues
Unrestricted Access


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La Bibliographie de Belgique
Also Known as: Belgische Bibliografie
The Belgian national bibliography....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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West Semitic Research Project
The West Semitic Research Project is an academic project affiliated with the University of Southern California School of Religion and directed by Dr. Bruce Zuckerman. For the past 20 years WSRP has us...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    WSRP Database


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Center for Advanced Judaic Studies Library Exhibitions
Also Known as: CAJS Web Exhibits
Unrestricted Access


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Yiddish Prints - Frankfurt University Library
Also Known as: Jiddische Drucke - Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main
The Collection "Yiddish Prints" contains about 800 very valuable Yiddish books that belong to the Frankfurt University Library. The texts were printed in Hebrew letters in West, Central and East Europ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Jiddische Drucke - German language site


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CAJS Offprints Collection
Unrestricted Access


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Parkes Institute for the Study of Jewish/non-Jewish Relations
Southampton's links with Jewish Studies go back to the beginning of the last century when Claude Montefiore, an outstanding Jewish scholar of the Bible and early Jewish-Christian relations, became pre...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    University of Southampton


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CAJS Academic and Library Links
Websites of interest for Judaic Studies including directories, colleges, universities, institutes, libraries & archives ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Yad Vashem : The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority
Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, is the Jewish peoples memorial to the murdered Six Million and symbolizes the ongoing confrontation with the rupture engendered by the Holocaust. Containing the worlds largest...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum
The William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum is dedicated to collecting, preserving, interpreting and teaching about Jewish history, in particular the Holocaust and the experience of Jews in Georgia. Thr...   [more]


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Sudoc: Le portail documentaire
Unrestricted Access


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Eldridge Street Project
The Eldridge Street Synagogue is the oldest eastern European built synangogue in NYC. The project was created to restore and educate. We offer tours and public programs. The Eldridge Street Project i...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Virtual Tour


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Lorraine Beitler Collection of the Dreyfus Affair
Penn Library, Annenberg Rare Book & Manuscript Library. The Lorraine Beitler Collection of the Dreyfus Affair was donated to the University of Pennsylvania Library in 2003. The collection comprises o...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Library of Congress Classification Table for Philosophy
Unrestricted Access


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Explore the British Library
Also Known as: British Library Integrated Catalogue
Through Explore the British Library you can search items from the main catalog comprised of 57 Million items as well as search the Library's Web site. General printed books pre-1975 Humani...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Deutsche Nationalbibliografie
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliografie ist online: Unter http://dnb.ddb.de kann jedermann |ber vffentliche Netze kostenfrei in der Datenbank Der Deutschen Bibliothek recherchieren. Sie verzeichnet den Bibl...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


General Interest Libraries, Museums, Catalogs & Archives


The European Library
The European Library webservice is a portal which offers access to the combined resources (books, magazines, journals.... - both digital and non-digital) of the 43 national libraries of Europe. It off...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


All Other Libraries, Museums, Catalogs & Archives


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Center for Jewish History
Also Known as: CJH
The Center for Jewish History emerged from a vision of a unique central repository for the cultural and historical legacy of the Jewish people. The Center embodies the unique partnership of five major...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    The Center Archives, Library, and Museum Holdings
    Selected Finding Aids to Archival Collections


Art & Architecture Thesaurus Online (AAT)
Also Known as: Getty Thesaurus of Art & Architecture
links to Geographic Names (TGN) and Union List of Artists Names (ULAN) through Getty...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs


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RRC - Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
The Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, in Wyncote, PA, is an accredited rabbinical school dedicated to the renewal of the rabbinate in the North American Jewish community....   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Savad Library Center


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Jewish Orphanages in the United States
On Jewish Orphanages, Societies, Social Services and Orphan Train Destinations in the United States....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts
The Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts (IMHM) has undertaken the task of collecting microfilm copies of all Hebrew manuscripts extant in public and private collections. Over 74,000 reels, rep...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Union List of Artist Names Online
links to Geographic Names (TGN) and Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) through Getty...   [more]


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National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections NUCMC
Unrestricted Access


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Library of Congress Authorities
Database presenting formal terminology for personal names, corporate names, meeting names, names of jurisdictions, uniform titles, and topical, geographical, and name-based subject headings used by th...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke (Union Catalogue of Incunabula)
Also Known as: GW
Requires downloading of ICA web client software. Further information available on the website. "This database appears in conjunction with the print edition of the Union Catalogue of Incunabula (GW)...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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LOLA, Biddle Law Library's Online Catalog
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Telnet Interface - Username: lola


