* * *
* * *
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(446) Resources In 'Cognitive Sciences & Information Sciences'

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Databases & Article Indexes (24) E-Journals (286) Associations, Organizations & Societies (4) Book Reviews (2) Conferences & Proceedings (1)
Converters (1) Data Sets & Statistics (2) Directories (4) Discussion Lists & Blogs (1) E-Books (49)
Encyclopedias & Subject Dictionaries (11) Government Information (10) Images (3) Job Opportunities (1) Libraries, Museums, Catalogs & Archives (3)
Penn Sites (3) Preprints & Working Papers (6) Publishers & Books Sellers (1) Research Guides (9) Search Engines & Portals (11)
Study & Teaching (5) Technical Reports (4) Tests & Measurements (5)

Primary Cognitive Sciences & Information Sciences E-Journals


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Also Known as: MIT Cognet, CogNet (Library Edition)
A "central repository for the most current and topical electronic resources" in cognitive science and its six core areas: philosophy of mind, computational intelligence, cognitive psychology, linguist...   [see all resources in this collection]


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[see all resources in this collection]


Important Cognitive Sciences & Information Sciences E-Journals


ACM Transactions on Applied Perception
- from ACM Digital Library
Holdings: 2004-


ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing
- from ACM Digital Library
Holdings: 2004-


Adaptive Behavior
- from Sage Publications
Holdings: 1992-


AI & society
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


AJOB Neuroscience
- from Taylor & Francis Online
Holdings: 2010-


Alzheimer's Research & Therapy
Also Known as: Alzheimers Research and Therapy
- from PubMed Central
Holdings: 2009-
Unrestricted Access


American Journal of Optometry & Physiological Optics
- from Ovid Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Extended Archive
Holdings: January 1974 - December 1988


American journal of optometry and physiological optics
- from Ovid Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Journal Definitive Archive
Holdings: 1974-1988


Animal Cognition
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1998-


Annals of mathematics and artificial intelligence
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


Annual review of cognitive linguistics
Journal of the Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association....   [more]


Annual Review of Computer Science
- from Annual Reviews
Holdings: 1986-1990


Annual review of language acquisition


Annual Review of Neuroscience
- from Annual Reviews
Holdings: 1978-


Annual Review of Psychology
- from Annual Reviews
Holdings: 1950-


Concerned with all aspects of language impairment and disability and related disorders resulting from brain damage....   [more]


Applied Cognitive Psychology
- from Wiley Online Library
Holdings: 1997-


Artificial intelligence and law
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


Artificial intelligence review
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


Artificial Life
- from CogNet
Holdings: 1998-


Artificial Life
- from MIT Press journals
Holdings: 1998-


Artificial life and robotics
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Also Known as: Attention, Perception and Psychophysics , Perception and Psychophysics
- from Highwire Press
Continues Perception & Psychophysics...   [more]
Holdings: 2001-2010


Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics
Also Known as: Attention Perception and Psychophysics
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


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Behavior and Philosophy
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1990-
Moving Wall: 3.00 year moving wall


Behavior Genetics
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


Behavior Research Methods
- from Highwire Press
Holdings: 2001-2010


Behavior Research Methods
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


Behavioral and Brain Functions
- from BioMed Central
Holdings: 2005-
Unrestricted Access


Behavioral and Brain Sciences
Also Known as: Behavioral & Brain Sciences
- from Cambridge Journals
Holdings: 1978-


Behavioral and Brain Sciences Index
Unrestricted Access


Behavioral Ecology
- from Oxford University Press Journals
Holdings: 1996-


Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


Behavioral Neuroscience
- from PsycARTICLES
APA Journal....   [more]
Holdings: 1983-


Behavioral Sciences and the Law
Also Known as: Behavioral Sciences & The Law
- from Wiley Online Library
Holdings: 1997-


- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1972-1987


- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1947-
Moving Wall: 5.00 year moving wall


Behaviour and Information Technology
- from OCLC FirstSearch ECO
Holdings: 1996-2004


