Resources In 'Linguistics'
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Primary Linguistics E-Journals |
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Cognitive Linguistics Bibliography (CogBib)
Important Linguistics E-Journals |
ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing
Acta Linguistica Hafniensia
Advances in the history of rhetoric
African Languages and Cultures
African Languages and Cultures. Supplement
Altorientalische Forschungen
American Annals of the Deaf
American Journal of Philology
American Journal of Philology
American Journal of Semiotics
American Journal of Semiotics: a quarterly research publication of the Semiotic Soc: of America
American journal of speech-language pathology
American Speech
American Speech
Annales sociologiques. Serie E. Morphologie sociale langage technologie esthetique
Annals of dyslexia
Annual Review of Applied Linguistics
Annual review of cognitive linguistics
Annual review of education, communication and language sciences
Anthropological Linguistics
Anthropological Linguistics
APPLES: Applied Language Studies
Applied Linguistics
Applied Psycholinguistics
Applied Semiotics/Simiotique Appliquee
Argumentation and advocacy
Atlantis: Revista de la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos
Australian journal of linguistics
Automatic Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics
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Behavior Research Methods
Behavior Research Methods
Beitrage zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur
Bible Translator The
Bilingual Research Journal
Brain and Language
Business and Professional Communication Quarterly
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Cahiers de sociolinguistique
Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure
Canadian Journal of Linguistics
Canadian Modern Language Review
Celtic Review
Central Asiatic Journal
Changing English: Studies in Culture & Education
Child Language Teaching and Therapy
Classical Philology
Cognitive Linguistics
Cognitive Linguistics
Cognitive processing
College Composition and Communication
College Composition and Communication
College Composition and Communication
College English
College English
College English
Communication & Language at Work
Communication Disorders Quarterly
Communication et langages
Computer Assisted Language Learning
Computer Languages
Computer Languages Systems and Structures
Computer Speech and Language
Computers and texts
Computers and Translation
Contragram: Contrastive Grammar Research Group
Current Epigraphy
Current Issues in Language and Society
Current Issues in Language Planning
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Dictionaries: The Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America
Discourse and Communication
Discourse and Society
Discourse and Society
Discourse Processes
Discourse Studies
Discourse Studies
Eigse: a Journal of Irish Studies
Electronic Book Review
ELT Journal
English For Specific Purposes
English in Africa
English in Education
English Language and Linguistics
English Language and Linguistics
English Today
English today
English World-Wide
ESP Journal
ETC: a review of general semantics
Etudes Inuit = Inuit Studies
EURASIP Journal on Audio Speech and Music Processing
European Journal of Language Policy
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First Language
Folia Linguistica
Foreign Language Annals
Forum for Modern Language Studies
Francophonies d'Amerique
Fuzzy Sets and Systems
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Gadelica: A Journal of Modern Irish Studies
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Harvard Studies in Classical Philology
Hebrew Studies
Historische Sprachforschung
Historische Sprachforschung / Historical Linguistics
Human-Computer Interaction
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I.C.I.R.I. Bulletin
IEE Proceedings I: Communications Speech and Vision
IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing
Indogermanische Forschungen
Information Processing and Management
Information Processing Letters
Information Sciences
Interaction Studies
International journal for the semiotics of law
International Journal of American Linguistics
International Journal of American Linguistics
International journal of applied linguistics
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
International Journal of Bilingualism
International Journal of Business Communication
International Journal of Intelligent Systems
International Journal of Lexicography
International Journal of Lexicography
International Journal of Listening
International journal of society, culture & language
International journal of speech technology
International Journal of the Sociology of Language
International journal on document analysis and recognition
International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching
Irish Review (Dublin)
ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics
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Jeunesse: Young People Texts Cultures
Journal for language teaching
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy
Journal of African Languages and Linguistics
Journal of African Languages and Linguistics
Journal of Asian Pacific Communication
Journal of Biomedical Semantics
Journal of Child Language
Journal of Communication Disorders
journal of comparative Germanic linguistics
Journal of Cuneiform Studies
Journal of Cuneiform Studies
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
Journal of Developmental Reading
Journal of East Asian Linguistics
Journal of English and Germanic Philology
Journal of English for Academic Purposes
Journal of English Linguistics
Journal of Fluency Disorders
Journal of French Language Studies
Journal of Germanic Linguistics
Journal of Germanic Philology
Journal of Historical Pragmatics
Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education
Journal of Intercultural Communication
Journal of Language and Politics
Journal of Language and Social Psychology
Journal of Language and Social Psychology
Journal of Language Identity & Education
Journal of Linguistic Anthropology
Journal of Linguistic Anthropology
Journal of Linguistic Geography
Journal of Linguistics
Journal of Linguistics
Journal of Linguistics
Journal of Literacy Research