OpenDOAR - The Directory of Open Access Repositories
Also Known as: Directory of Open Access Repositories
The OpenDOAR service is being developed to support the rapidly emerging movement towards Open Access to research information. OpenDOAR is building a comprehensive and authoritative list of internatio...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR)
Also Known as: ROAR
The Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR) tracks the number and size of open-access eprint archives. It has two functions: (1) to monitor overall growth in the number of eprint archives, and (...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Museum of Broadcast Communications
The MBC collects, preserves, and presents historic and contemporary radio and television content. Collections include: Media Archives, with over 85,000 hours of television and radio programming; ar...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Emergence of Advertising in America
EAA presents over 9,000 images that illustrate the rise of consumer culture, especially after the American Civil War, and the birth of a professionalized advertising industry in the United States. The...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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National Public Broadcasting Archives
The National Public Broadcasting Archives (NPBA) brings together the archival record of the major entities of non-commercial broadcasting in the United States. An extensive reference library contains ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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The Paley Center for Media
The Paley Center for Media collects radio shows, television programs, and commercial advertisements in both media and makes them available to the general public. Curators use the collection to crea...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Library of American Broadcasting
The Library of American Broadcasting holds a wide-ranging collection of audio and video recordings, books, pamphlets, periodicals, personal collections, oral histories, photographs, scripts and vertic...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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National Center for Jewish Film
The National Center for Jewish Film (NCJF) is a unique nonprofit motion picture archive, distributor and resource center housing the largest, most comprehensive collection of Jewish-theme film and vid...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Online Catalogue


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Mikrofilmarchiv der deutschsprachigen Presse
An indispensable resource for identifying German newspapers and periodicals - and getting your hands on them....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Dartmouth Jewish Sound Archive
The Dartmouth Jewish Sound Archive was established in 2002 to provide students and scholars with: * Web-based access to Jewish recordings that are not commercially available. * Related, se...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Search Page


Also Known as: Index-Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, 1880-1961
Bibliographic citations with subject indexing to the holdings of largest medical library in the late nineteenth century. Now useful for research in the history of medicine, history of science, and als...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


CRL Foreign Doctoral Dissertations Database     [find related records >>>]
Also Known as: Center for Research Libraries
Also search WorldCat. Catalog of non-US dissertations held by Center for Research Libraries. Still in progress, and may be frozen as CRL begins cataloging its 750,000-dissertation backlog in WorldCat....   [more]


Center for Research Libraries     [find related records >>>]
The Penn Library participates in CRL's area studies programs. A consortium of North American universities, colleges, and independent research libraries. The consortium acquires and preserves tradition...   [more]
Supplemental URLs
    CRL Catalog
    CRL Quick Search Page / General Overview
    CRL Area Studies Programs - CAMP, LAMP, MEMP, SAMP
    CRL Catalog: Newspapers search
    South Asia Microform Project - SAMP


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Documentation International Mass Media Research Center
Collection consisting of conference papers, newsletters and other printed material from organizations specializing in mass communication, including the International Association for Mass Communication...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Joe Fishstein Collection of Yiddish Poetry
Also Known as: A Garment Worker's Legacy
The Joe Fishstein Collection of Yiddish Poetry, housed in the Division of Rare Books and Special Collections at McLennan Library, McGill University, is considered to be one of the finest private colle...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Search the Catalogue


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Repositories of Primary Sources
"A listing of over 5000 websites describing holdings of manuscripts, archives, rare books, historical photographs, and other primary sources for the research scholar."...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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The Jewish Book: Material Texts and Comparative Contexts
During the 2005-06 academic year, the Fellows at CAJS explored the Jewish book as an historical agent in Jewish culture and as a medium of exchange within the larger cultures in which Jews have lived....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Printer, Publisher, Peddler: The Business of the Jewish Book
Book production is a business as well as a craft, a trade and an art form. Since the invention of moveable type in the fifteenth century, Jews as well as non-Jews have been engaged in the printing and...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Deutsche Texte des Mittelalters Handschriftenarchiv
Inventory of about 2,000 (of almost 19,000) medieval mss. in German from libraries and archives in Europe and the U.S....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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MEMP: Middle East Microform Project
Project of the Center for Research Libraries. This site provides holdings information for Middle East newspapers and pamphlet collections on microfilm which may be borrowed by Penn faculty and student...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachraum erschienenen Drucke des 17. Jahrhunderts (VD17)     [find related records >>>]
A comprehensive database of German-language publications from the period 1601-1700, as well as books in other languages if they were published in German-speaking Europe....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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UNBISnet - UN Bibliographic Information System
Catalogue of UN publications and documentation indexed by the United Nations Dag Hammarskjvld Library and the Library of the UN Office at Geneva. Also included are non-UN publications held in the coll...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Council for European Studies
Unrestricted Access


