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Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica
AIDS Research and Therapy
Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology
Animal Biotelemetry
Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials
Annals of clinical microbiology and antimicrobials
Annals of general hospital psychiatry
Annals of General Psychiatry
Annals of general psychiatry
Annals of Surgical Innovation and Research
Asia Pacific Family Medicine
Australia and New Zealand Health Policy
Automated Experimentation
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Basic and Clinical Andrology
Behavioral and Brain Functions
Beilstein journal of organic chemistry
Biological Procedures Online
Biology of Sex Differences
Biomagnetic Research and Technology
Biomagnetic research and technology
Biomarker Research
BioMed Central
Biomedical digital libraries
BioMedical Engineering OnLine
Biomedical engineering online
BioPsychoSocial Medicine
Biotechnology for Biofuels
BMC Anesthesiology
BMC Biochemistry
BMC Bioinformatics
BMC Biology
BMC Biotechnology
BMC Blood Disorders
BMC Cancer
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders
BMC Cell Biology
BMC Chemical Biology
BMC Clinical Pathology
BMC Clinical Pharmacology
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine
BMC Dermatology
BMC Developmental Biology
BMC Ear Nose and Throat Disorders
BMC Ecology
BMC Emergency Medicine
BMC Endocrine Disorders
BMC Evolutionary Biology
BMC Family Practice
BMC Gastroenterology
BMC Genetics
BMC Genomics
BMC Geriatrics
BMC Health Services Research
BMC Immunology
BMC Infectious Diseases
BMC International Health and Human Rights
BMC Medical Education
BMC Medical Ethics
BMC Medical Genetics
BMC Medical Genomics
BMC Medical Imaging
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making
BMC Medical Research Methodology
BMC Medicine
BMC Microbiology
BMC Molecular Biology
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
BMC Nephrology
BMC Neurology
BMC Neuroscience
BMC News and Views
BMC Nuclear Medicine
BMC Nursing
BMC Ophthalmology
BMC Oral Health
BMC Palliative Care
BMC Pediatrics
BMC Pharmacology
BMC Physiology
BMC Plant Biology
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
BMC Psychiatry
BMC Psychology
BMC Public Health
BMC Pulmonary Medicine
BMC Research Notes
BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation
BMC Structural Biology
BMC Surgery
BMC Systems Biology
BMC Urology
BMC Veterinary Research
BMC Women's Health
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Cancer & Metabolism
Cancer Cell International
Cancer cell international
Carbon balance and management
Cardiovascular diabetology
Cardiovascular Ultrasound
Cardiovascular ultrasound
Cases Journal
Cell & chromosome
Cell and Chromosome
Cell Communication and Signaling
Cell division
Cerebrospinal Fluid Research
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health
Chiropractic & Osteopathy
Clinical and Molecular Allergy
Clinical and molecular allergy
Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health
Clinical Proteomics
Comparative Hepatology
Comparative hepatology
Conflict and Health
Cost effectiveness and resource allocation
Critical Care
Current Controlled Trials in Cardiovascular Medicine
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DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Diagnostic pathology
Dynamic Medicine
Dynamic medicine
Emerging Themes in Epidemiology
Environmental health
Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source
Epidemiologic perspectives & innovations
Epigenetics & Chromatin
Experimental & Translational Stroke Medicine
Extreme Physiology & Medicine
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Fibrogenesis & Tissue Repair
Filaria journal
Food water & environmental surveillance
Frontiers in Zoology
Genetic vaccines and therapy
Genetics Selection Evolution
Genome Biology
Genome Integrity
Geochemical Transactions
Globalization and Health
Gut Pathogens
Harm Reduction Journal
Head & Face Medicine
Head & Neck Oncology
Health and quality of life outcomes
Health Research Policy and Systems
Health research policy and systems
Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice
Heritage Science
Human Resources for Health
Human resources for health
Immunity & Ageing
Immunome research
Implementation Science
Infectious Diseases of Poverty
International Archives of Medicine
International breastfeeding journal
International Journal for Equity in Health
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
International Journal of Health Geographics
International journal of health geographics
International Journal of Mental Health Systems
International Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology
International seminars in surgical oncology
Investigative Genetics
Iranian Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering
Italian Journal of Pediatrics
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Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer
Journal of Angiogenesis Research
Journal of Autoimmune Diseases
Journal of Biological Engineering
Journal of biology
Journal of biomedical discovery and collaboration
Journal of Biomedical Science
Journal of Biomedical Semantics
Journal of Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury
Journal of carcinogenesis
Journal of cardiothoracic surgery
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
Journal of Cheminformatics
Journal of Circadian Rhythms
Journal of circadian rhythms
Journal of Clinical Bioinformatics
Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders
Journal of Eating Disorders
Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine
Journal of experimental & clinical assisted reproduction
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research
Journal of Foot and Ankle Research
Journal of Hematology & Oncology
Journal of inflammation
Journal of Medical Case Reports
Journal of Molecular Signaling
Journal of Nanobiotechnology
Journal of nanobiotechnology
Journal of Negative Results in Biomedicine
Journal of negative results in biomedicine
Journal of neuroengineering & rehabilitation
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation
Journal of Neuroinflammation
Journal of occupational medicine and toxicology
Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research
Journal of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery
Journal of Ovarian Research
Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition
Journal of Therapeutic Ultrasound
Journal of Translational Medicine
Journal of Trauma Management & Outcomes
Kinetoplastid biology and disease
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Lipids in health and disease
Longevity & Healthspan
Malaria journal
Medical Gas Research
Medical immunology
Microbial cell factories
Microbial Informatics and Experimentation
Mobile DNA
Molecular and Cellular Therapies
Molecular Autism
Molecular Brain
Molecular cancer
Molecular Cytogenetics
Molecular Neurodegeneration
Molecular pain
Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine
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Neural Development
Neural Development
Nonlinear Biomedical Physics
Nuclear receptor
Nutrition & Metabolism
Nutrition journal
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Orphanet journal of rare diseases
Osteopathic Medicine and Primary Care
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Parasites and Vectors
Particle and Fibre Toxicology
Patient Safety in Surgery
Pediatric Rheumatology
Philosophy ethics and humanities in medicine
Plant Methods
PMC Physics A
PMC Physics B
Population health metrics
Proteome science
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Radiation oncology
Regenerative Medicine Research
Reproductive biology and endocrinology
Reproductive health
Respiratory research
Saline Systems
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine
Source Code for Biology and Medicine
Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation, Therapy & Technology
Substance abuse treatment prevention and policy
Theoretical biology and medical modelling
Thrombosis journal
Thyroid Research
Tobacco Induced Diseases
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Veterinary Research
Virology Journal
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World Allergy Organization Journal
World Journal of Emergency Surgery
World journal of surgical oncology
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