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SpectroscopyNOW is the free access spectroscopy portal that fulfils the information needs of ALL spectroscopists. SpectroscopyNOW.com, a "Community of Interest" website, has become the definitive spe...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


PaleoNet is a system of listservers, www pages, and ftp sites designed to enhance electronic communication among paleontologists. While primarily designed as a resource for paleontological professiona...   [more]
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ExPASy Molecular Biology Server     [find related records >>>]
The ExPASy (Expert Protein Analysis System) proteomics server of the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) is dedicated to the analysis of protein sequences and structures as well as 2-D PAGE ...   [more]
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Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry SIMS WWW Server
Here you will find information about the Annual Workshop on SIMS - the non profit organization devoted to education on various aspects of secondary ion mass spectrometry. You will find some links to i...   [more]
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Enormous web resource for all aspects of linguistics: covers people and organizations, jobs, conferences, publications, language resources and tools, and hosts searchable archives for many discussion ...   [more]
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Supplemental URLs
    People and Organizations
    Web Resource Listings: Dictionaries
    Teaching and Learning: Programs Area Index


Open Access News : News from the Access Movement
Edited by Peter Suber....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Paleojudaica.com is a blog on ancient ("paleo-") Judaism ("Judaica") and its historical and literary context from roughly the beginning of the Second Temple period (late 500s B.C.E.) to the rise of Is...   [more]
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A weblog by Jim Davila for a Dead Sea Scrolls course he is teaching in the Spring '05 at the University of St. Andrews....   [more]
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A FAQ on self-archiving....   [more]
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H-Judaic is a moderated and edited electronic discussion group (or Scholarly Electronic Forum). Thus all messages are screened to ensure reasonable content. H-Judaic is a signatory to the H-Net Charte...   [more]
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H-Holocaust exists so scholars of the Holocaust can communicate with each other using this innovative and exciting new technology. This is primarily, though not exclusively an academic list. Coverage ...   [more]
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List Archives at SHAMASH.ORG
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H-Antisemitism encourages scholarly discussion of the history of antisemitism and makes available diverse bibliographical, research and teaching aids....   [more]
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The Annenberg School of Communication Library Blog...   [more]
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AG Jüdische Sammlungen
Also Known as: Judische Sammlungen
Unrestricted Access


Jewish Language Research Website
The Jewish Language Research Website has three goals: 1. To serve as a resource for the field of Jewish linguistics - the study of Jewish languages on an individual and comparative basis - encou...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Jewish-Languages Mailing List


The Seforim Blog
Edited by Menahem Butler and Dan Rabinowitz, this wide-ranging discussion group features scholarly exchanges about Jewish book culture and history....   [more]
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Tradition Seforim Blog
Tradition Seforim Blog provides on-line discussion for readers of the journal "Tradition" and for those interested in Orthodox Jewish thought and culture....   [more]
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English Hebraica
Chronicling Jewish and Jewish themed writing in the English language prior to the 19th century. Interesting biographies, diagrams, translations, transliterations and descriptions of Jewish learning an...   [more]
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Blog for the Study of the Jewish Book
"Blog for the Study of the Jewish Book" is an outgrowth of a meeting held at the 2007 Association for Jewish Studies conference discussing prospects in the field of Jewish book studies. It is mean...   [more]
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Giluy milta b'alma
Giluy milta b'alma is a blog from the Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts in the National Library in Jerusalem, Presented here are new and interesting findings in Hebrew Manuscripts, particul...   [more]
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This blog is maintained by Michael Pitkowsky who is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in the Department of Talmud and Rabbinics at the Jewish Theological Seminary. He sees this blog "as a forum for me to pu...   [more]
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Blog about Jewish studies, Judaica, Jewish books, manuscripts, and other related topics....   [more]
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Safranim's blog
This is the blog of the Judaica Librarians' Group (Israel). It is intended to function mainly as the bulletin of the group (in Hebrew). Librarians who are interested in sharing their experiences in ...   [more]
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Naija Stories
Web site and blog on Nigerian literature and film....   [more]
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Philadelphia Congregation Mikveh Israel History blog.
Discussions and articles of local history interest....   [more]
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Reform Judaism blog


Hebraic Manuscripts, Scrolls, and Ephemera
A social media site for those interested or working in Jewish Special Collections....   [more]
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Blog. Hebrew mss. digitisation project, British Library
A major project to digitise 1250 Hebrew mss. held in the British Library. The three-year project aims to make these invaluable mss. freely available to scholars and the public worldwide. ...   [more]
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45 Hebrew manuscripts go digital
Blog regarding the launch of 45 digitized Hebrew manuscripts (as part of the British Library major digitization project which includes 1250 Hebrew manuscripts)....   [more]
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Judaica Europeana
News and collection highlights from our international network of Jewish heritage collections....   [more]
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Food History Jottings
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Finding Yiddish Music: A Quick Online Guide
Resources to find Yiddish music online and in libraries and archives....   [more]
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InterProfessional Student Advisory Group     [find related records >>>]
Students from the following schools are invited to join InterProfessional Student Advisory Group (IPSAG): Dental Medicine; Perelman School of Medicine (both M.D. and BGS); Nursing; and Veterinary Medi...   [more]
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