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Repositories for Primary Sources
A comprehensive, world-wide compilation by the library of the University of Idaho....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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National Register of Archives
"The NRA contains information on the nature and location of manuscripts and historical records that relate to British history." Search by person, place or corporation to identify relevant British arc...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Roman Provincial Coinage Online
Database describing Antonine period (AD 138-192) Roman provincial coinage, based upon holdings of major coin cabinets. Searchable by coin type imagery, mint city, minting date, magistrate and other na...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Institute of Southern Jewish Life Web Project
The ISJL Digital Archive Project is designed to present a history of every congregation and significant Jewish community in the South. Currently, we have completed Mississippi, Arkansas and Louisiana ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Museum of the Southern Jewish Experience
Since 1986, the Museum of the Southern Jewish Experience has worked to preserve, interpret, and document the long and rich tradition of Jewish life in the South through exhibits, public programs, publ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections
Unrestricted Access


Moving Image Collections
Unrestricted Access


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Transportation Libraries Catalog
The Transportation Libraries Catalog (TL Cat) combines the library catalogs of the nation's leading transportation libraries. Use Interlibrary Loan<...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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PlayFinder - Catalogue of the Dramatists Play Service (New York, N.Y.)
Purchase books, apply for rights, search the organization's catalogue of over 3,000 plays....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Nobel e-Museum
Nobel e-Museum offers information on all 736 Prize Winners to date, the Nobel Organization, Alfred Nobel, and Nobel events, as well as educational material and games. Nobel e-Museum consists of more t...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Pennsylvania Libraries Directory     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


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Israeli Genealogical Society
This website provides a guide to archives and libraries in Israel, organized by the Israeli Genealogical Society. It includes links to repositories and resources dealing with countries of origin of I...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


American Women: A Gateway to Library of Congress Resources for the Study of Women's History and Culture in the United States
American Women is a gateway--a first stop for Library of Congress researchers working in the field of American women's history. The site contains a slightly expanded and fully searchable ve...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Labordoc: Catalog of the ILO Library
Contains over 350,000 records of books, articles, documents, and reports providing international coverage of labor related topics, including employment, labor relations, labor law, working conditions,...   [more]
Holdings: Late 19th century-present
Unrestricted Access


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Waterloo directory of English Newspapers and Periodicals 1800-1900


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Porta Hebraica
Porta Hebraica is an interdisciplinary pilot project in cooperation with scholarly work groups in the fields of Jewish history and culture, information and library science. The term Hebraica refers ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Feinstein Center Database of American Jewish Historical Repositories
The database includes a record of each repository holding material on American Jewish history. Each entry in the database includes the name, address, contact information, description of holdings and ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Penn in Hand: Selected Manuscripts
Also Known as: Penn Libraries Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
The Rare Book & Manuscript Library of the University of Pennsylvania holds approximately 800 western European manuscripts from the Middle Ages and Renaissance. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Archive Indexes
Unrestricted Access


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Jewish Historical Society of San Diego Archives
The Society has over 50 collections of papers, documents and photos, both personal and communal. Though the collections are comprised of material about the San Diego area, their substance embraces man...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Jewish Historical Society of San Diego


Leonard Bernstein Collection - Library of Congress
The composer, conductor, writer, and teacher Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990) was one of 20th-century America's most important musical figures. The Leonard Bernstein Collection is one of the largest and ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Drexel University, College of Medicine, Archives and Special Collections
Unrestricted Access


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Italian music manuscripts in the British Library, London (finding aid)
Unrestricted Access


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Jazz, blues, soul, and rock, pt. 1 (microfilm collection finding aid)
Unrestricted Access


