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Calendar Zone
Major index to calendar sites, includes sections on celestial, cultural, religious, and historical calendars....   [more]
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Chamber's Book of Days
Electronic reprint of the original: Chambers's Book of Days. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1879....   [more]
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Encyclopedia of Days
Provides information about holidays and country-specific dates....   [more]
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Calculation of the Ecclesiastical Calendar
Determine dates for each calendar year after A.D. 325....   [more]
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MLA Obituary index
An online version of the obituary citations published in Notes....   [more]
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Necrologies: Gaylord Music Library (Washington U., St. Louis)
A searchable list of deaths in the music world and the sources in which they were reported....   [more]
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Classical.net Composer Birthdays
Sorted by day of the year. ...   [more]
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Project on Religion and Economic Change
Ongoing project to evaluate the effect of religion upon economies worldwide, focusing on Christian missionary activity. Produced at the University of Texas, Austin through the Spiritual Capital Resear...   [more]
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NAHDAP : National Addiction & HIV Data Archive Program
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