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(30987) Resources

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Databases & Article Indexes (2086) E-Journals (22261) Acronyms, Abbreviations & Symbols (19) Almanacs & Factbooks (13) Associations, Organizations & Societies (321)
Biography (39) Book Reviews (36) Case Studies (7) Citation Guides & Style Manuals (18) Companies, Manufacturers & Product Catalogs (23)
Conferences & Proceedings (46) Converters (7) Data Sets & Statistics (421) Dates & Calendars (9) Dictionaries & Thesauri (Languages) (87)
Directories (78) Discussion Lists & Blogs (34) E-Books (1946) Encyclopedias & Subject Dictionaries (269) Government Information (396)
Handbooks, Tables, Properties & Datasheets (92) Images (234) Job Opportunities (23) Libraries, Museums, Catalogs & Archives (397) Maps, Atlases & GIS (110)
Mobile apps & sites (94) Multimedia & Video (208) News Sources (251) Observatories & Labs (34) Patents & Trademarks (14)
Penn Sites (137) Preprints & Working Papers (61) Publishers & Books Sellers (66) Quotations (2) Research Guides (563)
Schools & Research Centers (92) Search Engines & Portals (353) Standards (12) Study & Teaching (85) Technical Reports (35)
Tests & Measurements (8)

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Library Strengths in Official [British] Documents: selected sources for Africa
From Green Library Reference Department, Stanford University. A truly wonderful piece of work describing an hideously complicated documents system. The Penn Library owns much of the material described...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


ESE 441/442 Senior Design Project - Course Guide
Unrestricted Access


CSE 400 Senior Design Project - Course Guide
Unrestricted Access


Foreign Relations of the United States - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


Advertising & Marketing Industries - Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


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Business Law - Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


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Entrepreneurship and Small Business - Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


Exporting and Importing - Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


Health Care Industry - Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


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International Business - Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


Real Estate - Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


Stock Prices - Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


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History 388-001: Hunger and Poverty in Market Economies - Course Guide
Unrestricted Access


United States Economic Statistics - Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


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College 001: Globalization - Course Guide
Unrestricted Access


Indian Ocean: Cradle of Globalization (NEH 2002 Summer Institute - Course Guide)
Unrestricted Access


Automotive Industry - Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


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University of Pennsylvania Index (UPIX) - Research Guide
The University of Pennsylvania Index (UPIX) is a card file that lists articles by subject in several University publications, dating from the end of the nineteenth century to the mid-1980s. The UPIX c...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


PORT (Penn Online Research Tutorial)
A guide to using scholarly resources in the Penn Library....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Getting Material Unavailable at Penn
This guide explains how to locate and access resources that are not available at Penn...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Using Franklin to Find Primary Resources - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


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French History - Reseach Guide
Unrestricted Access


Medieval Manuscript Catalogs - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


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British Government Publications - Research Guide
Also Known as: British Government Documents - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


Medieval History - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


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U.S. Congressional Hearings
Unrestricted Access


U.S. Legislative Process - Research Guide
Information and links to government publications produced in the federal legislative process of the United States, from the proposal of a bill to the enactment of a public law....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


History of Science - Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


Treaties and Other International Agreements - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


Latin America - Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


Linguistics - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


Philadelphia History - Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
Primary and secondary sources for the study of Philadelphia history....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


U.S. Elections: Historical and Contemporary - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


Human Rights - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


Public Opinion Polls - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


Political Science - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Biblical and Related Literature - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


Buddhism - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Hinduism - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Islam - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Women and Religion - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Christianity - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


Human Sexuality - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


Sociology - Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


Theater Reviews - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


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English 002-302 - Course Guide
Writing About Nonfiction (Fall 2002)...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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History 106-302 - Course Guide
Religion and Resistance in Colonial Africa (Fall 2002)...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Finding Diaries - Research Guide
This research guide should assist you in finding diaries in the Penn Library collections, published and unpublished personal writings at other libraries and archives, and books about diaries and perso...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Finding Newspapers at Penn - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


Quantitative Skills - Research Guide
This guide will help faculty, students, and researchers to use the Penn Library when researching mathematical statistics and statistical methods. It is intended to support course development in compli...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Preparing Literature Reviews in the Social Sciences - Research Guide
This informal guide identifies useful resources for preparing literature reviews in the social science disciplines. That is, it's primarily interested in examining the secondary literature in the soci...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


MEAM 445/446 Senior Design Project - Course Guide
Unrestricted Access


Chemistry 223 Physical Chemistry Laboratory - Course Guide
Chemistry 223: Physical Chemistry Laboratory. A question-answer based approach to the physical chemistry literature, focussing on tools to help students locate physical constants, structural data, an...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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English 002-301 - Course Guide
Writing About Nonfiction (Fall 2002) ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Folklore 547 - Course Guide
Ireland and the U.K.: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Spring 2001) ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Reference Sources Relating to the British Empire
Unrestricted Access


Urban Studies - Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


Environmental Studies - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Cinema Studies - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


Tests and Measurements - Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


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Major Microform Sets in the Penn Library
This guide lists useful microfilm and microfiche sets available in the Van Pelt Library....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


City Directories of the United States - Microform Collection
Unrestricted Access


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Records of Ante-bellum Southern Plantations - Microform Collection
Unrestricted Access


Federal Population Schedules - Microform Collection
Unrestricted Access


French Revolution Research Collection / Images of the French Revolution - Microform Collection
Unrestricted Access


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Goldsmiths'-Kress Library of Economic Literature - Microform Collection
Unrestricted Access


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History of the Cinema, 1895-1940 - Microform Collection
Unrestricted Access


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Iroquois Indians - Microform Collection
Unrestricted Access


Incunabula Short Title Catalog - Microform collection
Also Known as: Incunabula: the printing revolution in Europe, 1455-1500
Unrestricted Access


Medieval Manuscripts - Microform Collection
Unrestricted Access


Henry Charles Lea Library - Microform Collection
Unrestricted Access


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Witchcraft in Europe and America - Microform Collection
Unrestricted Access