Jazz, blues, soul, and rock, pt. 2 (microfilm collection finding aid)
Unrestricted Access


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Thomas A. Edison Collection of American Sheet Music (microfilm collection finding aid)
Unrestricted Access


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Venetian opera libretti (microfilm collection finding aid)
Unrestricted Access


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Court odes of William Boyce (microfilm collection finding aid)
Unrestricted Access


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Music collections of the Cambridge libraries (microfilm collection finding aid)
Unrestricted Access


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Gerald Coke Handel collection (microfilm collection finding aid)
Unrestricted Access


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Music manuscripts of William Boyce and Maurice Greene (microfilm collection finding aid)
Unrestricted Access


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Oxford Music School collection at the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Part One (microfilm collection finding aid)
Unrestricted Access


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Unpublished continental music manuscripts of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries (microfilm collection finding aid)
Unrestricted Access


Unpublished English music manuscripts before 1850. Section A (microfilm collection finding aid)
Unrestricted Access


Unpublished English music manuscripts before 1850. Section B (microfilm collection finding aid)
Unrestricted Access


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Music collection of St. Michael's College, Tenbury (microfilm collection finding aid)
Unrestricted Access


Music collection of Christ Church, Oxford (microfilm collection finding aid)
Unrestricted Access


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British Library music manuscript collection (microfilm collection finding aid)
Unrestricted Access


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Music collection of the Royal College of Music, London (microfilm collection finding aid)
Unrestricted Access


Music collection of the Royal Academy of Music, London (microfilm collection finding aid)
Unrestricted Access


Music manuscripts of St. George's Chapel, Windsor (microfilm collection finding aid)
Unrestricted Access


British Architectural Library Catalogue     [find related records >>>]
The online catalogue provides details of material held in the RIBA Library: an index to articles in over 300 of the world's most respected architectural periodicals details of books and audio visual ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Catalogue of the Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican library
The catalogue was published by the publishing house of the Vatican Library which graciously granted permission to display it online. Hebrew Manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, compiled...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Ladino Books in the Library of Congress
This online version of the bibliography prepared by Henry V. Besso and published by the Hispanic Foundation of the Library of Congress in 1964, has been updated with approximately 200 additional title...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Archives Collections Relating to Christian Mission
A web link list identifying major archival repositories worldwide on Christian mission activities. Maintained by DABOH, Documentation, Archives, Bibliography and Oral History Study Group, The Internat...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Urban Archives, Temple University Libraries
Archival repository for Philadelphia community organizations and some municipal government commissions, Philadelphia newspapers (including the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin clippings file and Bulletin...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


PAMBU - Pacific Manuscripts Bureau
Primary source material preservation organization focusing on Pacific records of all kinds (paper and digital documents, audio recordings, photographs) on all subjects, in all languages....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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William A. Rosenthall Papers
Papers of William A. Rosenthall, rabbi, scholar, and collector of Judaica. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Economic History in the Philadelphia Region
bank, banks, banking, merchant, merchants, economics, economy, insurance...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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PACSCL Finding Aids
Finding aids for manuscript and archival collections held at Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries (PACSCL) member libraries....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (German National Library catalogs)
Unrestricted Access


Die Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek
Provides unrestricted access to millions of books, archived items, images, sculptures, pieces of music and other sound documents, as well as films and scores, from all over Germany....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Baltimore Hebrew Institute, Towson University
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Joseph Meyerhoff Library Catalog


English Short Title Catalogue
Also Known as: ESTC
The English Short Title Catalogue provides extensive descriptions and holdings information for letterpress materials printed in Great Britain or any of its dependencies in any language, as well as for...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Jewish Museum of Prague (idovski Muzeum v Praze)
Unrestricted Access


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You Should Tell Your Children - Haggadah at Yale
The Passover Haggadah in the Yale University Library Collections....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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University of Pennsylvania Finding Aids
Also Known as: Penn EADs
Finding aids for manuscript and archival research materials held by the Archives at the Library of the Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, the Biddle Law Library, the Rare Book & Manuscript Libra...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Kislak Center finding aids
    Biddle Law Library finding aids
    Library at the Katz CAJS finding aids
    Penn Museum finding aids
    University Archives & Record Center finding aids