Behavioural Brain Research
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1980-


Behavioural Processes
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1976-


Biology & Philosophy
Also Known as: Biology and Philosophy
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


- from Cambridge Journals
Holdings: 2008-2009


- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 2009-


BMC Neuroscience
- from BioMed Central
Research articles only in fulltext....   [more]
Holdings: 2000-
Unrestricted Access


BMC Psychology
- from BioMed Central
Holdings: 2013-
Unrestricted Access


- from Oxford University Press Journals
Holdings: 1878-


Brain and Cognition
Also Known as: Brain & Cognition
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1987-


Brain And Development
Also Known as: Brain & Development
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1993-


Brain and Language
Also Known as: Brain & Language
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1974-


Brain Behavior and Immunity
Also Known as: Brain, Behavior, and Immunity
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1987-


Brain imaging and behavior
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 2007-


Brain Research
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1966-


Brain Research
- from ClinicalKey
Holdings: 2007-05-


Brain Research Bulletin
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1976-


Brain Research Bulletin
- from ClinicalKey
Holdings: 2007-09-


Brain Research Reviews
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1979-2011


Brain Research Reviews
- from ClinicalKey
Holdings: 2007-


Brain stimulation
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 2008-


Brain Stimulation
- from ClinicalKey
Holdings: 2008-


Brain Structure and Function
- from SpringerLINK
Continues Anatomy and Embryology ...   [more]
Holdings: 2007-


Brain topography
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1988-


Brain, Behavior and Evolution
Also Known as: Brain, Behavior & Evolution
- from Karger
Holdings: 1998-2005


Brains, Minds & Media
Holdings: 2005-
Unrestricted Access


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- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 2002-


Clinical neuroscience research
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 2001-


- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1972-


Cognition & Emotion
Also Known as: Cognition and Emotion
- from Taylor & Francis Online
Holdings: 1997-


Cognition and Emotion
- from OCLC FirstSearch ECO
Holdings: 1996-2004


Cognition and Instruction
Also Known as: Cognition & Instruction
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1984-
Moving Wall: 7.00 year moving wall


Cognition and Instruction
- from Taylor & Francis Online
Holdings: 1997-


Cognition, technology and work
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1999-


Cognitive & Behavioral Neurology
- from Ovid Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Extended Archive
Holdings: March 2003 - December 2008


Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology
- from Journals@OVID Full Text
Formerly Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology, and Behavioral Neurology...   [more]
Holdings: 2003-


Cognitive and behavioral neurology
- from Ovid Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Journal Definitive Archive
Holdings: 2003-2003


Cognitive and Behavioral Practice
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1995-


Cognitive Brain Research
- from ScienceDirect
Incorporated into Brain Research...   [more]
Holdings: 1992-2005


Cognitive Development
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1995-


Cognitive Linguistics
- from OCLC FirstSearch ECO
Holdings: 1999-2006


Cognitive Linguistics
- from De Gruyter Journal Collection
Holdings: 2001-


Cognitive Linguistics Bibliography (CogBib)
Also Known as: CogBib,Cog Bib, Cognitive Bibliography
- from De Gruyter Journal Collection
Indexing with abstracts covering linguistic research on the interaction between language and cognition, and language as an instrument for organizing, processing, and conveying information. Topics incl...   [more]


Cognitive neurodynamics
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 2007-


Cognitive Neuropsychology
- from Taylor & Francis Online
Holdings: 2006-
Supplemental URLs
    additional provider - OCLC ECO - back issues only


Cognitive processing
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 2004-


Cognitive Psychology
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1970-


Cognitive systems research
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1999-


Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience
Also Known as: Cognitive Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience
- from Highwire Press
Holdings: 2001-2010


Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 2001-


Communications in Information and Systems
Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Hong Kong...   [more]
Holdings: 2001-
Unrestricted Access