Conflict and Terrorism - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


Internet Directory for Botany
Extensive list of plant related web resources with descriptive annotations for each site....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Subject Access to Philadelphia Newspapers
This guides lists sources for subject indexes to Philadelphia newspapers with notes on their location, usefulness & coverage....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Company Information - Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


Anthropology 100-001: Afghanistan and Islamism - Course Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Historic Preservation Microforms - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


PubMed Tutorial
Collection of online tutuorials on how to search PubMed, the National Library of Medicine's journal literature search system. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


NCBI Structure Tutorial
This tutorial discusses the use of the Cn3d structure viewer and how to use the Structure database to view and manipulate protein structures....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


ISI Citation Indexes Tutorial
Also Known as: Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, Web of Science, SSCI, SCI, AHCI,ISI
Unrestricted Access


Also Known as: Association for Population/Family Planning Libraries and Information Centers-International
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Publications (including POPLIN-APLIC Electronic Resource Guides)


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History of Art - Research Guide
A basic guide to conducting research and finding sources in the history of art....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


U.S. Census - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


The tutorial illustrates the potential for PSI-BLAST searches to identify even weak (subtle) homologies to annotated entries in the database. It demonstrates that PSI-BLAST is an important tool for pr...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Bloomberg Help Guide     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


History of Witchcraft - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


U.S. Government Documents - Research Guide
Also Known as: U.S. Government Publications - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


Historical Statistics - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


Newspapers on Microform and Philadelphia Newspapers
This database provides holding and location information for over 800 newspapers on microfilm owned by Van Pelt Library. It also includes those newspapers published in Philadelphia in all formats. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


20th Century African History and Politics - Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


Einfuhrung in die historische Fachinformation...
A guide to online resources in history....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Researching the Holocaust
Unrestricted Access


USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examination) - Research Guide
Also Known as: United States Medical Licensing Examination - Study Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Career Research Guide - Lippincott Library     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


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History 479-604: Society, Culture, and Politics in the Middle East -Course Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Victoria Research Web
Unrestricted Access


Places In Time : Historical Documentation of Place in Greater Philadelphia
Provided by Bryn Mawr College. This is an effort to bring together resource for pursuing historical information about place in the five-county Philadelphia area: Bucks, Chester, Delaware. Montgomery, ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Philadelphia - Maps and Geographic Information     [find related records >>>]
Guide to the major maps and GIS data for philadelphia....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, Philadelphia - Microform Collection
Unrestricted Access


Information Resources in Computer and Information Science
Also Known as: CIS
A guide to information resources in computer and information science....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Information Resources in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Also Known as: CBE
A guide to information resources in chemical and biomolecular engineering....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Information Resources in Bioengineering
A guide to information resources in bioengineering....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Information Resources in Electrical Engineering
A guide to information resources in electrical engineering....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Information Resources in Mathematics     [find related records >>>]
A guide to information resources in mathematics....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Information Resources in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
A guide to information in mechanical engineering and applied mechanics....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Information Resources in Materials Science and Engineering
A guide to information resources in materials science and engineering....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Information Resources in Physics     [find related records >>>]
A guide to information resources in physics....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Information Resources in Systems Engineering
A guide to information resources in systems engineering....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Anthropology 002: Cultural Anthropology - Course Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Historical company research     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


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Lippincott Library On-Site Databases
Business databases available ONLY at Lippincott Library....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Lippincott Library Research Guides
Links to Lippincott Library's Research Guides....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Wharton School Course Guides     [find related records >>>]
Index to Wharton Course Guides....   [more]


BE 100: Introduction to Bioengineering - Course Guide
A guide to finding information about bioengineering....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Information on Chemical Nomenclature
A guide to chemical nomenclature....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Information on Patents for Researchers
A guide to information on patents for researchers...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


History and Sociology of Sexuality
Unrestricted Access


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Guide to History Databases
The most frequently used history databases, divided by categories of primary significance and with descriptions of coverage, holdings and full-text availability. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Jewish Music WebCenter
Devoted to study and performance of Jewish music....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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U.S. Social History, 1900-1960-research guide
Unrestricted Access


Contemporary Issues in South Asian Health
Unrestricted Access


Materials Safety Data Sheets
Also Known as: MSDS
A guide to information on Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), including Government, Organization, and University sites....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Methoden der Organischen Chemie (Houben-Weyl) Introduction and Guide
Also Known as: Houben-Weyl, Houben Weyl
Guide to the organization and use of the print Houben-Weyl Methoden der Organischen Chemie....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Guide to Law Online
Annotated guide to online resources for legal research. Covers international and multinational law, law of the nations of the world, U.S. federal law, U.S. state and territories law....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


CIS 573: Software Engineering / CIT 595: Digital System Organization & Design - Course Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Judaic Studies - Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
General guide to online Judaic resources at Penn and worldwide....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


What Every Chemist Should Know About Patents
A guide that discusses using the patent literature and basics of patent law in a chemical setting. PDF document....   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    2006 Supplement


Asian Internet Resources
This Portal to Asian Internet Resources (PAIR) offers scholars, students and the interested public more than six thousand professionally selected, cataloged and annotated online resources. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Social Gerontology     [find related records >>>]
The following guide is meant to be an introduction to reference works, both print and online, useful for research in the area of Social Gerontology. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Consumer Behavior     [find related records >>>]
Briefly annotated guide to e-resources and printed sources for researching consumer behavior...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Travel and Exploration Narratives and Guide Books---Research Guide
Guide to finding narratives and other first person accounts of travels, voyages and explorations, as well as guide books for travellers. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Retail - Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


Nonprofit Sector     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


China Business     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


Asia Business     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


History of the Middle East - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