Chinati Foundation
The Chinati Foundation of Marfa, Texas is a contemporary art museum based upon the ideas of founder Donald Judd. The intention of Chinati is to preserve and present to the public permanent ,large-scal...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Andover-Harvard Library: Holocaust Rescue and Relief: Digitized Records
The Andover-Harvard Theological Library is the official archive for the records of the Universal Unitarian Service Committee....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Illuminated Hebrew Manuscripts from the British Library
A catalogue of 109 illuminated Hebrew manuscripts - mostly medieval, is now accessible on-line....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Online catalog of The Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington
Unrestricted Access


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William A. Rosenthall Judaica collection
An internationally important collection of fine art prints, topical files, sermons, printed materials, artifacts, and other historical papers (taken from description)....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


WorldCat Mobile
Search for library materials worldwide, find a library, call a library, map a route to a library. Use website or download app. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


PhillyHistory.org Mobile
Free. Photographic images of Philadelphia from the Philadelphia City Archives, which holds approximately 2 million photos dating from the late 1800s, as well as the Athenaeum of Philadelphia. Some int...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Marshall T. Meyer digital collection
Documents the human rights activism of the Rabbi Marshall T. Meyer in 1970s and 1980s Argentina....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Books within books: Hebrew Fragments in European Libraries
Fragments of medieval Hebrew books and documents recovered from book bindings and notarial files in various libraries and archives in Europe and Israel....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Cairo Genizah at the Bodleian Libraries
The collection of Cairo Genizah fragments held at the Bodleian Libraries is one of the major collections of its kind. Acquired over the years since 1890 it consists of about 4,000 fragments. The colle...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Roman de la Rose Digital Library
A joint project of the Sheridan Libraries of Johns Hopkins University and the Bibliotheque nationale de France, the goal of the Roman de la Rose Digital Library is to create an online library of all m...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Print at Penn
Penn holds enormous print resources dating from the fifteenth through the twenty-first century and is engaged in projects to digitize important parts of the collection. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Raphael Loewe Archives: Digital Exhibition
The new digital exhibition aims to highlight selected items from the Raphael Loewe Archives (Personal Archive and Pamphlets Collection) in tribute to Professor Raphael Loewes work and achievements. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Johannes Reuchlin and the Jewish Book Controversy
Exhibition (with full-text links) hosted by the University of Illinois, Rare Book and Manuscript Library....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Pioneering Jewish Women of Colorado
This exhibit showcases some of the Jewish women who raised families, founded communal organizations, sustained their Jewish heritage, and ultimately helped shape Colorado. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Jewish History Museum
From Sephardic settlers of the 1700s, to later pioneers and all the way to the post-WWII new West, the lectures at the Jewish Storytelling Festival covered this often-overlooked but important piece of...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Southwest Jewish Archives .
The United States Southwest, encompassing West Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Southern California, reflects the heritage of diverse groups of peoples....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Western Jewish Archives
The society houses a large archival collection, consisting of more than 200 linear feet of documents, photographs, oral histories, artifacts, and other memorabilia and has posted photos on the Arizona...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Early Jewish American Women
National Women's History Museum mounted this exhibition on early Jewish American women. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Corpus Rhythmorum Musicum
A digital edition and linguistic analysis of "songs from non-liturgical sources" coordinated by Francesco Stella...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Early New York Synagogue Archives
Provides access to archival documents from five pre-20th century synagogues that are still active in New York City....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Bookplates ~ David Ellenson Rare Book Online Exhibit
The invention of printing made private ownership of many books possible. Frequently, owners identified their personal collections with labels which read ex libris ("from the library of"). Artists were...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Online Guide to the YIVO Archives
The new website provides information and facilitates access to YIVOs vast archive of about 23,000,000 documents, manuscripts, photographs, films, sound recordings, and art works and artifacts. (site...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Museum of Family History
A virtual, multimedia, and interactive creation that was designed for those of who are interested in learning more about modern Jewish history. (site description)...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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The People in the Books: Hebrew Manuscripts from Columbia University Libraries
Online version of the 2012-13 physical exhibit....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Jewish Theological Seminary Library Manuscripts
More than 150 manuscripts are accessible on The Librarys digital collections site....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Zucker Holy Land Travel Manuscript
The Zucker Holy Land Travel Manuscript takes us on a tour through the Holy Land as it was known geographically, both in Biblical times and at the end of the 17th century. The author was equally intere...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Gershwind-Bennett Isaac Leeser Digitization Project
Isaac Leeser (1806 -1868) was an architect of 19th century American Jewish life, editor of America's first monthly Jewish periodical, originator of the first American Jewish publication society, and a...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Judeo-Spanish Short Novels
The Library of the Alliance israilite universelle in Paris created a small digital library of Judeo-Spanish short novels. This collection is named Fonds Israkl S. Rivah, named after the famous scho...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