Journal of Literary Semantics
Journal of Logic Language & Information
Journal of Logic Programming
Journal of Logic, Language, and Information
Journal of Memory and Language
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development
Journal of Neurolinguistics
Journal of Phonetics
Journal of Pragmatics
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research
Journal of Reading
Journal of research in reading
Journal of Romance Studies
Journal of Second Language Writing
Journal of Semantics
Journal of Semantics
Journal of Sociolinguistics
Journal of Sociolinguistics
Journal of the American Audiology Society
Journal of the American Audiology Society
Journal of the Association of Teachers of Japanese
Journal of the International Phonetic Association
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness
Journal of Voice
Journal of Voice
Journal-Newsletter of the Association of Teachers of Japanese
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Ka Ho'oilina/The Legacy
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Language Acquisition
Language Acquisition
Language and Cognitive Processes
Language and Communication
Language and Education
Language and Intercultural Communication
Language and Linguistics
Language and Literature
Language and Speech
Language Arts
Language Assessment Quarterly
Language Awareness
Language Culture and Curriculum
Language in Society
Language in Society
Language in Society
Language Learning
Language Learning
Language Learning Journal
Language matters
Language Matters
Language Policy
Language Problems & Language Planning
Language Resources and Evaluation
Language Resources and Evaluation
Language Sciences
Language Teaching
Language Teaching Research
Language Testing
Language Testing
Language Variation and Change
Language Variation and Change
Langue Francaise
Latin American Indian Literatures Journal
Law Text Culture
Leuvense Bijdragen
Linguistic Inquiry
Linguistic Inquiry
Linguistic Review
Linguistics And Education
Linguistics and Philosophy
Linguistische Berichte
Literacy Research and Instruction
Literary and Linguistic Computing
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Machine learning
Machine translation
Metaphor and Symbol
Metropolitan Police College Journal
Mind and Language
Mind and Language
Modern Language Association of America. Proceedings
Modern Language Journal
Modern Language Journal
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Names: A Journal of Onomastics
National Council of Teachers of English
Natural Language & Linguistic Theory
Natural Language & Linguistic Theory
Natural Language Semantics
New Hibernia Review / Iris Eireannach Nua
Nordic Journal of Linguistics
NOWELE: North-Western European Language Evolution
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Oceanic Linguistics
Oceanic Linguistics Special Publications
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Particip@tions: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies
Per linguam : a journal of language learning
Phonology Yearbook
Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics
Proceedings from the Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society
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Reading and Writing
Reading and Writing Quarterly
Reading Matrix: An International Online Journal
Reading Teacher
RELC Journal: A Journal of Language Teaching and Research
Research in the Teaching of English
Research in the Teaching of English
Research on Language and Computation
Research on Language and Social Interaction
Revue Informatique et Statistique dans les Sciences Humaines
Rhetoric & Public Affairs
Rhetoric Review
Rhetoric Review
Rhetoric Society Quarterly
Romanische Forschungen
Romanistisches Jahrbuch
Russian linguistics
Russian Linguistics
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Seanchas Ardmhacha: Journal of the Armagh Diocesan Historical Society
Second Language Research
Selected Addresses Delivered at the Conference on English Education
Seminars in Hearing
Seminars in Speech and Language
Sign Language Studies
Sino-Platonic Papers
Sociolinguistic Studies
Speech Communication
Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung
Studia Hibernica
Studia Linguistica
Studia Linguistica
Studies in American Humor
Studies in Second Language Acquisition
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Teaching English in the Two-Year College
TESOL Journal
TESOL Quarterly
TESOL Quarterly
Texas Linguistic Forum
Texas Studies in Literature and Language
Text & Talk
Textual Cultures
Theoretical Linguistics
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming
Topics in language disorders
Topics in Language Disorders
Topics in Language Disorders
Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association
Transactions and Proceedings of the Modern Language Association of America
Transactions of the American Philological Association
Transactions of the American Philological Association (1974-)
Transactions of the Modern Language Association of America
Transactions of the Philological Society
Transactions of the Philological Society
Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy
Translation and Literature
Trends In Cognitive Sciences
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Word of Mouth
Word Structure
Working Papers in Educational Linguistics
World Englishes
World Englishes
Writing Systems Research
Written Communication
Written Communication
Written Language and Literacy
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Zeitschrift fur Agyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde
Zeitschrift fur Assyrologie und Vorderasiatische Archaologie
Zeitschrift fur Deutsche Mundarten
Zeitschrift fur Dialektologie und Linguistik
Zeitschrift fur franzosische Sprache und Literatur
Zeitschrift fur Germanistische Linguistik
Zeitschrift fur hochdeutsche Mundarten
Zeitschrift fur Mundartforschung
Zeitschrift fur neufranzosische Sprache und Literatur
Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik
Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik
Zeitschrift fur Sprachwissenschaft
Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Sprachforschung
Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete der Indogermanischen Sprachen
Related Linguistics E-Journals |
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