Dossier HIV/AIDS in Africa
Bibliography with hyperlinks to monographs, articles and chapters from edited works on HIV / AIDS in Africa published during 1999-2003....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Annotated Bibliography on Gender and HIV/AIDS
Bibliography with some hyperlinks to materials on gender and HIV / AIDS in Africa. Covers gender and development, including the effect of HIV / AIDS upn land and water rights, agrarian livelihoods, an...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Early Egyptian Newspapers and Periodicals at Penn
A list of titles and holdings for pre-1919 Egyptian serials and newspapers held at Penn Libraries....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Health and Society in Africa - Research Guide
This guides describes selected resources for researching health issues affecting Africans, covering print, microform, and electronic formats available to Penn students, faculty, and staff....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Ottoman Turkish Serials at Penn
List of Ottoman Turkish newspapers and periodicals held at Penn libraries...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Hist 107: Comparative Capitalist Systems-Course Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Classical Studies 131: Nero and the Roman Imagination - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Finding Information on Museums, Art Organizations and Art Schools
Guide to finding information on art museums, art organizations and art schools...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Standards - a Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Reference Sources for Sephardic Studies
Abstract: Some of the main reference sources for Sephardic studies in the broader sense, namely, covering issues related not only to the Jews of the Iberian peninsula and their descendants, but als...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Philadelphia Sites and Buildings - Maps - Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
Also Known as: Building outline maps
Finding maps in Franklin, street maps, zoning maps, building outline maps, USGS topographical maps, fire insurance maps, real estate atlases...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Media Industry     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


Anthropology 100-401. Anthropology and the Modern World: Iraq in Perspective - Course Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Classical Historiography for Chinese History
Unrestricted Access


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Iraqi Periodicals at Penn
A summary listing of periodicals published in Iraq and held by University of Pennsylvania Libraries....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Library Resources for Communication Studies - EBSS
Identifies indexes and abstracts, news sources, subject guides, associations and organizations, special collections, and collection development tools (e.g., new book announcements) on communication st...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Dental Job Search - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Researching and Locating Employment in Chemistry
This guide directs users to some common job boards for chemists and chemical engineers. In addition, though, it teaches the user to search for corporations or individuals researching in a particular ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Finding Information on Chemical Reactions and Reagents
A guide to the resources available at Penn for doing chemical reaction or reagent searches....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Annotated Bibliography on Equity in Health, 1980-2001 / James A Macinko and Barbara Starfield
Compiled from PubMed as an overview of the literature on health equity and to summarize key articles relevant to the mission of the International Society for Equity in Health....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Bibliography on Women and Religion
Compiler, Susan Walter Lau, Religious Studies Department at the University of Pittsburgh. Lengthy bibliography which includes all religions and time periods....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


RefWorks - Guide for Using Refworks with Library Databases
This is a guide providing database specific instructions for getting records into the Refworks bibliographic management system....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Annotated Bibliography and Guide to Archival Resources on the History of Jewish Women in America
Compiled by Phyllis Holman Weisbard. Searchable bibliography that covers articles, archival resources, and collections of memoirs, oral histories, and creative writing....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Jewish Orphanages in the United States
On Jewish Orphanages, Societies, Social Services and Orphan Train Destinations in the United States....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


What is RefWorks?
Unrestricted Access


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Finding Newspapers: The Basics
General guide to finding newspapers....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


My NCBI Help Documentation
- from PubMed Central
My NCBI is a tool that retains user information and preferences to provide customized services. It allows you to save searches, select filtering options, and set up automatic searches that are sent by...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Finding Biographical Information: The Basics
Unrestricted Access


Options for RefWorks Users when they leave Penn
Unrestricted Access


India Business     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


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Research Guide: Peoples and Cultures of Africa
from Boston University Libraries, by David Westley and Gretchen Walsh. A very good list of reference works, with helpful tips on searching multiple name forms....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


"I Saw It On TV..." A Guide to Broadcast and Cable Programming Sources
From Northwestern University's Marjorie I. Mitchell Multimedia Center. Identifies and discusses availability and distribution for programs of the Big Three U.S. television networks, public broadcastin...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


French Government Documents
Unrestricted Access


Dental PubMed Tutorials
Unrestricted Access


Technology Management
Unrestricted Access


ISI Citation Indexes Cited Reference Searching Tutorial
A step by step guide to finding all citations to an author's work in ISI Citation Indexes....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Science & Engineering Journal Table of Contents via RSS
Unrestricted Access


What is RSS? - A Brief Introduction
Unrestricted Access


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Japan Business - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Things Fall Apart / Chinua Achebe
Unrestricted Access


Engineering Job Search Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Music Special Collections at the University of Pennsylvania by Richard Griscom
Description of music-related special collections at Penn....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Philadelphia's Musical Legacy by Marjorie Hassen
Article on the history of music in Philadelphia, with a special focus on materials held in the University of Pennsylvania Library....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Extracting Data from the GSS to SPSS
Step by Step instructions for bringing data from the GSS to SPSS....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Google Scholar Basics
Describes how to get the most out of Google Scholar....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Finding Books
The Basics of Finding Books in the Penn Library....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Book Review Basics
Basic Resources for finding Book Reviews....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Film Review Basics
Basic resources for finding films in the Library's Video Catalog, and book reviews in Library Resources....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


U.S. Government Publications Basics
Basic resources for finding United States Government publications....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Finding Chinese Materials in Franklin
Guide to the romanization scheme used for Franklin, Penn's Online Catalog....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Alerting Services: Table of Contents, Saved Search, Citation Alerts, & RSS Feeds
Unrestricted Access


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Jewish Genealogy in Italy
Unrestricted Access


Transportation Guide
Unrestricted Access


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U.S. Legislative Process
...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Resources in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Guide for locating electronic resources in obstetrics and gynecology....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Complementary & Alternative Medicine (CAM) Resources     [find related records >>>]
A guide to the key resources in complementary and alternative medicine....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Management 237 - Management of Technology - Course Guide     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


Muslim, Christian, and Jewish Relations in the Middle East     [find related records >>>]
This forum aims to promote the humanistic study of urban religious cultures in the Middle East and North Africa during the Islamic era, i.e., in the period following the rise of Islam in the seventh c...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Program for Research on Religion and Urban Civil Society (PRRUCS)


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Search Engine Savvy
Unrestricted Access


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Music 050 - World Musics and Cultures - Course Guide
Unrestricted Access


Music 016 - Listening to Troubadours - Course Guide
Course guide for Music 016 (Listening to Troubadours), taught by Prof. Emma Dillon in fall 2005....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Historical Film Archives Online
This is a guide to Internet sites that provide historical films, newsreels, shorts, animation, and other types of motion pictures online as streaming video....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Hip Hop - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