The Gathering Storm: Jewish Life in Germany and Eastern Europe in the 1930s
Online exhibition created at the University of Florida....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


SIRIS - Smithsonian Institution Research Information System
Unrestricted Access


Survey of Sephardi/Mizrahi Archives in the Northeastern United States
The American Sephardi Federation has completed a survey focused on locations where Sephardi and Mizrahi communities currently live, or where they were known to have resided in the past, as well as exi...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


ANC Archives
Digitized documents, photographs, and other materials from the African National Congress Archive, held at Fort Hare University in the Eastern Cape, South Africa....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Also Known as: Digital Penn
DigitalPenn features unique primary source materials for teaching, research, and discovery drawn from the Penn Libraries' signature collections or from our collaborations with the Penn community and w...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Fairman Rogers Collection
An ongoing digitization project. The collection comprises 1,054 rare volumes on horses and horsemanship including medical guides, stud books, books on shoeing, harnessing, training, riding, driving, r...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Library of Congress: 16th Century Hebrew Books
Finding Aid for 16th Century Hebrew Books at the Library of Congress plus Hebraica Research Resources and Guides....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Stalin Digital Archive
Also Known as: SDA


Finding Open Access Images
Libguide for finding and working with images that can be used with limited or no restrictions. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Chatham House Online Archive
Chatham House Online Archive Module 1 1920-1979...   [more]
Supplemental URLs


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The Johanna Spector Archival Collection
Important multimedia archival collection located at the Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in New York City....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Finding Aid. Yiddish American Popular Sheet Music. Library of Congress


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Life and Works of Rabbi Dr. Louis Jacobs Exhibition
Exhibition, at the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, shows selected items illustrating Rabbi Dr Louis Jacobs' life and thought....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Map: Penn Libraries
Unrestricted Access


Freedom Summer Digital Collection
More than 25,000 pages from the Freedom Summer manuscripts -- enough to fill several file cabinets -- are available online. In them you will find official records of organizations such as the Student ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Henry S. Morais Papers
The finding aid, or descriptive guide, to the Henry Morais Papers includes a complete name index to the more than 600 correspondents, enhancing access to the materials. Digital versions of each folde...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Iraqi Jewish Archives
The remarkable survival of this written record of Iraqi Jewish life provides an unexpected opportunity to better understand this 2,500-year-old Jewish community....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Papers associated with the trial of major Nazi war criminals
Senator Thomas J. Dodd Papers served as Executive Trial Counsel and supervisor of the U.S. prosecution team at the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg from July 1945 through October 1946, whe...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Nuremburg Trials Project - Harvard University
The Harvard Law School Library has approximately one million pages of documents relating to the trial of military and political leaders of Nazi Germany before the International Military Tribunal (IMT)...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Archival collections in the Middle East
This blog, which provides very comprehensive descriptions of archival collections for archives in the Middle East....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Manuscript collection of the World Cultural Heritage Library Ets Haim - Livraria Montezinos
Discover 600 years of Jewish history through unique Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch digitized manuscripts (site description)....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa)
Digitized materials and finding aids for one of the largest, most comprehensive independent archives in Southern Africa, focused on human rights research. Includes the records of many human rights NGO...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Nelson Mandela Digital Archive Project
Unrestricted Access


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Faulkner at Virginia: An Audio Archive
Also Known as: Faulkner Audio Archive
Listen in on William Faulkners sessions with audiences at the University of Virginia in 1957 and 1958, during his two terms as UVAs first Writer-in-Residence. The audio files are accompanied by tran...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Forward to Freedom: The history of the British Anti-Apartheid Movement 1959-1994
Selected documents, images, interview videos from the British Anti-Apartheid Movement Archive at the Bodleian Library, University of Oxford....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Friedberg Judeo-Arabic Corpus
This first version of the site contains 110 works in Judeo-Arabic, among them the famous works of Maimonides, Saadya Gaon, Yehuda Halevi, and many others...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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The World of Printed Words: Samuel Montagu and the Western Hebrew Library
Exhibition shows highlights of the Western Hebrew Library, a collection of over 1300 items dated from 15th to 20th century, deposited on loan with the Leopold Muller Memorial Library in 2013 (site des...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