Communications in Information and Systems
- from Project Euclid
Holdings: 2003-


Computational Intelligence
- from Wiley Online Library
Holdings: 1997-


Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
- from PubMed Central
Holdings: 2007-
Unrestricted Access


Computer Assisted Language Learning
- from Taylor & Francis Online
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    Previous Provider OCLC ECO


Computer Vision and Image Understanding
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1995-


Computers in Human Behavior
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1995-


Consciousness and Cognition
Also Known as: Consciousness & Cognition
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1993-


Constructivist Foundations
Constructivist Foundations (CF) is an international peer-reviewed academic e-journal dedicated to constructivist issues raised by philosophy a well as the natural, human, and applied sciences. The jou...   [more]


- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1997-


Current Directions in Psychological Science
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1992-
Moving Wall: 5.00 year moving wall


Current Directions in Psychological Science
- from Sage Publications
Holdings: 1992-


Cybernetics & Human Knowing
- from Ingenta Connect
Holdings: 1998-


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Developmental science
- from Wiley Online Library
Holdings: 1998-


Directory of Open Access Journals
Also Known as: DOAJ
This resource contains information and links to about 1300 journals that are freely available on the web. The Directory is a joint project between SPARC and the Information Program of the Open Society...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


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Early Childhood Education Journal
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


Early Development and Parenting
- from Wiley Online Library
Holdings: 1996-1998


Open access platform for the Linguistic Society of America. ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs


[see all resources in this collection]


Evolution And Human Behavior
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1997-


Evolutionary Anthropology
- from Wiley Online Library
Issues, News, and Reviews...   [more]
Holdings: 1996-


Evolutionary Computation
- from CogNet
Holdings: 1993-


Evolutionary Computation
- from MIT Press journals
Holdings: 1993-


Evolutionary Ecology
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


Evolutionary Intelligence
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 2008-


- from Nature Publishing
Nature Publishing Group (NPG) has been experiencing technical difficulties in the last several weeks. NPG has a new set of servers that are behaving in unexpected ways; the problems range from...   [more]
Holdings: 2002-


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Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision
- from NOW Publishers
Holdings: 2005-


Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
- from PubMed Central
Holdings: 2009-
Unrestricted Access


Frontiers in Evolutionary Neuroscience
- from PubMed Central
Holdings: 2009-
Unrestricted Access


Fuzzy optimization and decision making
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 2002-


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Genes Brain and Behavior
- from Wiley Online Library
Holdings: 2002-


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Highwire Press - American Association for the Advancement of Science
[see all resources in this collection]


Highwire Press - Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
[see all resources in this collection]


Highwire Press - National Academy of Sciences
[see all resources in this collection]


Highwire Press - Society for Neuroscience
[see all resources in this collection]


Human Nature
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


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IEE Proceedings I: Communications Speech and Vision
- from IEEE Xplore
continued by IEE Proceedings: Communications (1994-)...   [more]
Holdings: 1988-1993


IEE Proceedings: Vision Image and Signal Processing
- from IEEE Xplore
Holdings: 1994-2006


IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing
- from IEEE Xplore
Holdings: 2007


IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
- from IEEE Xplore
Holdings: 1997-


IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
- from IEEE Xplore
Holdings: 1990-2011


IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering
- from IEEE Xplore
Holdings: 2001-


Image and Vision Computing
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1995-


- from OCLC FirstSearch ECO
Holdings: 2000-2001


- from Taylor & Francis Online
Holdings: 2007-2009


- from Wiley Online Library
Holdings: 2000-


Infant and Child Development
- from Wiley Online Library
(continues: Early Development & Parenting)...   [more]
Holdings: 1999-


Infant Behavior And Development
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1995-


- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


Information Research
An open access, international, scholarly journal, dedicated to making accessible the results of research across a wide range of information-related disciplines....   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Information retrieval journal
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1999-


Instructional Science
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science
Also Known as: Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-2005
Supplemental URLs
    alternate connection to search page


Interaction Studies
- from Ingenta Connect
Holdings: 2004-2010


International Journal of Computer Vision
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 2006-