Chinese Language Databases - Search Guides
This page provides detailed instructions for searching some of the major Chinese language databases Penn Library currently owns or subscribes to....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Business Ethics     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


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Theme Indexes for Short Stories and Novels
Unrestricted Access


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Consulting: Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Management 249/721 - Corporate Development: Mergers & Acquisitions
Resources to aid MGMT 249/721 students in developing their term projects....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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HCMG 204/859 - Comparative Health Care Systems - Course Guide
Designed to guide HCMG 204/859 (Comparative Health Care Systems) students to appropriate resources....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Yiddish Literary and Linguistic Periodicals and Miscellanies: A Selective Annotated Bibliography
By Leonard Prager with the help of A. A. Greenbaum ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    The World of Yiddish


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Microform Collections in the Penn Library
Unrestricted Access


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Insurance Industry     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


The Crusades
Unrestricted Access


Business of Sports     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


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Program for Research on Religion & Urban Civil Society
Also Known as: PRRUCS
Cross-disciplinary guide to the study of religious cultures. Includes digital scans of rare manuscripts and other primary sources....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Iran: Research Guide
Introductory guide to Penn Libraries' resources on the history of Iran. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Health and Society in Latin America
Unrestricted Access


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Socially Responsible Investing     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


Green Business     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


Investment Management Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


MathSciNet Guide     [find related records >>>]
A guide on how to use MathSciNet, which covers all aspects of mathematics and provides access to over 55 years of Mathematical Reviews and Current Mathematical Publications....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Compendex Guide     [find related records >>>]
A guide on how to use INSPEC and COMPENDEX databases. INSPEC covers physics, electrical engineering, electronics, communications, control engineering, computers and computing, robotics, and informatio...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


North Africa: Research Guide
Research guide for the countries of North Africa. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Microfinance     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


Finding Speeches, Transcripts and Sermons-Research Guide
Guide to finding speeches, transcripts and sermons using indices, online collections and print collections....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Finding Books on Artists
A basic guide to finding books on artists...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Architecture History - Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
A basic guide to finding resources in architecture history....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Clinical Rotation Resources
Unrestricted Access


Pharmaceutical Industry Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
Provides links to market research, articles and news related to the pharmaceutical industry....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Comparative Survey Programs - Tabular History of Comparative Survey Research
Overview of cross-national survey programs and important singular comparative studies with focus on individual level population samples....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Blue Books for Colonial British Africa in the Penn Libraries
Unrestricted Access


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Finding Africa in the Penn Libraries
Simple steps to making your task a little easier....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Historical Trial Literature
Unrestricted Access


China in Africa (ASC Leiden web dossier)
Web dossier on China-Africa relations, covering international relations, economic relations and trade, Chinese people in Africa, and African studies in China. Prepared by the library of the African St...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Advice, Conduct, and Etiquette Literature
Unrestricted Access


Music 016 - Music and Kitsch - Course Guide
Course guide for Music 016 (Music and Kitsch), taught by Prof. Emily Dolan in fall 2007....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


AAA Biological Anthropology Resources
Unrestricted Access


Primate Info Net
Unrestricted Access


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Finding Physical Properties of Chemical Substances
This guide presents key resources for finding physical properties and spectra of chemicals using both the electronic and the print resources at the University of Pennsylvania....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Using RefWorks for NIH PMCID Citations
Unrestricted Access


U.S. documents sources for South Asia - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


India's foreign relations - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Pakistan's foreign relations - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Searching Franklin for South Asia foreign relations information
Unrestricted Access


South Asia current affairs - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Resources for Chemistry 245
Resources to support Chemistry 245, Organic Chemistry Lab...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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MCE Information Resources
Steps to find chemical information...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Historical Books Online
Unrestricted Access


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Clinical Resources for Anesthesiology
Unrestricted Access


Clinical Resources for Emergency Medicine
Unrestricted Access


Clinical Resources for Family Medicine
Unrestricted Access


Clinical Resources for Medicine
Unrestricted Access


Clinical Resources for Neurology
Unrestricted Access


Clinical Resources for OB/GYN
Unrestricted Access


Clinical Resources for Ophthalmology
Unrestricted Access


Clinical Resources for Orthopedics
Unrestricted Access


Clinical Resources for Pediatrics
Unrestricted Access


Clinical Resources for Psychiatry
Unrestricted Access


Clinical Resources for Surgery
Unrestricted Access


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MEAM 347 Position Paper Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


Catalogue of British parliamentary papers in the Irish University Press 1000-volume series
Website providing title lists for the Irish University Press 1000-volume collection of 19th-century British parliamentary papers. Search Franklin for individual subseries titles in this collection....   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    IUP 1000-volume set: Colonies: Africa


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Management 100 Course Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Bibliography of the Genizah Collection
Over the years, members of the University of Cambridge Taylor-Schechter Genizah Research Unit have produced catalogues for the Genizah collections, and a number of these have already appeared in the C...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Zotero Quick Start Guide
Unrestricted Access


Zotero Microsoft Word Plugin
Unrestricted Access


Zotero Server Access
Unrestricted Access


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China in Africa (Penn Libraries guide)
Unrestricted Access


British Foreign Relations
Unrestricted Access


Resources in Latin American Jewish Studies (LAJSA)
Also Known as: Latin American Jewish Studies Association
LAJSA serves as a network for scholars who are working on related themes but who are geographically distant from one another. Members maintain contact with one another through membership directory, th...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Dissertations and Theses in Latin American Jewish Studies


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History and Sociology of Science
Also Known as: History & Sociology of Science
Unrestricted Access


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Theatre Arts Guide
Also Known as: Theater Arts
Unrestricted Access


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Philadelphia Studies
Unrestricted Access


Philadelphia 1700-2000
Unrestricted Access


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Economics Collection
Unrestricted Access


General Interest Research Guides


Wharton International Program: Resource Guide
Resources for students in the Wharton International Program. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


All Other Research Guides


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Linguistics Collection
Unrestricted Access


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Japanese Collection
Unrestricted Access


African Collection
Unrestricted Access


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Chinese Collection
Unrestricted Access