German History in Documents and Images
a comprehensive collection of primary source materials documenting Germany's political, social, and cultural history from 1500 to the present. It comprises original German texts, all of which are acco...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Wilhelmine Germany and the First World War (1890-1918)
Overview: Wilhelmine Germany, 1890-1914 | I. Economic Development | II. Society and Culture | III. "Modern Life": Diagnoses, Prescriptions, Alternatives | IV. State and Society | ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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The Rabat Genizah Project
The Rabat Genizah Project brings together an international team of community representatives, scholars, archivists, and information technologists to develop a digital archive of Moroccan Jewish docume...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Prisoner of the First World War: The ICRC Archives
The Prisoner of War archives of the International Red Cross are being opened up. Individual data on prisoners of war will be posted gradually over the year 2014. Altogether, 5 million cards on prisone...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Europeana 1914-1918: Untold Stories & Official Histories of WW1
Also Known as: Europeana World War I
Explore stories, films and historical material about the First World War. Europeana 1914-1918 mixes resources from libraries and archives across the globe with memories and memorabilia from families t...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


ScarletFinders: British Nursing in the First World War
Also Known as: Scarlet Finders
"This new website gives information on all administrative and organisational aspects of the British military nursing services in France and Flanders during the Great War. It covers areas that have pre...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Archives. American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
Brings to life the history of the worlds leading Jewish humanitarian assistance organization. The vast digital collection contains searchable text collections from 1914-1975, a detailed interactive ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Trove: National Library of Australia
Find and get over 395,675,052 Australian and online resources: books, images, historic newspapers, maps, music, archives and more...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Gershom Scholem's card catalogue of Zoharic Aramaic
The catalogue features over 11,000 images of cards that Scholem wrote throughout his lifetime. Each card is an entry explaining one term of Zoharic Aramaic....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Endangered Archives Programme - British Library
Digitized primary source materials collected and preserved worldwide....   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Endangered Archives Programme - Africa projects


2014 EVA/Minerva Jerusalem Inter. Conf. on Digitisation of Culture
Full texts of presentations made at the 2014 conference....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Brooklyn Jewish Center Digital Archive
Selected papers from the Brooklyn Jewish Center, the first all-encompassing Jewish Community Center, established in 1920. The Center was vibrant contributor through decades of Jewish communal life ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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William A. Rosenthall Judaica Collection
Held at the College of Charleston. The collection contains Judaica postcards, prints and posters, periodicals, clippings, philatelic materials, greeting cards, medals, textiles, ephemera, and subject ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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The Life of the Synagogue
A tribute to both the central role of the synagogue in Jewish life and the man whose passion for collecting made this exhibit possible. The exhibit contains 76 items selected from the William A. Rosen...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


The Arnold and Deanne Kaplan Collection of Early American Judaica
A digital presentation of the Penn Libraries' exhibition, Constellations of Atlantic Jewish History, 1555-1890: The Arnold and Deanne Kaplan Collection of Early American Judaica." The physical exhib...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Sephardic Studies Collection of the University of Washington
The Sephardic Studies Digital Library and Museum has collected from members of the local Seattle Sephardic community more than 500 original Ladino books and thousands of documents composed in Ladino a...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Joint Distribution Committee Archives
The institutional records of the American Jewish JDC since its founding in 1914. These are fully searchable, with pdfs of the individual documents. The website includes curated exhibits, photo galleri...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Yale Indian Papers Project
A scholarly critical edition of New England Native American primary source materials....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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European Jewish Research Archive
A free-to-access online repository of social research on European Jewry since 1990. It aims to provide Jewish leaders, academics, policy makers and community members with the research they need to und...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Sigmund Freud Papers (Library of Congress)
Digitized materials from the Library of Congress's Sigmund Freud Papers, including family papers (1851-1978), general correspondence (1871-1996), subject files (including scool records, patient case f...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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noPennKey page
Unrestricted Access


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Franklin login
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Franklin account


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Penn Libraries Special Collections
Unrestricted Access