International journal of computers for mathematical learning
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


International journal of speech technology
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


International journal on document analysis and recognition
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1998-


Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science
Also Known as: Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science
- from Highwire Press - Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
Holdings: 1999-


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Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
Also Known as: Journal of Alzheimers Disease
- from Metapress - IOS Press
Holdings: 1998-


Journal of Animal Behavior
- from PsycARTICLES
Holdings: 1911-1917


Journal of Attention Disorders
- from Sage Publications
Holdings: 1996-


Journal of Automated Reasoning
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of bioeconomics
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1999-


Journal of Child Language
- from Cambridge Journals
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Cognition and Development
- from Taylor & Francis Online
Holdings: 2000-


Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making
- from Sage Publications
Holdings: 2007-


Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
- from MIT Press journals
Holdings: 1989-


Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
- from CogNet
Holdings: 1989-


Journal of computational neuroscience
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering
- from American Society of Mechanical Engineers Journals
Holdings: 2001-


Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition
- from PsycARTICLES
Holdings: 2014-


Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
Also Known as: Journal of Experimental Psychology
- from PsycARTICLES
APA Journal....   [more]
Holdings: 1916-


Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
Also Known as: Journal of Experimental Psychology
- from PsycARTICLES
APA Journal....   [more]
Holdings: 1975-


Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition
Also Known as: Journal of Experimental Psychology
- from PsycARTICLES
APA Journal....   [more]
Holdings: 1985-


Journal of Information Literacy
International, peer-reviewed journal that aims to investigate Information Literacy (IL) within a wide range of settings--practical, technological or philosophica.JIL is published in electronic format ...   [more]
Unrestricted Access


Journal of Linguistics
- from Cambridge Journals
Holdings: 1994-


Journal of Literacy Research
- from Sage Publications
Holdings: 1999-


Journal of Logic, Language, and Information
Also Known as: Journal of Logic Language and Information
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1992-
Moving Wall: 3.00 year moving wall


Journal of Machine Learning Research
Also Known as: JMLR
- from MIT Press journals
Holdings: 2000-
Unrestricted Access
Supplemental URLs
    Additional Provider CogNet


Journal of Memory and Language
- from ScienceDirect
Formerly known as Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior...   [more]
Holdings: 1985-


Journal of Neural Engineering
- from Institute of Physics
Holdings: 2004-


Journal of neuroimaging
- from Wiley Online Library
Holdings: 2001-


Journal of Neurolinguistics
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1985-


Journal of Neuroscience Psychology and Economics
- from PsycARTICLES
Holdings: 2008-


Journal of Peace Research
- from OCLC FirstSearch ECO
Holdings: 1998-2003


Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences
- from PubMed Central
Holdings: 2010-
Unrestricted Access


Journal of Psycholinguistic Research
- from SpringerLINK
...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Journal of the American Society for Information Science
- from Wiley Online Library
continued by Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology...   [more]
Holdings: 1986-2000


Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology
- from Wiley Online Library
continues Journal of the American Society for Information Science...   [more]
Holdings: 2001-


Journal of the Neurological Sciences
- from ClinicalKey
Holdings: 2007-


Journal of the Optical Society of America (1917-1983)
- from OpticsInfobase
Continued by: Journal of the Optical Society of America A and B...   [more]
Holdings: 1917-1983


Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior
- from ScienceDirect
Continued as Journal of Memory and Language...   [more]
Holdings: 1962-1984


Journal of Voice
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1987-


- from JoVE
[see all resources in this collection]


JoVE Neuroscience
Also Known as: Journal of Visualized Experiments Neuroscience , JOVE
- from JoVE
Holdings: 2010-


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Language Acquisition
- from Taylor & Francis Online
Holdings: 1997-


Language and Cognitive Processes
- from Taylor & Francis Online
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    previously provided by OCLC ECO 1996-2004