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Latin American Collection
Unrestricted Access


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Middle East Collection
Unrestricted Access


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South Asia Collection
Unrestricted Access


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Judaica Collection
Unrestricted Access


Asian American Studies Collection
Unrestricted Access


Race, Slavery and Revolution in the French Atlantic World
Unrestricted Access


Newspaper Circulation Statistics, 1869-
Unrestricted Access


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Data sets--Historical Archives
Unrestricted Access


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Finding Textbooks
There are a number of ways for students at the University of Pennsylvania to find books and other media required for their courses. This guide lists and links the options available....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Israel Legal Resource Guide
This research guide, prepared by the Library of Congress Law Library, offers a useful introduction to Israel's Legal System, its official Statutory and Regulatory Sources, its official Case Reports, ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Lodz Ghetto Children Project
On December 15, 2006, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum launched a temporary exhibition about children in the Lodz ghetto, Give Me Your Children: Voices of the Lodz Ghetto. Inspired by an e...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Basic Search Commands for Full-text News Databases: Factiva, LexisNexis, Newsbank
Unrestricted Access


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Information Resources in Medical Physics     [find related records >>>]
A guide to information resources in medical physics....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Basics of Legal Research
Unrestricted Access


Historic American Radio
Unrestricted Access


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Searching Hebraica in Franklin
Also Known as: Searching Hebrew in Franklin
Instructions for searching by Hebrew character and in transliteration (Romanization)....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Management 242 Course Guide
Unrestricted Access


Finding Autobiographies - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Social Work Collection
Unrestricted Access


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British National Archives Documents Related to Colonial America
Unrestricted Access


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RefWorks Online Tutorial
Unrestricted Access


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Music Research Guide
Guide to researching music topics....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Finance 207 - Corporate Valuation
Unrestricted Access


Finding Patent Full Text
Guide to finding the full text of a patent using Derwent Innovations Index, Esp@cenet, the U.S. Patent Office, and Patent Lens. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Urban Poverty: Philadelphia 1970-
Guide to statistical and bibliographic resources relevant to the study of Urban Poverty in Philadelphia, with an emphasis on Kensington, Mantua, and North Philadelphia....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


ABX Guide App for Android and Blackberry
Unrestricted Access


ABX App Guide for iPhone
Unrestricted Access


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Searching for Substances, Their Properties, and Their Reactions Using Reaxys
Reaxys contains the most comprehensive handbooks of organic, inorganic, and organometallic substances, their properties, and their reactions. This guide to using the Reaxys database includes tutorial ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Finding Spectra and Spectral Data in the Literature
Unrestricted Access


Energy Industry     [find related records >>>]
Resources for information on energy industry including coal, gas oil and alternatives...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


South Asia Newspapers
Holdings of news sources (including newspapers) at the Penn Libraries....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine Resources
Unrestricted Access


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CBE 459: Senior Design Project - Course Guide
Unrestricted Access


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This guide is designed to provide access to a host of information resources concerning the field of Biology including Biophysics, Molecular Biology, Marine Biology, Evolution, and Ecology. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Statistical Software Research Guide
Guide to resource on statistical packages like SPSS, Stata, SAS, and R...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Health and Societies: The Americas
Unrestricted Access


HSOC 10: Health and Societies-Eastern Europe and Former Soviet Union
Unrestricted Access


Introduction to ArcGIS 10 Tutorial
Unrestricted Access


HSOC 10: Health and Societies - Africa
Unrestricted Access


URBS 259: Media City - New Lifestyles New Forms Course Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Penn Libraries Mobile Apps and Sites Guide
Guide to mobile apps and sites available to the Penn community, recommended by Penn librarians....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


HSOC 10: North Africa and the Middle East (Southwest Asia)
Also Known as: health and societites
Guide to Research Tools for HSOC10...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Medical Images
The best databases, reference books, and web sites for medical images....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Health Sciences Mobile Resources
Guide to health related mobile apps and sites available to the Penn community, recommended by Penn librarians....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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WIC Mobile Resources
Unrestricted Access


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HSOC 10: Health and Societies - Asia
Unrestricted Access


JPRS Reports
Unrestricted Access


Global Health Partnership Resources
Unrestricted Access


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Drug Information
A guide to the key resources for drug information and pharmacology....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


A guide to the key resources in anesthesiology....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


International Statistics     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


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Management 715 - Political and Social Environment of the Multinational Firm
Provides resources for Management 715 students for their term paper assignments....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


FBIS Daily Reports
Unrestricted Access


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ENGL 799: Law, Body, Property: The 1850s
Unrestricted Access


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SWRK 730: Community Mapping
Unrestricted Access


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Religious Studies


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Online Mapping Tools Tutorial
Unrestricted Access


Elections Data - Research Guide
Data sources for U.S. and international election returns, voter turnout, and public opinion....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Industry Studies     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


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URBS 210: The City Course Guide
Unrestricted Access


Early National Bibliographies - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Humanities @ Penn Libraries
Links to humanities librarians, subject guides, faculty publications, and Penn events ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


SOCI 041: Poverty/Social Exclusion
Unrestricted Access


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Unrestricted Access


Guide to the USC Shoah Foundation Institute Visual History Archive
This is a guide to using the Visual History Archive (VHA) at the University of Pennsylvania. The VHA is a software tool created by the Shoah Foundation that allows users to both search for and view t...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


E-books at Penn
Also Known as: ebooks at Penn
Guide to finding and using E-books from the University of Pennsylvania and elsewhere through a variety of Web based collections...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Italian American Studies     [find related records >>>]
Information and links to resources for research in Italian American Studies....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Funding Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Wharton International Volunteer Program (WIVP) Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
A guide to library resources to support volunteer consultant engagements in NGOs and charitable organizations for economic and social impact in emerging economies....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Accounting     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


Finance     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


Hedge Funds     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


Mergers and Acquisitions     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


Venture Capital     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


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Unrestricted Access


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Grey Literature in the Health Sciences
Also Known as: gray literature
Unrestricted Access


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Criminology - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


Korean Collection     [find related records >>>]
Also Known as: Korean Studies
Unrestricted Access


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LEAD Program Course Guide
Unrestricted Access


LBW Program Course Guide
Unrestricted Access


SIIBS Course Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Evidence-Based Medicine Resources
Unrestricted Access


Children and Media
Unrestricted Access


Political Communication
Unrestricted Access


Global Communication
Unrestricted Access


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Wharton Executive MBA Business Research Overview     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


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Intro to ArcGIS 10: Geocoding Tutorial
Unrestricted Access


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Digital Humanities Tools
Digital technologies to ask and answer humanistic questions. Tools and resources like text mining tools to help you perform digital humanities research, and examples of current DH projects....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Community Health Data Base - Penn Libraries resources
Unrestricted Access


Finding Images - Research Guide
This guide will show you how to find images for teaching and/or publication....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Historical Newspapers Online
Unrestricted Access


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Guide to resources in journalism history, criticism, and practice....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Health Communication
Unrestricted Access


Philadelphia County - Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania research guide
Unrestricted Access


Pennsylvania County Repository Guides - Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania research guide
Unrestricted Access


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Classical Mythology Research Guide
Links to background material, databases, and significant resources. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Latin and Greek Texts: Early Christian Church
Links to databases, and significant collections ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Regional Histories of Germany
links to collection of histories for specific states and cities of Germany. Many of these sets are in Libra storage but can be requested and checked out ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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World War I Primary and Secondary Sources: Print and Online
Primary source material coming out of the war of 1914. Some of this material will be in the libraries' storage facility, Libra. If so, you may request it and check it out or use it in the library. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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European Histories
This guide directs you to the monumental histories for individual countries in Europe. Many of these histories are not stored in the offsite location, Libra. If they are located in Libra, you may requ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Confederacy: Primary Documents and Histories
This guide provides information to primary source material related to the Civil War and the Confederacy. Most of the resources mentioned in this guide are in the libraries' Libra Storage collection. Y...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


French Histories
The Penn Libraries have strong holdings for the French Revolution and other aspects of French history. Many of these resources are primary materials. Sets that are not in Van Pelt are in the libraries...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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iMovie Guide
This guide explains the basic functions of iMovie 11, available to Penn students, faculty, and staff in the Vitale Digital Media Lab at the Weigle Information Commons (WIC). ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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This guide describes many facets of Excel, including basic functions and more specific information on charts, data analysis, statistics, and formulas. For Excel assistance, contact Weigle Information...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Audio Recording and Editing
This guide serves as a hub for informational resources on audio and recording equipment and programs available at the Weigle Information Commons (WIC). ...   [more]


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This guide provides an overview of Prezi, a web-based tool used for creating presentations. Contact Weigle Information Commons (WIC) for assistance. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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This guide describes the basic functions of Adobe InDesign, a robust page layout application. Contact Weigle Information Commons (WIC) for assistance with this program. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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This guide provides an overview of Adobe Photoshop, an image editing program, and specific information on Photoshop Layers and Photoshop for Research Posters. Contact Weigle Information Commons (WIC)...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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This guide provides an overview of Twitter, a free microblogging and social networking site. Contact Weigle Information Commons (WIC) for assistance. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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This guide provides both a basic overview and more advanced features of PowerPoint, Microsoft's presentation software. Contact Weigle Information Commons (WIC) or the Biomedical Library (Biomed) for ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


WIC Video Recording Rooms
This guide provides a basic overview for using the video recording rooms and equipment at the Weigle Information Commons (WIC). ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Web Design
This guide describes some of the website creation tools that the Weigle Information Commons (WIC) can help you use, including Dreamweaver, WordPress, Google Sites, CSS Basics, and OpenScholar. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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iPads in the Classroom
This guide provides information on how faculty can reserve and utilize Weigle Information Commons' (WIC) iPad2s and new iPads, along with a variety of useful apps, for classroom activities and project...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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WIC Mobile Resources
This guide provides an overview of the mobile-friendly website for the Weigle Information Commons (WIC), as well as suggestions for other essential apps for your mobile device. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Food (in)security, famine and drought in Africa (ASC Leiden web dossier)
Bibliography on food, food supply, food crisis, and food policy for Africa in general and for specific African case studies....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Classical Studies: Print and Online Resources at Penn
Also Known as: Classical Studies Guide
Unrestricted Access


Criminology Data and Statistics
Unrestricted Access


Data and GIS
Unrestricted Access


ESE Senior Design Project     [find related records >>>]
This is a guide to resources for students enrolled in ESE Senior Design...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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URBS 272: Architecture, Location, and Class
Unrestricted Access


URBS 400: Senior Seminar Course Guide
Unrestricted Access


CIS 400: Senior Design Project     [find related records >>>]
This is a course guide for the CIS Senior Design class....   [more]


CRIM 410: Senior Research Seminar Course Guide
Unrestricted Access


HSOC 111: Health of Populations Course Guide
Unrestricted Access


HSOC 059: Medical Missionaries
Unrestricted Access


International Development - Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


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URBS 103: Industrial Metropolis Course Guide
Unrestricted Access


Russian 213: Saints and Devils in Russian Literature and Tradition
Also Known as: Saints and Devils in Russian Literature and Tradition
Course guide ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


ANCH 026: Ancient Greece
Unrestricted Access


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Howl - The Poem that Changed America
Unrestricted Access


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Critical Writing Program: Monstrous Bodies in Medieval Literature
Unrestricted Access


Craft of Prose: the Happiness Hypothesis
Unrestricted Access


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URBS 420: Perspectives on Urban Poverty Course Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Citation Management Tools
Help with Refworks, Zotero, Mendeley, EndNote, Papers and more...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Properties for Pseudopotentials
A guide on finding properties to test pseudopotentials...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


International GIS Data
Unrestricted Access


Consumer/Patient Health Information
Unrestricted Access


Advanced Search Options for Full-Text Databases
Unrestricted Access


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Copyright Resources to Support Publishing and Teaching
Unrestricted Access


NIH Public Access Policy
The information in this guide will help with several of the compliance issues that University of Pennsylvania authors will need to address and is organized around three steps to compliance: addressing...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Unrestricted Access