Language Learning
- from OCLC FirstSearch ECO
1998-2002...   [more]
Holdings: 1998-2002


Language Learning
- from Wiley Online Library
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    previous provider - OCLC ECO - 1998-2002


Language Learning Journal
- from Taylor & Francis Online
Holdings: 1997-


Learning And Individual Differences
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1989-


Learning and Instruction
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1991-


Learning and Motivation
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1970-


Leonardo On-line
- from MIT Press journals
Holdings: 1999-2010


Linguistics and Philosophy
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


- from Wiley Online Library
Holdings: 2004-


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Machine learning
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


Machine vision and applications
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


Memory Studies
- from Sage Publications
Holdings: 2008-


Metacognition and Learning
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 2006-


Methodology: European Journal of Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
- from PsycARTICLES
Holdings: 2005-


Mind & Society
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 2000-


Mind and Language
- from Wiley Online Library
Holdings: 1997-
Supplemental URLs
    previous provider - OCLC ECO - 1997-2002


Minds and machines
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


Molecular Autism
- from BioMed Central
Holdings: 2010-
Unrestricted Access


Motivation and Emotion
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


Multivariate Behavioral Research
- from Taylor & Francis Online
Holdings: 1997-


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Natural computing
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 2002-


Natural Language & Linguistic Theory
Also Known as: Natural Language and Linguistic Theory
- from SpringerLINK
...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Natural Language & Linguistic Theory
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1983-
Moving Wall: 3.00 year moving wall


Natural Language Semantics
- from SpringerLINK
...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Nature Reviews Neuroscience
- from Nature Publishing
Holdings: 2000-


Network: Computation in Neural Systems
- from Taylor & Francis Online
Holdings: 1997-


Neural Computation
- from Highwire Press
Holdings: 1997-


Neural computing & applications
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


Neural Networks
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1988-


Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1995-


- from Taylor & Francis Online
Holdings: 1997-


- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 2008-


- from Springer Protocols


Neuropsychiatry Neuropsychology & Behavioral Neurology
- from Journals@OVID Full Text
Holdings: 2000-2002


Neuropsychiatry Neuropsychology & Behavioral Neurology
- from Ovid Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Extended Archive
Holdings: Spring 1988 - December 2002


Neuropsychiatry neuropsychology and behavioral neurology
- from Ovid Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Journal Definitive Archive
Holdings: 1988-2002


- from Karger
International Pharmaco-EEG Group (IPEG)...   [more]
Holdings: 1998-


- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1963-


Neuropsychology review
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


- from Ovid Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Journal Definitive Archive
Holdings: 1990-2003


- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1976-


- from ClinicalKey
Holdings: 2007-05-


Neuroscience and behavioral physiology
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1997-


Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
Also Known as: Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1978-


Neuroscience Letters
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1975-


Neuroscience Research
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1984-


Neuroscience Research Supplements
- from ScienceDirect
Incorporated into Neuroscience Research...   [more]
Holdings: 1985-1994


Unrestricted Access


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Open Neuroimaging Journal
- from PubMed Central
Holdings: 2007-
Unrestricted Access


Optical memory & neural networks
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 2007-


Optometry and vision science
- from Ovid Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Journal Definitive Archive
Holdings: 1989-2003


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Pattern Recognition
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1995-


Pattern Recognition Letters
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1995-


PennScience Journal of Undergraduate Research
Also Known as: Penn Science Journal of Undergraduate Research
Holdings: 2008-
Unrestricted Access


- from publisher website
Holdings: 1999-


Personality Disorders: Theory Research and Treatment
- from PsycARTICLES
Holdings: 2009-


Phenomenology and cognitive sciences
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 2002-


Philosophy and Phenomenological Research
- from Wiley Online Library
Holdings: 2001-


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Also Known as: PNAS
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1915-
Moving Wall: 2.00 year moving wall
Supplemental URLs
    Additional Provider PubMed Central 1915-2004


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Also Known as: PNAS
- from Highwire Press - National Academy of Sciences
Holdings: 1915-


Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging
- from ClinicalKey
Holdings: 2007-


- from PsycARTICLES
Holdings: 1917-1918


Psychology Evolution & Gender
- from Taylor & Francis Online
In 2003 this publication was renamed Sexualities, Evolution & Gender. ...   [more]
Holdings: 2000-2002


- from Wiley Online Library
Holdings: 1998-
Supplemental URLs
    Previous provider Cambridge University Press 1998-2002


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Quaderni: Communication, technologies, pouvoir
- from CAIRN Bouquet General
Holdings: 2012-2014


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- from Cambridge Journals
Holdings: 2000-


Research Evaluation
- from Oxford University Press Journals
Holdings: 1996-


Research on Language and Computation
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 2003-


Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience
- from Metapress - IOS Press
Holdings: 1989-
Supplemental URLs
    FirstSearch ECO 1998-


Review of Research in Visual and Environmental Education
- from JSTOR
Continued by Review of Research in Visual Arts Education...   [more]
Holdings: 1973-1974


Review of Research in Visual Arts Education
- from JSTOR
Continued by Visual Arts Research...   [more]
Holdings: 1975-1982


Revue Informatique et Statistique dans les Sciences Humaines
Also Known as: RISSH
Unrestricted Access


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- from Sage Publications
Holdings: 2011-


Also Known as: Science Magazine
- from Highwire Press - American Association for the Advancement of Science
Selected papers from Science show up sooner in Science Express. Free access to Science Express papers is available to individual AAAS members, but not to institutional subsc...   [more]
Holdings: 1997-


Sexualities Evolution & Gender
- from Taylor & Francis Online
continues Psychology, Evolution & Gender. ...   [more]
Holdings: 2003-2005


- from PubMed Central
Holdings: June 2007-


Social Cognition
- from Guilford Publications
Holdings: 2001-


Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
Also Known as: SCAN
- from Oxford University Press Journals
Holdings: 2006-


Social Science Information Studies
- from ScienceDirect
Continued as International Journal of Information Management...   [more]
Holdings: 1980-1985


Spatial Cognition and Computation
Also Known as: Spatial Cognition & Computation
- from Taylor & Francis Online
Holdings: 2003-


Spatial Cognition and Computation
Also Known as: Spatial Cognition and Computation: Interdisciplinary Journal
Holdings: 2003-


Studies in Second Language Acquisition
- from Cambridge Journals
Holdings: 1995-


Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- from Morgan Claypool Synthesis Digital Library of Engineering and Computer Science
Holdings: Selected content only


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

- from OCLC FirstSearch ECO
Holdings: 2001-2006


Topics in Cognitive Science
- from Wiley Online Library
Holdings: 2009-


Topics in language disorders
- from Ovid Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Journal Definitive Archive
Holdings: 1980-2003


Topics in Language Disorders
- from Journals@OVID Full Text
Holdings: 2001-


Trends In Cognitive Sciences
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1997-


Trends in Cognitive Sciences
- from ClinicalKey
Holdings: 2007-


Trends in Neurosciences
- from ClinicalKey
Holdings: 2007-


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Virtual Reality
- from SpringerLINK
Holdings: 1998-


Vision Research
- from ScienceDirect
Holdings: 1961-


Visual Arts Research
- from JSTOR
Holdings: 1982-


Visual Cognition
- from Taylor & Francis Online
Holdings: 2005-2007
Supplemental URLs
    Previous Provider OCLC ECO


Visual Neuroscience
- from Cambridge Journals
Holdings: 1995-


Related Cognitive Sciences & Information Sciences E-Journals


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Computational culture a journal of software studies
Unrestricted Access


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Also Known as: Hein Online
Legal research database containing fulltext documents (PDF) organized into collections including: Legal Classics, Law Journal Library, U.S. Supreme Court Library, U.S. Federal Legislative History Libr...   [see all resources in this collection]
Supplemental URLs
    Hein Core U. S. Law Journals