General Interest Research Guides


American Periodicals
Unrestricted Access


American Newspapers
Unrestricted Access


International Historical Newspapers
Unrestricted Access


All Other Research Guides


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International Periodicals
Unrestricted Access


Public Health
Unrestricted Access


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Nursing Student Resources
Unrestricted Access


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URBS 417: Cities and Sustainability
Unrestricted Access


Human Rights
A general introduction to encyclopedias, databases and documents on human rights. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Medieval Studies Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


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URBS 428: Research Seminar Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Critical Writing Program: All Quiet on the Western Front
Unrestricted Access


Course Guide: Ancient Rome
Unrestricted Access


Critical Writing Program: Warhol & O'Hara
Unrestricted Access


Guide to Research in Food Studies
Guide to resources for Food Studies ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Critical Writing Program: Narrative Medicine
Unrestricted Access


Health Care Management 215/890 - Management and Economics of the Pharmaceutical, Biotech & Medical Device Industries
Course guide for HCMG 215/890...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Global Health Research Guide
Resources in Global Health...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Archival Indexes
Unrestricted Access


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Printing from Your Own Computer to a Library Printer
Download printer software to print to the library's printers...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Social Network Analysis Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


Lauder MA/MBA Guide     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


Historic Advertisements
Unrestricted Access


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SOCI 100-910: Introduction to Sociological Research
Unrestricted Access


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French Studies     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


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Consulting Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
A research guide for industry and career information related to consulting....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


SUNFEST - Summer Undergraduate Fellowship in Sensor Technologies - Course Guide     [find related records >>>]
This is a research guide for the SUNFEST summer research program within the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS)....   [more]


Public Policy Research Think Tanks 2012
Unrestricted Access


Finding Open Access Images
Libguide for finding and working with images that can be used with limited or no restrictions. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Wharton Summer Programs Course Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Russian Studies Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Italian Studies     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


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Philadelphia Statistics
Unrestricted Access


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LibChat User Guide (Staff Only)
libchat...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Canvas Support for Faculty and Staff
Unrestricted Access


Canvas Support for Students
Unrestricted Access


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History 126: Europe 1789 to 1914
Course guide to support Professor Steinberg's History 126 course. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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International Relations     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


SOCI 007: Population and Society
Unrestricted Access


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Course Guide: GRMN 027-301 Euro Zone Crisis
Also Known as: Eurozone crises
Unrestricted Access


Research Sources & the Government Shutdown
Guide to alternative sources of information available through the government. ...   [more]


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Course Guide: GRMN 011 Bad Taste
Also Known as: Bad Taste
Guide to resources support assignments for GRMN 011: Bad Taste...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Guides: Searching Japanese Databases and Catalogs
This guide provides an overview of important Japanese databases and catalogs online, a brief summary of when and how to use each one, and links to the resources. It covers searching for books, article...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Guides: Japanese Mobile Apps
This guide covers free and paid mobile apps that are useful for conducting research and language study in Japanese. It includes dictionaries, encyclopedias, vocabulary apps, device settings for intern...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Guides: Undergraduate Japanese Studies Resources
This guide covers useful resources for doing research on Japan, geared toward undergraduates with limited knowledge of Japanese language. It introduces mostly sources with significant English content ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Guides: Japanese Text Analysis
This guide covers software and other tools, as well as corpora and dictionaries, for Japanese-language text analysis. It has a focus on both linguistics and digital humanities research. It includes tu...   [more]


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Writing by the Numb3ers
Unrestricted Access


Richard III: Game of Thrones
Unrestricted Access


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Drugs for Life (Critical Writing Program)


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Politics of Home
Unrestricted Access


Area Studies Collections @ Penn
Unrestricted Access


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Communication and Collaboration in Canvas
Unrestricted Access


Assignments and Grading in Canvas
Unrestricted Access


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United Nations Publications
Unrestricted Access


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Library Workshops
Unrestricted Access


Business Workshops     [find related records >>>]
Directory of Lippincott Library Information Sessions on various library resources such as Bloomberg, powerpoint, etc....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Digital Technology and Telecommunications     [find related records >>>]
Resources for Digital Technology and Telecommunications...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Libguides from the Association of Jewish Libraries
Unrestricted Access


Magazine Cover Images
Unrestricted Access


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Luso-Brazilian Studies     [find related records >>>]
Also Known as: luso brazilian brazil portuguese
Unrestricted Access


Latino Studies
Unrestricted Access


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URBS 200: Urban Research Methods Course Guide
Unrestricted Access


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German Senior Thesis Resources 2014
Unrestricted Access


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Kelly Writers House Fellows 2013
Links to resources by and about the 2013 KWH Fellows: John Ashbery, Janet Malcolm, and Rodrigo Garcia. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Kelly Writers House Fellows 2014
Links to resources by and about the 2014 KWH Fellows: Rae Armantrout, Buzz Bissinger, and T.C. Boyle...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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PSCI 136: Urban Politics - Course Guide
Unrestricted Access


Penn Libraries Global
Penn Libraries is a rich network of information resources, innovative collaborative spaces, and human expertise, offering access to knowledge throughout the University of Pennsylvania and around the g...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Electronic Resources for Classicists
Developed and maintained by Maria Pantelia, University of California, Irvine . It is one of the largest directories of Web based resources for Classicists. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Management 806 - Formation & implementation of entrepreneurial ventures
Resources for MGMT 806 students. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


The Spanish Civil War
Unrestricted Access


Systematic Reviews
A guide created for those who would conduct a systematic review project. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Africana Studies Collection Page
Unrestricted Access


PBG Healthcare Consulting Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


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Japanese Digital Resources
This guide covers mostly free digital resources relating to aspects of Japanese studies in the humanities and social sciences. The majority of the resources are in Japanese language....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Korean Studies
This guide covers electronic and print resources both at Penn and available freely to the world, on all aspects of Korean Studies, including reference, e-journals, databases, and language learning....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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International Education - Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


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Management 612 - Managing Emerging Enterprises
Resources for MGMT 612 projects...   [more]


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Introduction to QGIS Tutorial
quantum gis geographic information systems...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Penn Vet History
Unrestricted Access


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Management 611 - Managing Established Enterprises
Resources for MGMT 611 students to assist in developing their projects....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Management 613 (WEMBA) - Managing Emerging Enterprises
Resources for MGMT 613 students to assist in developing their projects....   [more]


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Hispanic Studies     [find related records >>>]
Also Known as: spanish spain iberia iberian
Unrestricted Access


Transportation     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


Data Management Plans Guide
This is a guide providing a brief overview of the DMPTool as well as information and links to support services for researchers drafting data management plans for grant funding proposals. ...   [more]


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Visitor Access to U.S. Government Documents
The Penn Libraries' access policy for U.S. government documents provided through the Federal Depository Library Program....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Foreign Language Proficiency Exam: French     [find related records >>>]
Also Known as: graduate students
Designed for graduate students in various disciplines preparing for the foreign language proficiency exam in French, this guide assists the student in finding French-language books and articles in his...   [more]


Research Impact and Citation Analysis
Unrestricted Access


Recent Articles by Penn Authors - Scopus Feeds


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Business Research Strategies - PreTerm Sessions for WG'16
Overview of resources and services from Lippincott Library for new MBAs....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Management 104 - Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management
Unrestricted Access


Black Power TV Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Philosophy Collection Site
Unrestricted Access


Research Communication & e-Scholarship
Penn Libraries' guide to scholarly communications, open access, copyright and the ScholarlyCommons...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Education     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


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Management 265 - Culture and Institutions of the Tech Sector : Bridging Research and Practice
Unrestricted Access


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Veterans Upward Bound
Also Known as: VUB
Unrestricted Access


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Business Research Strategies
Unrestricted Access


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WRIT 089 2014C Writing Seminar In Stsc: Finding Mr. Right
Unrestricted Access


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Poster Printing in the Penn Libraries
Unrestricted Access


Common Definitions and Terms in Organic Chemistry
Definitions and terms, originally from a list maintained by faculty at Brunel University...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Enhancing the Human Mind Through Technology
Unrestricted Access


Endnote Guide
Unrestricted Access


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RefWorks Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Mendeley Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Papers Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Zotero Guide
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs


SOCI 006: Race and Ethnic Relations
Unrestricted Access


SOCI 103: Asian Americans in Contemporary Society
Unrestricted Access


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Unrestricted Access


Browzine Guide
BrowZine is an alerting service for your tablet or iphone that allows you to browse, read and monitor many of the Penn Libraries journal subscriptions on your iPad, iPhone, Android or Kindle. It works...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Penn Libraries Highlight the Kelly Writers House Fellows 2015
Also Known as: Kelly Writers House Fellows 2015
Links to resources by and about the Kelly Writers House 2015 Fellows. Dorothy Allison, Jessica Hagedorn, Anne Waldman. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Library Resources for PASEF Members
A guide to library resources for the Penn Association of Senior and Emeritus Faculty....   [more]


Library Services for Penn Students Studying Abroad
Also Known as: Study abroad
Guides students preparing to study abroad to informational resources about their destinations and information about connecting to Penn Libraries resources while abroad. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Penn Alumni Services
Unrestricted Access


History 349: History of Sexuality
Unrestricted Access


HSOC 10: Health and Societies Research Tools
Unrestricted Access


Anthropology 347 - Anthropology of Corporations
Materials to assist Anthropology 347 students with their group projects....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Management 712 - Managing Interfirm Alliances (Managing Strategic Partnerships)
Unrestricted Access


Book Reviews - Research Guide     [find related records >>>]
A selective bibliography of sources for reviews of works primarily in the social sciences and humanities....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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PSYC 001 library guide: Introduction to Experimental Psychology
Unrestricted Access


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Graduate Student Services
Links to resources useful for making the best use of the Penn Libraries including links to a variety of borrowing and access services, study options, links to resources and more...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Korea in the Age of Empires
Unrestricted Access


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Management 701 - Strategy & Competitive Advantage
Unrestricted Access


Management 223 - Business Policy
Resources for MGMT 223 projects....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Management 230 - Entrepreneurship
Resources for MGMT 230 projects....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


3D Printing @ the Biomedical Library
Unrestricted Access


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Nursing 380: Nursing in the Community: Research Guide
Unrestricted Access


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Botswana - General Information
Unrestricted Access


BorrowDirect, E-ZBorrow and Interlibrary Loan
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Interlibrary Loan


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CLST 370 The Classics and American Government
Guide to support classwork in CLST 370. Includes links to primary document collections, Digital Loeb, and more. ...   [more]


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Marketing 211/711 Consumer Behavior course guide
Unrestricted Access


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HIST 107 (Comparative Capitalist Systems) Course Guide
Unrestricted Access


Huntsman Senior Seminar - Fall 2015
Unrestricted Access


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Slavery and the Law
Unrestricted Access


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Wharton SPUR/SUMR/SIRE 2016     [find related records >>>]


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Chemical Safety Resources
Unrestricted Access


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Global Research & Consulting Club Guide     [find related records >>>]
Information for GR&C Club students....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Community Health Outreach     [find related records >>>]
The Biomedical Library has partnered with the School of Nursing, the Free Library of Philadelphia, Sayre Health Center, and the Philadelphia Fight AIDS Library to encourage Philadelphia residents to u...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


InterProfessional Student Advisory Group     [find related records >>>]
Students from the following schools are invited to join InterProfessional Student Advisory Group (IPSAG): Dental Medicine; Perelman School of Medicine (both M.D. and BGS); Nursing; and Veterinary Medi...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Wharton Full-time MBAs - Business Research Overview     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


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Medical Entrepreneurship     [find related records >>>]
Unrestricted Access


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Philadelphia Business Resources     [find related records >>>]


Education Resources Guide     [find related records >>>]
This guide is the current starting place for education resources. Includes book, journal article, dissertation search tools, reference works, news sources, more. Contact Education Librarian, Patty ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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U.S. Education Statistics     [find related records >>>]


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Philadelphia Schools and Neighborhoods - Research Guide     [find related records >>>]


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Supplemental URLs


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Confluence spaces
